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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Noo.. He just fucked with it a lot Not sure which mix but I'm sure he didn't do one..
  2. Rick!!! Finally you make it to NYC and don't even say hi? This is how it is huh LMAO.. jk I did leave too early from Vinyl but I had no idea it was gonna be so packed because it was just a regular night.. Oh well I still had a good time, music was awesome right? And you didn't like the music at SF? Wow.. I'm surprised but then again I can only speak for myself when I say I FUCKING LOVED IT And the slower stuff is just Jonathan's way of letting us down easy instead of stopping abruptly with a really hard track. Oh well anyway, hope you make it back to NYC some time soon!!!!! And virtual *hugz* will have to do for now So *hugzzzzz*
  3. Hehe.. It's funny but at exactly 9am the music always gets better Seriously, the first great song came on at exactly 9 and it was AWESOME all the way till the end! I wasn't really feeling what he was playing before 9 but we only got there at 8 so it didn't get a chance to get on my nerves yet
  4. lina - HAHA.. You're hooked My mission has been completed LMAO!!!!! dale - no need to be cracked out i was sober all night, not even a puff or a drink or even a red bull.. been going sober for the longest time and trust me, it's even more FUN yanna - I totally lost it when faithless came on.. OMG, I'm still smiling Jonathan was definitely in a great mood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you guys were all there to witness what SF is really all about How beautiful was closing? Damn I'm in love
  5. Hi everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend like me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday - Vinyl.. Music - incredible but daamn was it hot there or was it me? I thought I was gonna die in there with all these people and almost no AC.. I really didn't wanna leave so early (6:30) but I couldn't take it anymore.. That place is not big enough for so many people.. But again, Danny is def the man coz it was insane!!!!! Saturday - OMG.. Those SF heads who didn't go last night MISSED OUT!!! Honestly guys, one of the BEST nights I ever had at SF. At NO point during the night did I NOT like the music! It was just incredible.. Got there at 7:30 or 8 or so and stayed till closing (2:30 or 3?). The most incredible music all night! Couldn't stop dancing all night and must have had the biggest smile on my face all night! Highlights of the night - FAITHLESS (OMG I didn't think it was possible to make the song any hotter than it already is but JP proved me wrong!!!!!), Sun is shining is always a happy one, Finally, 6 8 12 w/something else, and lots and lots more.. Overall, incredible time!!! Thanks to Arthur, Lina, Charles, Yanna, and Taijel (sorry hun but I have NO clue how to spell your name).. I hope you had as much fun as I did!!! My face hurts from smiling so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY doesn't even describe it all [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 06-18-2001).]
  6. Same here I JUMP out of bed at 5-6am coz I'm too excited about going!
  7. Hahahahah! You KNOW that will make my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pete rulez Can I make a couple of requests????????????? Iiiiiiiiiiiiii feel loved
  8. I'll try to make it! Haven't seen most of you guys in the longest time.. The spot definitely sounds really good, especially the fact that we can have our own DJ's!!!! Awesome
  9. Million hugs for all 3 of you (especially lil Jordan, sorry but I have a favorite).. I hope all goes well with your Dad's treatment.. Love, Zoya.
  10. This is so wierd! EVERYONE was telling me how funny and great it was. So we went to see it and the whole time me and my friend were looking at each other saying wtf is this? I dunno what happened but neither of us liked it at all.. It wasn't BAD but it wasn't nearly as good as people made it out to be... Don't mean to ruin it for other ppl, obviously others LOVE it but I'm just wondering wtf I missed??????? Strange shit I tell ya....
  11. I'll be there! Don't know when/where LMAO but I'll be there for sure
  12. Should've just called me and sat in my car LMAO.. Seriously, you are crackos LMAOOOO I took a pill once before getting into the club and ended up standing on line when it hit me.. Oh shit that was the worst.. Nothing worse than trying to stand in one spot outside when the shit starts to get to ya.....
  13. starcapone - what's wrong with going to a polish/russian club if you are polish/russian.. And to answer the question Polish - Europa - manhattan ave & merisole (sp?) street.. I used to like it a lot about 5 years ago Russian - tooo many LOL.. Heaven, Pyramid, etc etc... Don't go to many so I've only been to those 2
  14. Threatening to hurt someone and actually doing it are two very different things.. But if a guy ever threatens you, get the fuck away coz you don't wanna take that chance of seeing whether he's capable of violence or not..
  15. Yeah def.. Don't get me wrong, all the physical stuff is great but if you are not satisfied emotionally, nothing else will make up for it......
  16. Ohhhh you'll be surprised.. Trust me, bitches get what they want Much more than nice girls..
  17. Wow.. Your sense of humor is amazing! You should be a comedian I swear..
  18. Yeah but I wanted to see for sure See, someone knew what it meant too (thanx petp ) I love the way Greek language sounds too... It's really cool, I wish I knew it..
  19. Hehe.. I think it's from Saturday night to Sunday morning to Sunday afternoon LOOOVE IT
  20. I'm definitely gonna be there on the 16th! So if you need a tourguide or just someone to hang out with, I'll be there!!!!!!!! And don't be scared, just don't be closed minded because it's definitely different from any other club in NYC At least I think so
  21. Hi sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooooh yeah!!! I didn't expect you to like it as much as you did, but I'm so glad you had fun!!!!!!! And next time you come to NYC, definitely reserve Sun morning for SF Miss ya too hun! Hope everything is good in CA.. *hugz & kissez*
  22. If you dont' know what it means, how can you be so sure about it?
  23. a) took your last pill - 4 months ago? was in love - it's been toooo long.. no good men left out there.. c) did a good dead - try to do them all the time.. not sure if they all qualify as good deed LOL d) lost yourself in the music - last Sun afternoon at SF during Never Knew and Corrupt e) was in a K hole - not sure.. Either never or that time at SF's anniversary party.. Not sure if it was actually a khole LMAO.. f) Went to Twilo - last PVD in april.. g) went off glowsticks - hate those things
  24. I'm being serious! Why aren't ppl taking this post seriously.. Has nothign to do with Mugwump or whatever..
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