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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Cmon now with all your generalizations.. Not all girls in Russia are blonde and thin LMAO.. If that was true, ALL the male population of the world would be living over there.. If I remember correctly, there are just as many Russian brunettes and redheads and everything else.. You're talking about MILLIONS of ppl, how can you even try to say that they are all blonde and thin LMAO.. That argument will not fly with anyone who has even 1/2 of a braincell.. And as far as Brooklyn girls and them caring about what car the guy drives, yeah there are A LOT of those.. BUT there are just as many guys who are the biggest ASSHOLES and think they are god's gift to this planet because they drive a beemer or a merc and will only date girls based on things that are just as shallow as the girls who choose their men by the car they drive.. So I dunno why you even bother stereotyping like this..
  2. Hun, I'm with you on this one, but we seem to be in the minority.. It bothers me a lot but I got nothing to feel bad about coz I know that I'm not like that.. So don't even get offended coz people just don't know any better..
  3. <--- Russian girlie ova here And yes, we rule LOL..
  4. "The EAU".. Where is this place? Just curious.. And that track is awesome, sounds very familiar too but I don't know the name.. I'll ask around coz now I wanna know for myself
  5. Where's the love, huh Andy????? Where is it?????????? I make like 2 posts and you're already telling me to go away?? I see how you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And when was the time of need for CP? I kinda lost track of when and why I stopped posting here.. Honestly can't remember........ Now, play nice PS: don't make me bring lola back here and start posting back in forth in russian with her.. that's going waaaaaaaaaaaay back now..
  6. Aaaaaaah, I'll never be forgiven for that one, huh? Once again, I"M SOWWWWWWWWWWY.. It's so damn dark in there.. I couldn't recognize my own Mom in there.. Plus when was the last time I've seen you at SF? I know, excuses excuses.. My bad sweetie.. Now get over it LOL..
  7. I was just saying the same thing to Al!!!!!!! I can't take it anymore I was listening to his live sets 1/2 of the day today.. @ the O is awesome, the whole 192 minutes of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How you been Rob?
  8. Whoa.. Thanx Al for giving me the link to here.. I already forgot that this board existed...... I had trouble remembering my password but finally it worked :) Ooooooooooh boy lets see..... Where were we and why did we leave in the first place? I'm confused LOL.. Neva mind ppl, I'm rambling.. I see a few familiar names though.. I might have even met some of you
  9. Thank you Greatly appreicated.. They should've played Danny's remix of I Fell Loved at the concert!!!!
  10. D is the bomb!!!! How can you bash her? I got your back girlie
  11. Ok ppl I'm gonna take a stab in the dark.. I hate choosing places at random and it's unbelievable that none of us know anything in that area!!! But whatever.. I found this, sounds nice and it's close.. http://newyork.citysearch.com/profile/11359733/ Catwalk 2 W 35th St. (5th Ave) New York, NY 10001 I don't think it's too far but lemme know if you think it is guys I'm thinking of getting there around 6-6:30 so I hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anything, email me mysteriousss@excite.com or PM Who's psyched for DM???????????????? Did you know they were on Letterman last night? I just found out this morning and flipped out coz I had no idea
  12. Ugh I hate beer! There's gotta be a million bars in midtown Someone suggest something?
  13. How about the place Sneha suggested? How about Gingerman's? Its really close to MSG...34th between 5th and 6th I think... I think around 6-6:30 is good? What do you guys think? I've never been there but I hope it's nice!!!
  14. Def.. Nobody is cracked out at closing.. Everyone is sober and dancing and singing.. Mostly all the regulars are there and it's fun coz everyone knows everything JP plays right away.. And Jonathan likes to give treats - classics that everyone loves The last few weeks I got to hear Never Knew, Corrupt, 6812, sun is shining.. Forgot a lot of others but those were the highlights Man, is it Sat night yet?
  15. I do sound like a commercial for SF/JP right? But so do all the other ppl who are addicted Whatcha gonna do, when you love it you can't stop talking about! And I hope you guys are going this week coz I'm going after the DM concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be one HAPPY girl this Sat/Sun
  16. I was gonna say the same thing.. It'll DEF change your ways of clubbing (if you like it of course) but for the BETTER!!! Once you're hooked, you can't live without it
  17. Pete, how funny is this? I read this after we talked about going for drinks before hand.. LINA you're a genius and once again read my mind I CANNOOOOOT FUCKING WAIT anymore! I hope to see all of you before the concert!!!!!!
  18. Ha! I told you sooo!!!!! Isn't it just amazing? I wasn't there this weekend though I agree, the best part is when everyone is on the dancefloor singing along and going nuts And I like how he lets the crowd down gently with a slower song rather than stopping abruptly after crazy beats.. It's hard to stay that late/early if you didn't get enough rest before going.. But honestly, a few hours of sleep and you won't even need any Red Bulls, let alone anything else to keep you awake and dancing! When are you going again? I'm going this weekend so I hope you're going too so we can finally meet up
  19. Stop it stop it stop it... The evil voices in my head singing jonathan peters at the soundfactory They make me to go SF all the time and I LOVE IT! But that little tune is getting annoying! Although I loved what he did with it at closing last week.. Saturday night at the Soundfactory with Jonathan Petersssssssssssss... Or something like that LOL..
  20. I hope you are not talking about my post.. Because it's NOT a signature but rather an ARTICLE about Phazon.. Ppl don't even bother reading anything anymore..
  21. Actually, someone I know just dug up this article with and Phazon is NOT a sound system.. The way I understand it it's the name of the company that installs and works on these systems. But it's NOT a brand name for equipment. I thought it was its own brand but it's not. They use all the regular equipment.. -------------------------------------- copied from "Club Systems International" magazine... The Midas Touch The mere mention of master installer Steve Dash's name is enough to make a new club the world's latest hotspot. But for all his mysteriousness, one of the modern clubbing's most valuable players is down-to-earth and modest. BY Hank Russell To many in the club community, Steve Dash is something of a deity when it comes to sound installations. He rebuffs such lofty praise, saying he's just doing his job. Together, he and partner Phil Smith formed Phazon, which operates out of famed New York City nightclub Twilo. There, he develops and tests all of his equipment before it goes into any other club. His installation roster includes clubs like Fabric in London, Sound Factory in New York, Guvernment in Toronto and Crobar in Miami. Club Systems International was able to talk to this very busy man about his quarter-century career in the business. I spoke with DJ Angel Moraes, and he said you're kind of like a god. [laughs] I've been doing it for so long...you do something long enough, you get pretty good at it, I guess. I keep up with the technology; I get all the information tied in with the technology as it changes - hardware as well as software, and that helps. We just try to do a really good job for everybody. We don't necessarily use the most expensive equipment you can buy, but what we do use we feel is very reliable and sounds really good for the price. What products do you use? We use Crown, JBL, Rane, KT, BSS; we use some QSC and EAW. For most of the speaker cabinets we build, we use all JBL components. JBL builds some cabinets for us as well. We've been using old Urei 1620 mixers, which we've been rebuilding because they sound the best, and we add a crossfader to them - that keeps people happy. We're coming out with a brand new mixer - we're maybe 4-6 months away - which will be a pretty nice, very substantial piece. Everybody's sort of waiting for it. We stick with the Ureis and rebuild them, but this new one should be quite substantial, we're hoping. And we also make a lot of our own processing equipment. When you design a sound system, do you plan it out mentally where the amps should go or do you consult with the club owners first? Well, obviously consult with the owner, and where the amps go doesn't really bother me, as long as it's environmentally safe, in other words, it's not a hot box. There has to be an environmentally decent place to put them, otherwise you're going to spend a whole lot of money and have a whole lot of trouble. So we advise [owners] to make sure that there's plenty of ventilation, air conditioning, fans or air movement of some sort and proper electrical services to make sure the amplifiers are getting what they need. As far as the DJ booth, we always advise as to where it should go, but that is usually a client's decision. We'll advise, but we'll put it where they want it. As far as the dancefloor system is concerned, we do all that. "How's our dancefloor?" is what they say and we take it from there. We use software to calculate what we need, and prior experience. But the software absolutely helps a lot. We definitely go with that and then we make changes from prior experience. And if the room is acoustically poor - I mean really poor - and needs some type of treatment, we advise them to do that and if they don't do it, we probably would not get involved. We've done rooms that were racquetball clubs [laughs] and you know the echo. You can't put a sound system in there, so it has to be treated and if they refuse to treat it, we walk away. You can spend gobs of money and it's not going to do you any good, so that's where we stand our ground. We need to have not a perfect room, but it needs to be acceptable. Overall, how would you describe your relationships with the owners and the DJs? Have they ever complained to you about sound quality or placement? No, not at all. I mean, like any other sound company that does a job, there's always a budget. You're always going to get somebody complaining about something. We try to provide the best we can and that's as good as you can get. If the man doesn't have enough money to make what the DJ would consider optimal, then he doesn't do it. People will walk in and say "Hey this isn't this and this isn't that," but the bottom line is, maybe the client didn't have the funds. We basically make sure we have a decent budget to work with; under a certain number, we don't get involved because we can't do anything. Equipment today is ungodly expensive; very, very expensive. Under a certain budget, we just say, "You need to call somebody else." Right now, we're building digital monitor systems for the DJ booths and they're very expensive. They're awesome and we sell a lot of them, but not everybody buys them because they're very expensive. We put one here at Twilo in our new booth and everybody loves it. It's pretty much like buying a mini-sound system for a small club. I mean, it's pretty substantial and it's only two speakers, but they're unbelievable. But they are pricey and not everyone can afford them, so we'll wind up using standard monitors, which are actually very good, but we keep upgrading and we offer all this stuff to our clients. We are Twilo. Our sound company is Phazon, but we are here at Twilo. Whatever we sell, we use. We never use anything unless it's been in this club or at least six months. Twilo's a great club and it's got, in my opinion, a very good sound system. People say that's the best they've ever heard, but I don't know. I don't go out, but that's what people say about it and I built it and it's good. It's very good. It's kind of like our proving ground. We test everything here. We add different things, we change the software, we change the hardware, we change the speakers when something new comes out. We try it and it's helped us. You need something like this. You can't always go by a laboratory test because that's usually under perfect conditions and you have to have a place that's gonna beat the shit out of everything, and then see what happens, and that's what this place is. But all the DJs, I must admit, they enjoy playing here and they respect the equipment; they treat it right and it does deliver what they want. We've had good luck with it. The only other thing you can say about any of these sound systems anywhere is that the man behind the control - the DJ - can make it or break it. If he operates it the way it should be operated, it's going to sound good. If he operates it the way it shouldn't be operated, it's not going to sound good. How many installs do you do a year? It's been quite busy. We used to do maybe one or two, then it became like four or five, and I think it's gonna be four or five for this year as well. So we don't do hundreds. Some guys do 30 or 40; we don't do that. We do four or five maybe and that's a lot for us. I tell clients it takes us between six and 10 weeks to build everything, test it and then re-pack it. I mean, a lot of our work is overseas, so you have to pack it a certain way. It's got to be on crates, it's good to be well packed, it's got to be labeled properly, so it does take a lot of time. Have you encountered any city ordinances or regulations that have made your job difficult? Usually, the owner takes care of problems like that. It's our job to make [the system] happen; it's their job to contain it. The bottom line is you can always turn it down. If you can't contain it and people are freaking out on you, you can turn it down: We can go in there and EQ it at a lower, adjust it until there's less power and so on and so forth. We don't like to do that because, basically, the power we do provide is adequate for the space. We're not going to give you a Crown 5000 and put it on your tweeters [laughs]. It's been done [more laughs]. We're not gonna do that, but, you know, a lot of people will do that. We give you enough power to make it substantial and make it work really well and sound good and kick and that's it. But, then again, if there's is an ordinance or if they're too loud, then it has to be dealt with and we try not to get involved with that. That's not what we do. If you weren't doing this, what would you be doing? Good question. I'd probably be retired [laughs]. I'd probably work for a toy company, making all electronic toys. I don't know, it's hard to say. I never really thought about it. Maybe I'd open up a little hi-fi store or something. How do you define a good sound system and how do you define a bad one? Well, that's kind of a personal thing, you know? I like a place where, when I walk in, it's kicking pretty good but my ears aren't killing me, it's played at the proper volume and when it's packed, obviously it's very loud but it's comfortable. To me, that's a good system. When you get those horns blowing your brains out - and they can do that - that, to me, is not good. There's something wrong where there's not enough cover drivers in the place to make it happen but, normally, it's just something wrong. It shouldn't be like that. It should be comfortable, in my opinion. Good, strong, heavy, good bass, but comfortable. But sound - what's good and what's bad - is pretty personal to people. You buy a stereo for your house, obviously you're gonna buy what you like. Maybe the guy next door doesn't like the one you've got [laughs]. With a nightclub, you're dealing with a tremendous amount of power. It's got to be controlled and controlled properly. Otherwise, it's gonna hurt. What's your secret? Why do you think a lot of people think the sound systems you design are probably the best? I don't know [laughs]. I don't want to say I'm weird, but basically what we do is create - which is not always easy - a high-fidelity sound in a large environment, and we try to make the entire audio spectrum pretty smooth, as opposed to screaming horns where your ears are ringing and you have to run our of the place. We try to keep things in order, try to make it as much of a hi-fi sound as we can, and that's difficult because, first of all, you are not playing [the newest stuff] . You're playing vinyl, 16-bit CDs, a lot of stuff that people made at home, or sometimes guys come in with worn-out records, worn-out acetates and CDs that weren't properly made. You've got to deal with that kind of stuff. That's part of the industry; you've got to take the good with the bad. So you try to compensate with the technology, try to make it sound as good as you can, no matter what you play, and that's tough, but I think that's what we strive for.
  22. Haha.. You KNOW you LOVE Jonathan! You know it LMAOOOO.. I can't wait anymore!!!!!!!! Did you memorize all the lyrics from Exciter yet? Oh man that's gonna be one HAPPY weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait! 2 concerts baby.. Are you ready?
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