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Everything posted by trickyd19

  1. it's a realese from realuty a thing that we do that makes us feel like nothing else we can experience, i'm not going to start to chant and hung everyone, but it's a beautiful thing
  2. i want to thank you ladies for all your help, i go to exit fris and sats, chettah on thursdays, and a host of all other palces, if i ever saw yo out, i def show you my moves, thanks again
  3. so if i'm good looking and i got moves then you'd dance with me?
  4. i wish i was feeling what yo are feeling, i'm jealous of you happiness, nothing ever seems to go right like it used to, i need some happiness, but if i'm not i'm glad you are
  5. i think it was 420 i don't even remember anymore, college is awesome, wake up smoke, go to class smoke, smoke b4 you go out, and smoke when you have nothing else to do
  6. i can see why you call yourself bastardino, but hey it takes alot to be honest and not to be afraid to say it, props
  7. i see a beautiful giel on the dance floor and want to dance with her, but i don't want to be one of those guys in a beater who pick them up and grind them in the air, b/c i know most girls don't like that, whats the best approach for a nice looking guy to dance with a girl
  8. it's call internet advertising piracy and it's bullshit, e commerce is trying to stop it, it sucks
  9. the one with the personality, who was smart and beautiful, fooling around only lasts for so long, you want a girl that you can keep areound for a while
  10. went to exit friday and saturady night, danced my ass off and had a good time but i need it so its ok
  11. i was at exit saturday, and danced with the cutest girl, she had this smile that made me have this feeling like i couldn't explain, we danced exchanged names and talked, i was so happy, we danced for like an hour and i told her i had to find my friend, when i went back to where we were she was gone, i looked for her but couldn't find her, why is it when i meet someone special it never goes the way i want it to, we were with eachother for a short time but had this connection that i made me feel so good, where is this girl, somebody help me
  12. don't play miss inocent girls are just as bad as guys, you girls think that we aren't sensitive but we feel just like you
  13. happy birthday, may your day be joyous, remember to have fun and be safe, best wishes
  14. aria, 21 between 11 and 12 across the street from lot 61, it has a bar a lounge and two dance floors one hip hop one dance, very chill, i might go there first tehn go to exit, but who know what actually is going to happen in my life, but i wish you a fun and safe night maybe we'll bump into eachother, i'm the cute guy with the big smile
  15. it had that rem song for the beginning the one that goes like " stand in the place that you live know and think about direction wonder why etc.) awesome show hes hilarious
  16. jamming to some classics rock, ripping some tubes, and getting ready for tonight
  17. anyone going to be there, i haven't been out in a while and i need to let loose if you know what i mean, i know cox is at twilo but i think i need a good exit night, what is everyone else up to. beautiful ladies where are you???
  18. pf is probably one of the greatest things that was ever brought upon me. my friends think i'm crazy b/c they think its drpessed people music but they are the ones who can't really hear the music, just like some people can't hear the music at a club, they just don't understand how it makes us feel, pf has been there when people weren't there, i've seen roger waters a couple of times but i don't knw if i'll ever be lucky enough to see waters with gilmour, who knows it might happen, pm if you want to chat about floyd, peace and happiness to everyone
  19. where are the beautiful people going this weekend, it's been a rough couple of weeks, where is everybodu getting loose tonight
  20. parade then exit, what else is there to do, i know it doesn't seem like the best idea but theres no otherplace to go, go out, and make it fun, i'll be running around the village then dancung my ass off at exit
  21. whats the deal with exit tuesday night, thought their halloween party was friday, and 15 dollars b4 midnight, whats the deal, please let me know if yo uhave info
  22. where in ny are you from, i'm from li, clubbed all summer at exit, sf, cheetah, all my friends went back to school, i go to manhattan college but don't go out like i did all summer, i need to party hard, i haven't rolled in weeks think its getting to me all depressed all the time, i need to get out, i went to tunnel a couple of weeks ago it was cool but chilled with the people i went with, i need help
  23. i got passes for city hall park, but if you want to watch it from the street, wake up mad early get some breakfast, get there and chill, b/c once 12 comes around you won't have a chance to see anything
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