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Posts posted by gemerald

  1. Of course I was pretending I still had money - bought a car, spent $1,200 partying in a four weeks, went clothes shopping in my time off... That would explain why I'm now eating tuna helper for dinner


    thata boy!!!:D

  2. well that sucks!!! i was looking forward to PVD again! :(

    i also bought my tix already.... .and some of the other talents are ok....... we'll see. i was hoping for a blast since it's labor day weekend and all!!!!

  3. so, the flyer i got awhile back shows PVD in the lineup.... but of course that seems too good to be true!!!

    anyhow, i heard PVD cancelled. PVD's site doesn't show him anywhere near LA on the 30th. does anyone know what's up?:eek:

  4. dude, the best advice :idea: for you right now is just to lay off on all that sh*t you're doing..... at least until this whole random testing thing stops. eventually, they will stop. it's just as much a pain for them to conduct these tests as it is for you to worry about passing them!

  5. yup! yup!!! am gonna be there! saw him last february at the mayan, and that was one wicked set (but short!):D

    looking forward to this on sunday. i was told to bring earplugs. sound system at the palace is pretty loud.

  6. i don't know..... this may sound stupid, BUT!!!

    what can you mix e with to give you a hi that doesn't make you feel all heavy & tire, but like energetic???? or should you just stay away from the e (easier to get) and go with something else completely? :rolleyes::confused:

    i missed the fvkin hi i got when i first experimented with drugs. i can't seem to get that same feeling anymore! :confused:

  7. damn dude! you need to take it easy! :rolleyes: are you still on crutches?

    are you still heading down to san diego for tiesto tomorrow night?

    well, i've been kinda busy with work and all...... hey! i'm taking a new job in santa monica, starting next week. won't be around this area anymore. :D hehehe..... gotta go where the money is. ya know what i mean???

    this board is awfully quiet. have no idea where any of the LA peeps are.... i'll see you around for sure, eh?

  8. sassa is the one that's still in school , right? well, just let me know which sunday you guys decide on...... let's shoot for later in the day, ok???? LOL

    what have you been up to weyes? haven't seen much of you around either. will you be at mayan this wednesday for diggers? what about at circus for tiesto?

  9. hey, how's it going to you all??? gosh! i haven't post in awhile. did you guys in L.A. ever got your shiet together for the meet up?

    anyways, what are you guys up to this weekend? halloween is approaching!!! i loveeeeeeeee halloween!!!! :D

    am heading to PALACE tonight for DEEP DISH, tomorrow at SPUNDAE for SANDER. anyone from this board gonna be around, let me know so we can say hello. allrighty?

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