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Posts posted by mikey_m

  1. I agree, sex with a partner you love is the ultimate form of sex......just the best......but I don't look down on random fucks either......it can be fun and stimulating for a night......as long as the two people can handle waking up the next morning and facing each other....if not, it's probably one of the worst things to happen.......as far as threesomes, it's tough to do without someone feeling uncomfortable but if the three are all down and comfi.....whoooohhhhh it can be good....just my opinions though...



    "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......"

  2. Originally posted by rachel1997:

    *I wanna touch this yummy boy* teufel.gifrofl.gif


    *kisses* kotzen.gif

    Ooohhhhh......I love to be touched.....if you see me at Twilo tonight feel free to let your hands wander....I'm very lovable......he he....lol


    Hey, I didn't know there were SP figures here.....very nice.....


    "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......"

  3. Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

    E can't be compared to Unhealthy foods, there is no comparison. And Bastardino, it's called candy because people enjoy taking it, they enjoy popping it like tart'n'tiny's ecery friday/saturday night. When they start getting severe pain and start feeling like their insides are being dilluted, I doubt candy will be an appropriate name for it. Regardless of all the shit that is spoken about how individuals react differently to E and how long term effects do and don't happen, it WILL fuck you BIG TIME eventually, if you take it often. It's hardly about "Spoiling the good time for everyone else," personally, I dont give a fuck if any one who does E has a good time or a bad time. The fact remains that it does ruin lives and it does fuck people over severely. That FAR outweighs any of the "positive" effects that people get from it while rolling. And as for living for the moment and not giving a fuck about the future, well...it seems easy to say now. However, years down the road, I doubt that ignorant, sophomoric mindset will still me maintained when they feel sick and are in pain, or whatever they feel from excessive drug usage. Regardless of one's personality now, when they are young, there will be a significant regret (even if it isn't admitted) for doing stupid shit and living for the moment. When pain sets in, then that worthless mindset dies and the reality of the situation kicks in as well.

    E is enjoyable, of course.....but fuck all of those who say they dont care, that living for the moment is what it's all about.

    Fuck those who claim that it's the few Od's that fuck up the time for people who do it. Yes, it does fuck it up, but justifiably so, it lets people now what the fuck it going on, sadly enough, people don't take the time to realize until something fucked up has happened. Then they are quick to chastise that individual for "not moderating."

    Give me a fucking break, and take a step into reality, FAR too many people hit the clubs every weekend and exceed many of the amounts that caused the death of others, so moderation is hardly the term that applies to drug usage in clubs on a universal scale.

    That is the reality of the sitaution, and fuck all half assed, bullshit ideas that try to shy away, stray away from, get around, or dismiss that idea.

    [This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-03-2000).]

    I agree with the part about doing things in moderation.......even though people dont't I do......that applies to every part of life though....nothing should be done in excess.......Second thing is, how do you know so much about the long-term effects of Ecstacy???? I'm asking a serious question here because I am thinking it hasn't been around long enough to even see those long term effects on people.......maybe I'm wrong though.......lol



    "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......"

  4. Originally posted by divalicious:

    my partner in crime has obligations that are keeping her from partying with me tomorrow. although i could stand a relaxing evening, i just might get cabin fever, and feel the need to go out!

    but i don't want to hang in the club alone...so who's going??

    I may be floating into Exit later on tomorrow night.....possibly though.....keep ya posted.....



    "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......"

  5. Hey, Abyss is around the block from where I used to live.....word of advice, the around the block line at Twilo is well worth skipping Abyss altogether......we all know this......just go to Twilo....meet in back corner at around 1:30-2...



    "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......"

  6. Originally posted by divette:

    It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do...but I needed to do it, for his sake.

    I hope he realizes how much I love him, and that he comes back to me.

    I miss him already...God this hurts. cwm45.gif

    Hey, be strong.....I broke up with my girl about 2 months ago after 5 years and immediately didn't think I could handle it.......I stuck through and was strong......now I'm happier than ever......not that she did anything bad but there was a reason why I felt the needed to do so........getting back with him right now would be be telling yourself theres no reason why you shouldn't be together......but then why did you break with him to start.......Lesson: Stay strong!.....Hope you got something out of that.....lol



    "Music is life, live for the weekend....."

  7. Originally posted by rachel1997:

    wowee..... I went to NV last night..

    Some Yankee player - Chuck someething was there.. wow I never drank so many glasses of champane before... I feel like I'm still drunk! :-) HOw do I get rid of this headache??? This is the first time I ever drank this much...

    Did you have fun?

    That would be Chuck Knoblauch......lol



    "Music is life, live for the weekend....."

  8. Originally posted by nycedee:

    i'm hoping peeps will still meet-up at 5AM powerbar!!! i'm not showing until later, and i'd like to hang with y'all!


    Yea, there will still be the 5am meet this is just for some who will be there early and want to meet up a bit earlier than 5......



    "Music is life, live for the weekend....."

  9. myrlin, I'm gonna check over in that corner at like 1:30-2 maybe with Al....hopefully you guys will still be chillin there.......andy and j303j, why don't you meet us(or just me possibly) at the spot myrlin described at around that time..........Nicki, we'll be on the lookout for you hun.......More, more, more...I want some fire on that goddamn little folder......



    "Music is life, live for the weekend....."

    [This message has been edited by mikey_m (edited 11-02-2000).]

  10. Originally posted by deanna11:

    which bar is the power bar? the one upstairs or the one in the immediate left of the main floor?

    I don't think it's the one left of the main floor because that one has a huge sign over it that says POWER BAR.....he he....Just kidding......Excuse me I'm a very sarcastic bastard sometimes......no, it's the one left of the floor downstairs....see you there, smack if you like for that....lol



    "Music is life, live for the weekend....."

  11. Is online the only way to get an EZ tester or any other MDMA testing reagants....I don't mind getting one online but it takes so long to come......do any smoke shops or other places in NYC sell them.....I can't imagine not being able to find something in this city......Thanks in advance.



    "Music is life, live for the weekend....."

  12. Originally posted by raver_mania:

    *Ahem*...I went in there around 5:45am (I know early) and asked a coupla people on the benches if they were from clubnyc - all I got were strange looks and one no. After that I went outside (intending to return in 15 minutes) but...*cough*... got dragged upstairs to the VIP lounge by some friends ( I was in ...ummm..lets say no state to argue with them). I'm going to give this another shot this weekend..hey, I'm getting closer and closer...dammit, I'm going to succeed one of these days!!!

    If I make it to FrightNight tonite in DC, I might end up meeting DirtySlapper.

    I was right there......maybe I was dancing right near there but I know I was in that vicinity at 5:45 cause someone asked me the time.......I had a tan hat on.......if that means anything....I was probably right next to you....weird.....anyway, get ya this friday....Peace.



    "Music is life, live for the weekend....."

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