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Everything posted by trippintrance64

  1. Hmm....in that case, id just go up to port authority, and catch a bus straight into wayne. catching a train there may be a pain in the ass.....check out the port authority site....Wayne isnt really that close to the city.....so a bus may be a little less $$ too. Just a sugestion. Have a good trip. IM me at fantom0680 should u have any other ??s laterz
  2. it all depends on where ur at? u gotta take the path train into Jersey, and you can get off on Journal Square, Hoboken, or Newark...take the 33rd street(its called that caue it runs to 33rd....doesnt mean u gotta take it on 33rd)...u can take it from 33rd under the mall, 9th and 6th ave(block upfrom Grays Papaya) on christopher street somewhere(dont know exactly where, sorry) 14th street somewhere(dont know exactly where either, sorry) and i think and 19th and 6th.....i could be wrong bout the 6th. take the 33rd train to go to either Journal Sq. or Newark...and take to Hoboken train....to....you guessed it...hoboken. good luck!
  3. Hey guys, what is ur funniest Rolling story??? HAHAHA! okay, here is a cracked out story for ya.....few weeks ago, went to Exit....rolled 3 doubles stacked X-caliburs....the last of which was rolled a half hour before the place closed. (i had to sense of time.....wait..scratch that.....i had no sense of ANYTHING!) haha....so any way..that night i went with a group of about 25 heads......so picture this.....20 (5 peeps bounced early), so 20 people, at some diner near exit....i think its on the corner after the Lexus dealership, anyway...lol....so 20 CRACKED out kids, tryin to connect 5 tables so they can all sit together...and here i sit, at one end of the table......thinking that i lost my watch at the club, when in REALITY.....the watch is still on my arm.....waitress comes to me, and asks me what i want....i (VERY LOUDLY) reply with a hearty YOUR LARGEST GLASS OF OJ PLEASE...so i drink 3 glasses.....now im more cracked out than ever.......and so are my 20 friends......what do we end up doing? we walk around NYC for about an our.....then head twards the Port Authority....and decide to take a bus home. When we had 4 cars! go figure. oh well....I LOVE X!
  4. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by tripinchick: I've got one even better, last Thursday, my friends and I couldn't catch a cab for the life of us. So we took a limo home. We were originally going to just have him take us to Grand Central, but we like the Limo so much, we had him take us all the way to CT. Blew about 250 but had a great time!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAHAHA! okay, here is a cracked out story for ya.....few weeks ago, went to Exit....rolled 3 doubles stacked X-caliburs....the last of which was rolled a half hour before the place closed. (i had to sense of time.....wait..scratch that.....i had no sense of ANYTHING!) haha....so any way..that night i went with a group of about 25 heads......so picture this.....20 (5 peeps bounced early), so 20 people, at some diner near exit....i think its on the corner after the Lexus dealership, anyway...lol....so 20 CRACKED out kids, tryin to connect 5 tables so they can all sit together...and here i sit, at one end of the table......thinking that i lost my watch at the club, when in REALITY.....the watch is still on my arm.....waitress comes to me, and asks me what i want....i (VERY LOUDLY) reply with a hearty YOUR LARGEST GLASS OF OJ PLEASE...so i drink 3 glasses.....now im more cracked out than ever.......and so are my 20 friends......what do we end up doing? we walk around NYC for about an our.....then head twards the Port Authority....and decide to take a bus home. When we had 4 cars! go figure. oh well....I LOVE X!um....i think ima post a new topic....funniest rolling story....heh heh
  5. Honestly.....people that rag on SF are mostly guys. As a guy, I'll tell you why these doods rag on it so bad. The guy/girl ratio at SF is incredible! Its just that alot of the guys are muscle heads. and i guess thats what the chicks like. Or, maybe it isnt what they like at all. Either way, I love the females at SF. They've got attitude, but its not bitchiness...its mad confidence. It isnt hard to met girls....but alot of guys put a dumbass front, and thats why they dont get any play. Then they come on boards like this, and make half-assed comments, like "SF= Sausage Factory." I go to clubs to have a good time, to chil, dance, roll , and ocationally meet people. From this way of thinking, i've gotten my share of play. So my advise is, dont go there lookin to get laid. Go there to meet people, and u'll surley find some cool ass people. In closing, Jonathan Peters is the MAN. GOD BLESS THE FACTORY!
  6. well, if you can get out to Jersey, there is this store called Mondo Music, its on Rt. 4 in Paramus near the Garden State Plaza Mall. Jersey people....you know exactly what i'm saying...LOL.....anyway, they have alot of phatty CDs/Tapes, including alot of the Live@EXIT CDs, NIght at SF CDs, Tunnel shit,alot of good Progressive House/Trance Compalations...some older good stuff, and they also carry some DJ made cds....pretty cool place to go....another good place to get PHAT CDs? Meet DJs! meet DJs, and promoters...one of my boys was a promoter for SF, and he used to always hooke me up with CDs from certain nights.....really good deep shit. Well...im out. Happy Huntin! -Al-
  7. if someone doesnt make friday come here NOW! I AM GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. wow! thats a big god damn face! oops! just wanted to see what it was!
  9. hey guys, ive never been to tunnel, i want to go, but i want to have a good time......is it worth the trip to jersey? what time does it close?????
  10. LMAO!!!! UR HOES????? THATS WAS HIALRIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Halloween is on a tuesday this year? does anyone know if all clubs will be open? or will a halloweek bash take place on the weekend before/after???? reply to this post
  12. I totally agree. If u guys have AOL...look up my profile....its trippintrance64@aol.com....one day i was thinkin about life, and i came up with the quote that is in my profile. It states: A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look around and see what u have, before you say that u've had a horrible day. Look at what u have and realize that there are people out there that wish they had that much. Live life, and LOVE IT! guys, enjoy everything...i love you all PS mr.sick....funny as hell!!
  13. thanks for the relpies everyone....now what would you say is the best ones u've taken? the x-caliburs that i took, where doubles stacked....and i popped 3.... ...i know....thats is rediculous. Summer was awesome...all i have to say. So tell me? what was ur best roll??
  14. thanks for the relpies everyone....now what would you say is the best ones u've taken? the x-caliburs that i took, where doubles stacked....and i popped 3.... ...i know....thats is rediculous. Summer was awesome...all i have to say. So tell me? what was ur best roll??
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!
  16. hmm.....has to be emma shapplin-spente le stella.......a tad old.....but still freakin awesome!
  17. Who Can name the kinds of E pills that u've rolled? Me- X-Men, Xfiles, X-Caliburs, Hearts, Double Loves, Superman, Mitzubishi Turbo's
  18. Gotta hit factory Fridays.....dont judge just cause u went on a bad night...alot of places have them every now and then!
  19. I will be 21 on June 4th. I cant wait! NO MORE SNEAKING INTO CLUBS WITH A FAKE ID! WOOOHOOO!! -al-
  22. I want to follow in my uncles footsteps! The man is 42, and he comes out clubbin every weekend! He is a mechanic, and he has his own contracting buisness, and he goes clubbing every Thurs-Sat....all 3 days, every week! HE IS THE MAN! Can you believe that i bumped into him a few weeks ago at Exit??????? REDICULOUS!!!
  24. ¿OYE CHICO QUE BOLA? LOL...that is horrible... only my grandfather says shit like that! 100% Cubano BABY!
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