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Posts posted by dbilas

  1. irene_hookah.jpg



    Friday, January 25

    Hookahs 'n' House @ Karma

    51 First Avenue by 3rd Street

    10 PM : 21+ : FREE!


    Do you like hookahs? (Hookahs, NOT hookers! Though if you like hookers, that's cool, too, I guess.) Do you like house?

    Then you'll LOVE "Hookahs 'n' House" this Friday at Karma!

    Hookahs for puffing, Indian food 'til midnight, and the best house, progressive, and global beats in the chillest environment in NYC. Though you can dance up a storm, if ya like. Special guest DJ Tope of Veruka fame, along with HeadRush's Ian, Mags, and David Christopher (whose latest track will be posted online soon--stay tuned!). Secret curtained room in the back for getting busy!

    Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com for more info and lewd pictures.

  2. irene_hookah.jpg

    Saturday, January 12

    ::who : headrush @ KARMA (learn more about Karma)

    ::what : house and progressive

    ::where : 51 First Avenue by 3rd Street, NYC

    ::when : starts at 10 PM :: 21+ with ID

    ::cost : keep your money -- bring your love

    Please visit http://www.headrushmusic.com for more info!

    The HeadRush Music roster returns after a too-long hiatus with the top-quality underground house and progressive you've been longing for. Let our veteran lineup of true-school DJs inject you with deep, emotional soul. This special night features the best of Connecticut's underground house connection brought to the big city: Ian, Jeff Gomez, Macio, and Magnus light up the decks with decades of experience. David Christopher adds deepness and delivers the final blow with his progressive-house flow. No more music by the suckas--transcend the artistic weakness of NYC's club scene by spending a night with us.

    Those who know Karma know that it has been a haven for the most diverse musical styles in the city, including Asian Underground, Bhangra, Merengue, Reggae, and Hip Hop.

    HeadRush Music keeps the spectrum growing with our soulful brand of dance music. Whether on the way to a nightclub, looking for an all-night hangout, or searching for a spot to cap off the evening, please spend some time with us. You won't regret it.

    Please visit http://www.headrushmusic.com for more info!


    David Christopher

    HeadRush Music

  3. I want hot, sweaty bodies dancing, loving, soaking in the music like they're the only person in the club, with total abandon.

    I want to stop seeing guys hunting for girls on E for an "easy score."

    I want people who have just entered the scene to make an effort to understand what the scene is about and to stop trying to change the scene to confirm to their understanding of the world.

    I want to see dress codes eliminated.

    I want to see people go out to clubs for the music, not just because they recognize the DJ's name from some mix CD.

    I want the underground to rise up and swallow the evils of the mainstream.

    It's time for the revolution to begin.


    David Christopher

    HeadRush Music

  4. Computer DJ uses biofeedback to pick tracks

    19:00 14 November 01

    Duncan Graham-Rowe

    A computerised DJ that uses feedback from the dancers to generate new music has been developed by artificial intelligence experts at Hewlett-Packard, meaning clubbers may soon only have themselves to blame if they do not like the music they are dancing to.

    Dave Cliff of HP's laboratories in Bristol says that the "HPDJ" will monitor the way dancers respond to the music and compose new tracks according to how animated the crowd becomes.

    In 2000, New Scientist reported on an earlier version of the HPDJ and pitted it against a human DJ in a London venue to see how it fared with a live audience. Although the software managed to fool a third of the clubbers into believing a human DJ was at the turntables, our panel of professional DJs was more sceptical. But then again, they will be the ones to lose out if it works.

    The earlier version takes dance tracks and works out the best sequence in which to play them. It can also mix them, seamlessly fading one song into the next while adjusting the tempo.

    Cliff says that the biggest gripe that DJs such as BBC Radio 1's Judge Jules had with it was that it could not gauge the crowd's response to the music. That got Cliff thinking about ways to improve it.

    Heart monitor

    His solution is to give each clubber a device like a wristwatch that monitors their behaviour, feeding info back to the HPDJ via a "Bluetooth" wireless link. "It tracks your location, measures your heart and perspiration rate, and an accelerometer monitors how active you are," Cliff explains.

    Every dance song comprises a number of different tracks, such as drum patterns, bass lines, keyboard hooks and vocals. To create a song, the HPDJ chooses tracks from a large library and then modifies and overlays them, based on the vibe coming from the dance floor.

    So how does it work? The HPDJ uses a "genetic algorithm", a type of program inspired by evolution. It uses a survival-of-the-fittest approach to create new and better tunes.

    In the case of the HPDJ, the different tracks are the "genes", and the inputs from the dancers are the "fitness" factors, essentially deciding whether or not particular combinations of genes survive.

    Hitting the floor

    If the track sounds so awful that people cannot get into it, they may wander off to the bar or dance less enthusiastically, says Cliff. So HPDJ will then try to improve the music, experimenting with different beats and bass lines, or speeding up the tempo in a bid to coax more people back onto the dance floor.

    When the crowd gets into the music, the HPDJ will sense that more people are on the dance floor and monitor how actively they are dancing. It will then gradually build up the tempo to whip the dancers into a brief frenzy, before calming things down for a chill-out period.

    Cliff also envisages a novel spin-off: the software could be linked to a CD recorder, so as you left a club you'd be given a CD with the music you helped to create.

    19:00 14 November 01

  5. Wow, cool pictures (but boy do I look drunk).

    Unfortunately, we're all done at True, but stay tuned for more events. I'll be doing a charity event this Saturday with Hiro and Beverly Bond. Here's the info:


    Expensive, but open bar all night, plus it's a good cause! You'll probably spend just as much money on drinks at a club with much WACKER DJs.


    David Christopher


  6. Support the underground, people. It's time for a change in New York. Club culture has been corrupted by the mainstream. That which the audience once defined is now being defined for us by those who care only about one thing: maximizing profit.

    The time of decadence and glam is over--it's time to get gritty and deep once again. Get your ass out to this party--it takes small steps to build a revolution.


    David Christopher


  7. Support the underground, people. It's time for a change in New York. Club culture has been corrupted by the mainstream. That which the audience once defined is now being defined for us by those who care only about one thing: maximizing profit.

    The time of decadence and glam is over--it's time to get gritty and deep once again. Get your ass out to this party--it takes small steps to build a revolution.


    David Christopher


  8. In defense of Clubplanet, they need to make their money somewhere. The ads help keep the site alive, so it's a small inconvenience to put up with. Think of it as taking advantage of the mainstream to support the underground.

    But what's with that Smirnoff ad where it sounds like a DJ is trainwrecking? I can't stand that one.

    --David Christopher

  9. Hey everyone--

    Here's the deal so that you can catch both Zoran and Seb Fontaine without killing your wallet.

    Ask for the Clubplanet list at True and get two people in for $5, (four for $10, etc.). Sanjay and Zoran will be spinning from 9-12 AM, then Spoony after that. Please have a drink or two--I have a nasty bar minimum that I need to make (don't worry--I make no money off the bar).

    True is located at 28 E. 23rd St. between Park and Madison (close to Centro!). Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more info.


    David Christopher

    HeadRush Music

  10. Hey everyone--

    Here's the deal so that you can catch both Zoran and Seb Fontaine without killing your wallet.

    Ask for the Clubplanet list at True and get two people in for $5, (four for $10, etc.). Sanjay and Zoran will be spinning from 9-12 AM, then Spoony after that. Please have a drink or two--I have a nasty bar minimum that I need to make (don't worry--I make no money off the bar).

    True is located at 28 E. 23rd St. between Park and Madison (close to Centro!). Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more info.


    David Christopher

    HeadRush Music

  11. Hey everyone--

    Here's the deal so that you can catch both Zoran and Fontaine without killing your wallet.

    Ask for the Clubplanet list at True and get two people in for $5, (four for $10, etc.). Sanjay and Zoran will be spinning from 9-12 AM, then Spoony after that. Please have a drink or two--I have a nasty bar minimum that I need to make (don't worry--I make no money off the bar).

    True is located at 28 E. 23rd St. between Park and Madison. Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more info.


    David Christopher

    HeadRush Music

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