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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by smiles4u

  1. Hey guys!! Went on the site, really liked the place...we might be hitting it on Friday nite!!!
  2. evil darling!! works going, don't feel like doing anything, though!!! I couldn't find your word in Mr. Dictionary! Are you sure??
  3. Ok eviljav, you know I luv ya, but what you talkin' about?!?
  4. Damn, every minute feels like an hour!!!!
  5. Awh!! Right back at you sweetie!!!!!
  6. No need to get jealous darling!!! There is plenty of love to go 'round!!!!
  7. Don't get jealous darling!! There is plenty of love to go around!!!
  8. hey there girl!! How are you? Thanks for the definition, I must have looked it up under the wrong spelling!!
  9. Javy, my love!! How are you?? I think you are one of the sweetest guys I know..your presence by no means scares the girls away..your presence is ELECTRIFYING!!!!
  10. Awh!! that was very sweet of you!! Right back at you darling!!!!
  11. Love, what?? Bah Humbug!!! Me and Valentine's day don't mix very well!!! but being in love is truly an awesome feeling and to those who have that special someone enjoy your V-day together!!!
  12. Hey All!!! Twilo this sunday,huh?? Count me in, unless something comes up!!! I'll be there with bells on, haven't been out partying like that in a loooongg time!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!
  13. hey cigs.. I got bored with the colors, so I changed them..I've always known, thats why I had to change the name...I can't believe that I had overlooked the town!!!
  14. Hey lil devil, how ya been??? I missed out on the World last Saturday nite too...it sounds like we missed a good party. I hear Twilo's on Sunday, Pres weekend..is this true??? if so, smiles is breaking out the dancing shoes and gracing the dance floor!!
  15. Hey sexy men!!! Is AC only for the boys or can the girls come and play?
  16. Aries... Looks like love is in the air!!!
  17. I say wrap one of the vibrators back up and give it to him with a card saying that you couldn't find a use for the second one, but you knew he would make good use of it!!!!
  18. I have to agree with my friend eviljav on this one... RELAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Next time you decide to put some disgusting, vial, vulgar piece of shit attachment out here like that, do us all a favor and put a damn warning with it, so that those of us at work, don't open it!!! I wish I had scrolled down and read ladybijan's warning!!
  20. Got one, butterfly, pelvic area!!!!!!!!!! Thinking about another one!!!
  21. Ah Emmitt, just like I remember you!!! Big and Black!!!! Its been a while since I saw you wearing that, still look good!!!!
  22. Well, since we haven't heard another peep from bungee, looks to me like hes one of three things: a. a trouble maker b. chicken shit c. a loser I don't know, what do you all think??? I would say all three with major emphasis on c.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. So, what the hell is your problem?? Have you nothing better to say than to criticize others?? You know what they say, those who put others down are lacking in some area themselves!!!Before you go and insult other people, check your stats because there are people from ny and nj on this board...as far as "garbage" is concerned, my friend lil devil is correct, our garbage is in your backyard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'd know that, if you crawled from under that rock sometime!!!!!
  24. Hey cigs... Just sent you one to your work address...you'll probably get it before this..
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