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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by tunehead

  1. hate to say it, cause i love my rolls, but they are finding out some pretty ill stuff on e use. not the occassional use, but the hardcore user (we've all been there) dropping multiple pills on multiple nights of the week. they're finding out that irrepairable brain damage occurs to the neurotransmitters controlling serotonin uptake. in other words, tragicilly severe depression! moderartion in all things. ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  2. ray charles on the beach in easthampton, like 12-15 years ago. i was too young to really appreciate what i was seeing, but man no one in all my years of seeing live music looked like they were having as much fun as ray. probably the best show i've ever seen! ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  3. okay, so according to ny rumor mill i have heard that oakie has signed a contract with twilo starting at the begining of april to play once a month, that is if twilo can manage to pull it's shit together to stay open until then. anybody...? anybody...? ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  4. ohmilord me first twilo experience and me first pvd experience all in one night. i can already feel the funky groove pulsating the airwaves and it's still more than a hundred hours away. what's a boy to do? but uno question, about what time will he start spinning? before three, after three...? and who opens for him? okay so i guess that's two questions, so i lied. ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  5. remeber the counting song on sesame street, the one with the cartoon of the pinball's going: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12...The rhythm to that was friggin dope! ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  6. super hero...most definitely a super hero... "SuperClubberDude" ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  7. a little too addictive i'm gonna lose my freakin job due to reading all these damn posts! ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  8. aye aye skipper rave away ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  9. i feel like one o' the gang now...awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanx y'all ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  10. ...anyone...anyone...anyone... ------------------ ...i do believe the music saved my life..
  11. dancing in the car, huh...done it...love it...driving from vancouver into the kootney mountains the only thing that got me through those ten hour drives was to keep dancing to oakie and digweed and oakie and digweed and a little kruder and dorfmeister thrown in to mellow out to, but the dancing well it saved my life by keeping me awake on those hella long drives
  12. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. i've been here about a week, and already i'm checking it at work...does wonders for my obsessive/compulsive personality. between downloading oakenfeld/sasha/warren sets off napster and checking this board there ain't much room left to make the sales calls i'm meant to be making at work..oh well..'dat's life!
  14. any body been? what's it like?
  15. ...so what up clubplaneteers?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!
  16. waste of a good stogie! stick with the phillies, they're cheap. packing a cuban blunt makes that sack you just bought awful expensive! but it's safe, dude.
  17. somtimes i can't believe the ignornace in this world. that anyone could impose limits on what a woman can and can't do with her body, is totally beyond me. it frustrates the hell outta me that this is an issue that deserves national public attention, that one's presidential vote would be swayed by a candidate's pro-choice or pro-life view. anyways...people are free beings, and we should be treated as such, within reason. all women should have the right to make their own choices, without worrying about how society would react to such a thing. oh, and as far as having kids before getting married, hey as long as your responsible, than go for it. and if you're irresponsible, than learn responsibility. it's amazing what we human beings are capable of. why just twelve months ago, i wasn't into that 'techno stuff', 'ills scared the hell outta me, and clubs were too uptight, now...shit i dream in trance, time my popping perfectly, and don't give a damn about the uptightness. damn, i forgot my point, anyways pro-life all the way!
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