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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Haha.. "like" a chick???? Surprise, she is We are just being women that's all LOL.. Shouldn't be surprised when you hear this Frankie
  2. Oh god D don't even get me started LMAO.. My life is such a mess and getting messier and messier with every single day Pretty much every aspect of my life is fucked up in one way or another and I don't see the end of this bullshit.. Someone plz hand me a gun coz other than the weather being beautiful there's nothing to look forward to...
  3. Sorry sweetie but I gotta agree with others.. She's confused about her feelings, the old bf who she's been with for years and this new guy who she's interested in but doesn't know if he's worth giving up the old bf.... Let her figure shit out on her own.. Right now she's obviously between both of you and both of you are willing to take her back.. I feel bad for the girl too because she seems very confused (or maybe I'm being naive and she's just a manipulative bitch).. So tell her that you're not willing to play this game of who she'll be with this week or next week.. If she goes back to her old bf, don't be upset because it's better this way than her going back to him after you guys are a couple and you're in love with her.. Good luck hun..
  4. Nope never chase.. They come on their own
  5. Y Linki on volosatiy???? Fuuuuuu.. Def need a trip to Brazil LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..
  6. Hehe.. You're bad, always have something to complain about LOL.. I know I shouldn't be talkign at all LMAO.. How are ya girlie..
  7. Yeah, definitely refreshing to see such friendliness and respect instead of rivalry.. Although they are very different in their styles but I love them both Danny's attitude is just the best!
  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. I haven't heard of any special events going on next weekend, but even if there is one, it probably won't be $60.. The most I've seen for an event was $45 (not counting New Years...) So I seriously doubt it'll be over $40.. Where'd you hear this anyway?
  9. Yes, you are right Rob.... I agree with everything you say in each one of your posts.. LMAOOOOOO Arguments are good as long as ppl can be polite about it and not get all nasty and mean..
  10. Me and you both.. I was expecting another heated pointless long post about who likes which club better LOL.. But it all turns out well when people are not negative! I think the reason why ppl are responding so positively is because they saw a couple of "SF-bashers" actually say something good about it.. And it made them think that maybe they ARE missing something or criticizing something too much.. I bet if glowsticks and the other Twilo ppl who were there posted an SF sucks thread like so many Twilo ppl did before after going, they'd get about 200 responses saying all the shit about it.. I'm glad ppl had a good time and finally are able to see why some ppl are so hooked on that place LMAO.. But whatever, as long as people are not nasty about it all I hope next time you ppl go it's just as awesome as it was this weekend although JP does tend to go to extremes with awesome music or just really bad shit I still love him though HAHA..
  11. Oh wow.. With all the trash you talk about the place I'm surprised to see this.. But I'll be more than happy to see your smiling face on the dancefloor
  12. Hi Hugh!!!!!!!! Miss you too hun
  13. Hehe.. Next time you go if you wanna meet up lemme know I'll send you a pic and hopefully you'll recognize me then.. And I do have a huge blank on what you look like BTW, that mix from the link was goooood
  14. Uhhmm.. Which is Bryant park? I'm clueless.. I took a long lunch today so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get away for a while tomorrow.. But I'll try
  15. Hun.. This is exactly what I think on this whole subject.. I go to Twilo, I like the place a LOT but it's just a whole different world at SF.. They are too different IMO to compare but I guess it all depends on the person.. It's wierd but with SF, people either LOVE it or HATE it.. Either you're hooked on it or bash it and talk trash about it.. Sat night is exactly why I love SF.. When it's at its best, it's UNBELIEVABLE and nothing else can compare to it!!!!!! The crowd was great, the music was insane the whole time, and it was all just beautiful I'm glad you had a good time after your break.. That must have been a good reminder of why you love SF so much
  16. Napster here we go LOL.. I'm downloading it asap!!!
  17. Oh so it's not in stores yet...... Sucks Lucie, when's your concert? I'll still have time to memorize all the lyrics, it only takes 2-3 times of listening to a song for me to memorize the lyrics..
  18. I heard a lot about this on TV and as always, 1/2 of the people say that it's WONDERFUL, the other 1/2 say it's not healthy and all that.. Personally, I think that eliminating ANYTHING is a bad move.. IMO, do it the old fashioned way.. Work out and CUT the intake of everything, not just 1 or 2 things..
  19. *bump* for Lucie LOL.. I never got to a music store this weekend but guys, is the CD on sale already?????????? Or did you download it? There are some samples on their site I know that but not sure about the CD itself..
  20. I have no idea but ppl posted here that they got the new CD already..... I'm not sure what the exact date of the release is but I assume it's already in the store if people have it????? I'll have to stop by and see..... I'll make you a copy if I get it in time before Rachel sends you the package..
  21. I'm so sorry hun What about the party you went to in Vienna? Just go to parties with known DJ's in big cities and big clubs.. The smaller parties are not worth it if they have bad crowd and bad music and all that crap... Btw, I'm KICKING MYSELF IN THE ASS for leaving SF early.. I just read on JP's site that Danny was at SF and he gave his new DM remix to JP and he ripped it.. I can't believe I fucking left early..... Happens time and time again. Never fails LOL.. As soon as I leave he plays DM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm mad Btw, I got tickets to the NY and Philly concerts and gonna get the CD today
  22. Lucie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your new SF music is coming LOL.. I'll give it to Rachel within a couple of days and she'll send it out! I made 4 cd's for you Maybe I'll get the man to make you a few trance CD's too! SF was AWESOME this Saturday but I couldn't stay too late Saw Lou for a second but he didn't see me in the crowd so I didn't get to talk to him.. How was that party you told me about???
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