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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Some girls are control freaks.. I've known a few like that where my friends couldnt' go anywhere without them bitching or calling them every 5 minutes.. It's pathetic but if he's staying with her, it's his own goddamn fault.. Until he realizes that the relationship is not healthy, he's pretty much fucked.. And so are you.. Some girls are really good at putting a leash on a guy and some guys are too soft to tell the bitch to fuck off LOL.. I've seen it happen plenty of times to the best guys.. Hopefully he'll wake up sooner rather than later.. But don't badmouth her in front of him coz it'll only ruin your friendship..
  2. LOL.. kitty, I'm at Twilo once in a while.. More at SF of course But I'm sure we'll meet one of these days.. I always go to meetups so if you show up, ask someone and they'll point me out Or next time at PVD.. A lot of ppl said that they were pleasantly surprised by his set.. Hopefully you will be too!
  3. kitty, trust me, PVD was harder than ever definitely no complaints in that department! and a few soft vocals were awesome too!
  4. Good news Honestly, I thought that ACME was the worst place of all the places we went to.. It was kinda small and narrow.. Didn't like the place at all.. Apple was much better so I'm happy to hear this Can't wait to see you all.. Casey - sorry I didn't reply earlier so add me to the list
  5. PVD was awesome! To all the ppl who say he's cheese - YOU"RE SOOOO WRONG.. He did an awesome job and everyone was really impressed by his set! The crowd was not the worst I've seen.. Cleared out a LOT by 6 or so.. So unless you were in the middle of the dance floor, there was room to dance.. Bouncers were being dicks as always.. Too bad I had to get out a little early, coz he was simply amazing!!!! Good seeing those of you who came!
  6. We don't bite At least most of the ppl don't LOL.. Just make sure you find A person from the board at that place and from then on it'll be easy.. Ppl will introduce you to everybody and trust me, people are friendly So don't be a stranger and you'll have a blast!
  7. Whats' wrong? You can't handle it? Too much sexual content for you little boy? I'm sorry, I didn't know this board was PG-13.. I'll try to control myself next time LMAO.. What a loser.....
  8. Haha.. My sister works a block away from that place and we went there a LOT.. REALLY yummy stuff OK PPL YOU ARE KILLING ME... Sushi for lunch tomorrow for sure
  9. I saw them grab a bunch of ppl at once, 4-5 at a time and push them towards the back of the club... It was impossible for them to see anything coz they'd just came up there and those ppl were just sitting down and chilling, not doing anything out in the open.. I wasn't sure what happened, but it was probably the same thing you're talking about.. That's messed up.. They don't have any right to check your pockets without a good reason, but I guess Twilo bouncers think the laws don't apply to them.. Sucks for us
  10. Hehe.. I agree Unbelievable night.. He shocked me AGAIN with his ever-changing style.. He did really well, nice and hard, just the way I like it LOL..
  11. Kerry!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I can't believe you never had sushi before???????????????? Next time you come to Brooklyn, I'm taking you to one of my favorite Japanese restaurants and we're eating a LOT of sushi and a TON of fried ice cream I absolutely LOVE sushi, crave it all the time LOL.. Yummmmm now you got me all hungry
  12. That's not what being a rap star is all about.. Their image is to be these bad-ass thugs with lots of money and ho's around, not family men with children who sit at home watching Disney movies.. It's all about the image.....
  13. I see the bigboy's point about violent neighborhoods, but if everyone has a gun, will it solve any problems? I understand that by walking around unarmed, you have absolutely no chance of protecting yourself if something happens. But it's a vicious circle.. People carry guns to protect themselves, and it ends up being that every person has a gun. And when provoked, everyone uses it.. And then we have these violent neighborhoods.. This is definitely a serious problem in our society that has no easy solution... My whole point was that any celebrity with $ will not go to jail unless it's very serious..
  14. I'm just 99% sure that I"m going.. I'm tired so we'll see how I feel towards the end of the day.. And I still wanna go tomorrow.. How the hell am I gonna handle it?
  15. Bad ppl exist in every country.. Evil ppl exist in every country.. That does not mean that you need to put down the whole nation because the 1+ billion of ppl in Russia are NOT responsible for what their leaders do. They suffer just as much from their hands and if you look back into history, you will realize that Russian leaders have always treated their OWN ppl much worse than any others.. And this is a sad fact.. Leaders in every country abuse their power, and very rarely does a country have a really "good" leader who is only looking out for their own country. Most ppl who come to that kind of power are not there to do any good. They are there for personal reasons - greed, power, money, etc etc.. I totally understand how Romania as a country resents Russia (just like Poland, Czech, Bulgaria and a lot of other places), but it does not have to be reflected on a personal level when it comes to 2 ppl who have NOTHING to do with what the leaders of their country did/do.. I hope you understand what I'm saying to you.. I don't blame you for being proud of your heritage, I'm just as proud to be Russian, but there is no need to take out these "global" issues on the next Russian person you bump into... It's on a much higher and deeper level than you, me or any other single person can ever imagine..
  16. Nationalism is just as bad as racism.. Ppl don't CHOOSE to be born of a certain nationality or race.. It's STUPID (i'll repeat it again since you dont' get it) to hate them for it! Unless it's something THEY did, how can you blame them for other ppl's actions (even if they are from the same country???????).. Think about this you moron...
  17. Linka, not at all.. I know pretty much everyone you know.. I'm not sure if you know the icher guy though.. Other than that we're pretty much even.. PS: IM me if you can? [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 04-13-2001).]
  18. We hate you too! Fucking romanians LOL.. Puhhlez boy.. Chill out.. You might hate russians, personally I don't give a shit coz you don't know me or any of the other people here.... But it's like Jews hating Germans for what the PREVIOUS generation did.. Don't you think it's STUPID?
  19. Ok I'll call and drag him out.. I'm going tomorrow too so no excuses LOL.. See ya laterzzzzz
  20. I know.. I'm getting a luxury ride to Twilo.. Shiiiit, better than any limos! Lina drive? Uhhmm.. NOOOOOOOOO We wanna get there in 1 piece right?
  21. OH SHIT.. That's you?? I'm such an idiot I didn't put 2 and 2 together.. DUH.. You're going tonight right? What about James?
  22. Hehe.. we'll see about that!!!! Sorry girlie, what's your name again.. I'm drawing a blank here.......
  23. icher - that's exactly the type of ppl I was referring to arthur - if they are like YOU I'm definitely not going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god forbid i associate with ppl like you.. And your gf is even worse!! LMAO.. love ya guys reverie - are you going tonight? sorry i was too lazy to read the whole thing to find out
  24. I hope to meet you guys (icher and reverie).. You both seem really cool
  25. Are they idiots or actually nice ppl?
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