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Posts posted by cgm

  1. Heres Mine

    Black Legend-Trouble With Me (1975)

    Jackie Nova- What You Mean To Me (Heinz)

    Armand Van Heldon- You Dont Know Me

    Kim English- Unspeakable Joy

    Deborah Cox- Absolutely Not (Hex Hector)

    Joee- Angel (Tsettos)

    Robbie Tronco- Ladies and Gentlemen

    White Label- Sweet Dreams

    Aubrey- Still Waiting (Hex Hector) (NOT Stand Still!)

    Junior- Monk E Dreams

  2. Originally posted by djdanfury

    1. Hum Melody - Rivera

    2. Do you Hear Me (Art of Trance mix) - Indiana

    3. Epic - JP

    4. Dark Beat - Oscar G

    5. Fantasy Reality - Side B

    6. So in Love - Luz

    7. Gay or Straight - Jonathan Peters - Franklin Fuentes

    Oh, I forgot about that Gay or Straigt song....I have heard that a few times at Surf Club, I like that song too.

  3. I dont know if anyones seen this before, some guy from Boston started a site about how to be a guido, its pretty funny. My favorite part is the part where he teaches you to dance. Those at work, beware of the music that comes on when you open up the page!

  4. Just wondering what everyones favorite 5 songs are this summer? No drama. Just opinions!

    Mine are....

    Mooney-Dove (Rivera) ( I know this song is slightly older than the summer)

    Lamya-Never Enough (Rivera)

    Tim Deluxe- Just Wont Do

    Deborah Cox-Mr Lonely (HH)

    Fierce Ruling Diva- You gotta believe

    Not really feeling the Reina (sorry!)

    And I didnt put Luz-In Your Eyes because that song is older than the summer as well...

    My selections are really limited. It sucks that I have to rely on others for music now that AG is gone, along with everything else. I never get any new music anymore.. I remember last year I had Rapture when itwas still "destined to be massive" (anyone who had the radio rip knows wat Im talking about:) )

  5. Until this May, I never wore my seatbelt. I always dismissed the "warnings" about seatbelts saving lives, I guess I was just plain ignorant. Well, this Memorial Day Weekend, I was leaving work to drive down the shore (unbuckled) when I got a voice mail from my mother telling me to wear my seatbelt because state troopers were going to be on the lookout this weekend and giving tickets to those not wearing their seatbelts. So I thought "What the hell" and put it on. About an hour later I was hit from behind at around 65 mph on the parkway forcing my car into the car in front of me. My car was totalled and I had minor back and neck pain from being whipped foward and than back, but I hate to think what would have happened if I had not had my seatbelt on. Ever since then I always wear my seatbelt, even if I am just driving down the street.

    Just wanted to share my moment of clarity......:D

  6. I guess they probably collaborate together before hand. I always wondered that too with Kirk Lopez and the guest DJ at Surf Club on Sundays, sometimes I hear the same song twice in one night, no big deal, but wondered if their is every any collaboration between DJ's before hand, like if they share set lists or whatever.

  7. I had a great time at Merge on Saturday, and was very impressed ny Rydells performance. Loved the classics, especially Let the Sunshine In. George, thanks 4 everything! I would have to say the most "interesting" part of the night was watching that guy do "The Man Shot" which in my opinion should be called "The Lunatic Shot"!!!! That was sick! Also, nice to see Sandman, DJDan, and Brian 1500.

  8. I have sooo many, but the one that sticks out in my head is one of my first times at SF, being on the dance floor with all my friends and JP playing sandstorm....it was the First time I had ever heard the song, before it got all played out. My friends and I were having the time of our life, and everyone in the place were going crazy. Also, too many times at tempts to mention, but a few....

    -Mem Day Weekend-2000, hearing Progress's Everybody and the place going nuts

    -Saturday of Labor Day Weekend last year, IMO Denny's best set of that summer, I dont think I left the dance floor once that night

    -Sunday of July 4th Weekend this year

    -Hearing "Just Wont Do" for the first time Mem Day Weekend

    -Hopefully the closing party!!!!!!!

  9. Originally posted by jpdd810

    Hey I've been trying to find the words to that song. Does anybody know where I can find them? I think I've searched everywhere!!:confused: :confused:

    What song are you talking about? Usually, if you post something on the music board, someone will know

  10. I dont know about Tempts this weekend, but I definitely think that there is no definite summer anthem. There are songs, such as "Just Wont Do" and "Shiney Disco Balls", but nothing that sticks out and gets everyone to the dance floor such as "Sweet Dreams" did last summer. I think there is just not a lot of good music out thi summer...:(

    IMO, DJ's are playing older music (i.e. songs from last summer, 2 summers ago) more often. Last year, I feel like I would only hear one or two old tracks a night, and this summer older songs are in heavy rotation....I am not talking about any specific DJ, I am just noticing this every where I go, and blaming it on the tracks that are out now, not the DJ's. This comment is not intended to start drama, just an observation........


    Fridays: METRO!!! (I am beginning to miss Metro Fridays so much, this summer has left me torn between Tsettos and Rydell)

    Joeys as well, I enjoy their Friday night party.

    Saturdays: I am attempting to make this my day of rest, (but lets get real...)

    Bunka, Deko, and the new Metro party...and who knows, maybe I will start to get my ASS over to Factory again this year...

    And of course the occasional Sunday night at Joeys.

  12. Originally posted by djdanfury

    You're going to make a cameo tonight? Make sure Ms. Slim Shady comes with you... :laugh:

    No, slim will not be in attendence tonight. Shes actually not feeling to well, I think it is just me and da man. Are you going (probably a stupid question!)

  13. Wow, this thread really helped me feel better...Im 23, and often wondered if I was indeed getting to old for this, and am happy to see that people 10 years my senior are still going strong!

    I agree that their is no "age limit" to how old a person should be to stop going to clubs. I do however, think that a 30 year old shouldnt be walking around a club all cracked out.

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