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Posts posted by mikey_m

  1. Originally posted by artful:

    --------taps foot-----------

    So, when am I gonna get a copy?

    --steps on artful's tapping foot----

    I have 3 of 'em right here in front of me......one has your name on it poppy.....you gonna be at the meetup on Friday? I'll bring a few copies there....let me know....



    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


  2. Originally posted by majesticmelodi:

    Originally posted by az-tec:

    Blackhaus is peppermint Schnapps. It is 80 proof, but fucks yo up more than that. And personally I can drink it like water.

    Trust me you'll love it.

    Me might as well just get a few bottles.LOL


    um unfortunately sweetie... blackhaus is blackberry not peppermint but im assuming u were kidding right

    cwm1.gif dont get too drunk... and drink a few for me redface.gif)

    I think Andy was talking about Rumplemins........that's good stuff also though.



    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


  3. Originally posted by misskittie:

    Hmmmm so we are going to begin pirating Mike now??

    Ill make ya a copy..Ive already made 6..ugh!

    misskittie you just nominated yourself to be in charge of my marketing and distribution.......he he....you made more than me!!! LOL



    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


  4. Ooooohhhhhhh........I remember now....see you just have to remind me the first time around......I was rolling my face off at that time but I do remember......I give you permission to slap me next time I see you......lol



    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


  5. Originally posted by sdm1976:

    It was nice meeting you Mikey...

    Can you refresh me? I met a bunch of people Friday night and I remember faces but not all the screennames......I apologize, I'm very good w/faces and very bad w/names....lol



    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


  6. Originally posted by uknjx2:

    hey mickey, i don't think we really talked b/c my voice was all fucked up so i couldn't really have a conversation anyway, but it was good seeing you as always.......

    Nicki I kind of like the new name you coined for me......Mickey?......watch those drugs......JK he he....lol



    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


  7. Originally posted by msoprano13:

    yo mike i met you over there. you had a silver shirt on i think. i was mad drunk. anyway i was with brandie and pfloyd, he told me you spin the chicago hard house. if this is tru send me a pm cause i want a cd and ill pump that shit in my ride all day. i love the hard house

    msoprano.....yea that was apotheosis.....I was tanked but I was hoping I didn't totally forget anything.....made me scared for a minute there.......I'll catch you guys at the next one....

    Mikey M


    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


  8. Originally posted by klitika:

    hey mikey how ya doin babe it was nice meeting u too how come other peeps have a tape and i dont ? sat night was cool we ll get conversate more next time

    Hey klitika......I will bring more tapes out next time.....I brought some out for people who asked me for them but I'll add you to the list......See ya this weekend hopefully....lol



    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


  9. Alright.....this is the first time I have been able to get on this damn board since Friday so here it goes......

    Friday night had to be one of my best yet......hands down......regardless of what some think, I think PVD spun a great set keeping a good piece of the crowd still going crazy until he stopped......I can't say enough about everyone that I chilled with and met that night.....let's see

    trippintrance - yet another to chalk onto the list......I can't say anything to you you don't already know......just keep it goin brotha.....lol

    az-tec: my partner in crime on Friday......can't say enough about it......blowing each other up at 10:30 in the morning at Dave's......bong hits till I am incompetent......getting props from PVD himself.....jumpin crazy at 8:00 AM under the disco ball.....shall I keep going?...lol

    kingpharoah: you get the award for being the most hospitable guy I have ever hung out with......thanks for the numerous things you hooked me up with this weekend.....rides to Queens and back, the comfort of your apt...you know the rest.....I got you next time.......

    yuwoo: so glad we met early in the night......great conversation from Twirl to Twilo......oh...and that great massage you gave me.......made my night doll...lol

    roly: thanks for making my night bro......on the hook up I mean......oh yea, and thanks for letting me rock those glasses....lol

    ricfictures: glad we finally got to talk a bit......hey, me you and andy def gotta get together sometime and do some damage....he he......WESTSIDE!!!

    misskittie: great seeing you again hun.......too bad I only saw you for a little but whatever...next time.....oh...I hope you like my tape.........

    flippin_e: I'm glad you made it up for this one man......you better move your ass back up here cause I'm gonna miss those crazy light shows......you banged me up with it.......great weekend....hope to see you again soon......

    apotheosis: well, you definitely lived up to your reputation as a DJ......great set on Saturday night....I was very impressed and you had bouncin in my seat all night....great time at Twilo and at Dave's until I clocked out.......till next time.

    notforkids: I swear those fangs are the phattest things I've seen yet......stay off that sex board......ha ha

    artful: yo.....one more minute I gotta finish this beer....ha ha......always a pleasure man......

    jdogg: almost forgot you man......you're the only guy I know that's quieter than me.....good time at Breffnis and Twilo.....

    roby: checkin in fashionably late at Breffnis......good convo about music and other stuff......hope somebody woke you up at Dave's......you were OUT on that couch....till next time man.

    sharonregina: great little convo on Sat. about life and shit......keep up those programming skills my fellow comp geek....he he....lol

    klitika: great to meet you......I wish we had talked more but that's okay.....hope you had a good time......

    nikkisticks: great to meet you finally.......next time hopefully I'll be able to hold a conversation better.....lol

    mysssterious & rachel: great to see yas again.....I swear I won't forget you next time Zoya....lol

    nicki: I think I saw you??? No, I know I saw you but no chat this time.....ohhh, I'm sorry doll.....the drugs got me......yell at me if I'm wrong.....lol cwm3.gif

    diva: I know we talked for a few but that was the haziest part of my night......hope I didn't say anything stupid....lol

    ibhugh: it was great meeting you man......hope New York is treating you good....glad you made it out Saturday night......we'll be chillin again.....

    noiseboy: what's up bro.....only chilled briefly but that is enough.....

    I really hope I didn't forget people although I know I did......sorry about that....just chew me out if I did.....till next time....



    Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


    [This message has been edited by mikey_m (edited 11-13-2000).]

  10. Originally posted by deanna11:

    my exes have been the very sweet, fun-loving, adoring type. they tend to be more innocent than me, which is good because i need someone who can keep my feet on the ground, and they like me showing them new things. they've also tended to be more sensitive than me. although they're good guys, i would like to see myself with a guy who's different

    physically, they're athletic and cut, not too big. for me, NO to: pretty boys, huge sweaty guys, thugs, guys with long hair

    I've never been with you, have I deanna???.....he he....lol



    Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......


  11. Alright suckas.......I got some unassuring feedback from some earlier this week but I really need to know who will be out tomorrow at either Twirl or Twilo that wants one......Please be sure because I have no intentions of walking around all night with tapes.....oh yea, if someone replies here before you, just add your name to theirs and post the entire list so I can just look at the last post to see.....thanks....



    Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......


  12. "Look, I know you're gettin all bunged up with them making you wear these types of clothes.....but face it, your a neo-maxi-zoomed-dweeby......I mean, what would you be doin if you weren't out makin the world a better place?"

    - John Bender - Breakfast Club



    Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......


  13. Originally posted by pureclass:

    thanks for the suggestion, mikey! however, i already arranged to take 3-4 women to Float on Fri (no small feat). i'll remember next weekend, though. I also want to meet Pauly Shore at NV. I think he is really funny...

    No problem......hey, if you got 3-4 women.....GO TO FLOAT.......no question......Twilo has good DJ lineups almost every week so don't fret about that........Have fun



    Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......


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