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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Paris will let a girl who's wearing jeans as long as they look NICE, not baggy or ripped.. For guys, I've NEVER seen her let a guy in wearing jeans unless he knew someone at the door.. It's virtually impossible and if you did get in wearing jeans and Paris didn't say anything, you were lucky coz she probably didn't notice If you come after 6 when she's gone, people will have an easier time with the dress code since the guys who do the door don't care much unless again you're wearing jeans. For guys, I doubt they'll let you in. For girls, they will.. Sneakers are a whole different story. Girls almost never have a problem getting in wearing sneakers. I never do coz if I wear sneakers, I'll have to wear jeans or pants that are not exactly dressy. I only wear sneakers to places where there is no dress code. All the people who do wear jeans and sneakers are regulars who know all the people at the door and have no problem getting in no matter what they wear. There is a LARGE amount of regulars at SF every weekend but they usually start showing up after 5 or 6.. So don't be surprised when you see some people dressed a little down. And honestly, I saw MOST of the people dressed up on Saturday. Still the majority of the crowd is dressed nice!
  2. Running to the mall right now! OOooh I can't wait
  3. Oh shit you just dug your own grave sweetie LOL.. I know you're a big SF fan so you know exactly what I'll be asking for HAHAHA Thanks sweetie I usually don't know what to ask for anyway so...
  4. 1 - I called you at 7:30 from my house and left a message on your cell.. You never called me back and I went to sleep 2 - oooh kinky.. LMAO 3, 4 - awesome You guys rock! 5 - Hmmmmmmmmm... I got you tickets for the Wednesday night in NYC...... Am I confused? I got 4 tix for NY (you, linka, pete and me) and 4 tix for Philly (so far only 2 or 3 ppl, not sure).. I could only get 4 tickets at a time so ............. I'm confused.... I'll need to talk to you guys about this....
  5. I placed an order with one company, it went out of business.. I placed an order with another company.. They contract another company to wire people's houses.. They came in and did the outside wiring.. Made an appointment for inside wiring.. Then I get an e-mail saying that this contracting company went out of business (northpoint i think?) and they hired verizon to get all the wiring done.. that means that i needed to have the outside wiring redone since they use different lines.. 3 weeks later I get an e-mail saying that my order was cancelled since verizon doesn't service my area.. And DSL is def better than cable coz you don't share it with other ppl I'm greedy! I want it all to myself..
  6. Steve LOL.. You know I'm a good girl but that shit cracks me up South Park has wharped (sp?) my fragile little mind HAHAHHA.. visions - I don't live in bumblefuck, usa.. It's brooklyn!!! Oh well, I'll need to get someone to get me all the good music
  7. I can download stuff at work BUT I wasn't smart enough when I bought a CDR and didn't buy an external one that I could take to work and burn CDs..
  8. I tried but they said that I can't! Didn't explain why just asked for my # and said that i can't have it Bummmmmmmmmer..
  9. 1 - I'm pissed at you about Wednesday 2 - don't be a smartass coz I'll kick your ass!!!!!!!!!! (that gym pays off you know LMAO) 3 - You guys coming tonight? 4 - You better still be going tomorrow 5 - I STILL GOT 'EM!!!!!! Going to DM baby!
  10. Oh yeah.. My parents didn't ask me straight out, but told me to be careful with all the drugs around (damn TV!!!!!!) I don't live with my parents but they come to visit A LOT on weekends and when I come home at 4pm lots of questions arise.. I could use the "sleep at friend's house" excuse but they wouldn't buy it........
  11. LOL.. My DSL order got cancelled and I don't think I can even get it any time soon.. This BLOWS.. Which DSL providers do you guys have?
  12. Haha.. Al, smart move The "you know who you are" line will make all the bklyn girls feel special coz they'll think you were talking about them LOL.. Cute
  13. Oh god.. I'm def one of those And my Mom starts asking for grandchildren when she sees cute baby clothes and furniture! Damn LOL.. Kids are cute but I don't want them just yet
  14. I read a post on Nightclubcity that someone got 86ed for having Stackers.. I've heard that you can't have pills like that in a club, but wtf, they are legal??? How can they 86 someone for bringing in LEGAL pills??? About this whole issue.. They are definitely taking it a little too far. It's one thing to be on alert all the time and watch for anyone going around selling, or doing a bump, or giving pills to someone.. But to randomly pick ppl and go through their pockets is a little too much..
  15. Been hearing a lot of Sarah McLaughlan(sp?) songs.. Ppl love them so he plays at least one a night Been doing the Deep Down Below and then Dream to Me combo a lot too.. But I skipped the last 3 weeks so I might be already a little behind
  16. Oh yes LOL.. Walking out of SF on a bright Sunday afternoon.. Parents walking with their kids, seeing all the clubbers, CROSSING THE STREET so their kids don't see such scary things LOL.. I love it I wonder what those people think when they see people like us!
  17. Awww! Those colleges are good for something right Hmm silly nicknames, lemme think of something.. Simpotichniy sosok? LMAOOOOO..
  18. OMG.. This is so scary. I'm sooooo glad to hear that you're ok.. A bloody face is really bad but like you said, it could've been worse.. Stupid idiot, why hit you if he can just take the purse? Damn.. I'm really glad that they caught him! In most cases like this they don't catch the guy and he ends up doing it for years to a lot of people.. Yeah, it's your word against his, but if the cops saw you after it happened, found the guy 15 minutes later (I assume he still had your purse).. This should be an open-and-shut case.. It's never that simple but I really hope he'll get a LOT of jail time.. Good luck to you in court..
  19. Don't tell me you got beaten up????????????????????
  20. LOL.. Those things are killers right? If the bar was open all night at SF I wouldn't need anything else
  21. Khm.. Jams I'll give you some competition
  22. andre.. I'm glad to hear that nothing happened to you.. But honestly, I think it's better to give it to those assholes than risk losing your life over it.. Seriously, there have been sooo many cases when ppl got killed because they refused to give in.. I can see why you wouldn't want to give them anything coz that would encourage them to go attack other people, but still, I think a wallet or a bike or whatever ppl want from you is worth your life.... Sneha, good luck with it.. I hope these ppl who do things like that get what they deserve - JAIL TIME!
  23. Nice.. I don't even have to type Agree a 100%..
  24. Last year they had all the Wed parties in the lounge and the main floor was not used at all.. And it wasn't packed up there either, just right for the amount of ppl that showed..
  25. I'm really tempted! I had a really good time last Wednesday so we'll see
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