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Everything posted by italiamale1977

  1. Its all just a soap bro, I'm just a stubborn Italian Leo. I don't give up, even for imposters! See ya tonight at the phones if ya go. L8R bro! ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  2. Yea... ok there penis wrinkle... Do me a flav ok? Come up right to me and laugh in my face if it makes you feel better. Drama drama drama.... As the saga continues........ ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  3. HAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  4. Rydell kicks ass.... Tonights going to be hot! ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  5. Its about time you decided to give up! ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  6. I'm wishing everyone happy holidays and tis the season to get FUCKED UP!!! :-) ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  7. I figured I should start yet another chapter of this topic so I don't have to sift through all the pages on the other post. Trikki, Sin, and Queenbitch, go ahead...VENT Here.... Tell me how much of a dork I am. Please, enrich me.... YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME but go ahead..... ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  8. Does anyone care what you make? Or what you do with your spare time? No... I am at work all day on this computer making my money too. You can stop explaining yourself and GET LOST. METRO TONIGHT SEE ALL THE COOL PEOPLE THERE! LATERS! ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  9. Hmmmm seems like someone is afraid to show themselves in person to be judged on appearance. Social anxiety disorder maybe? I know all of us down to earth normal people that want to meet up are going to have a blast. Well see you there if you decide to stop being immature about this whole thing. Why can't people just be cool about this? WTF!?!? ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  10. No way, definitely not. He had no problems last week when I hooked him up with a lady friend of mine at Metro. ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  11. Ok so far I have figured out that QUEENBITCH is also ADV and Sin-Sational. How did you do that anyway? loser, or should I say losers with your multiple personality disorder. ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  12. So true.... why don't people just avoid it if they are going to bash??? Make your own posting like WHO HATES PEOPLE THAT WANT TO MEET UP AT METRO. Well, I can talk till I am blue in the face, but its just so annoying. ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  13. Are you going to Metro tommorow too? I can obviously see your friendly... ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  14. Ok, check it out. I would like to meet up with Sungoddess, EvilJav, Emmitt don't know if your coming again, Club chick, Sandman if you go, and who ever else is not going to be immature about meeting up. You all can go be high on yourselves somewhere else. Heres a little quote from DMX.... "I just love when a nigga brings his whole crew its just a bigger piece of cake to chew a hole through." Keep on bashing... You must have been made fun of a lot when you were a kid to keep it up like this. ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  15. Don't need to when ya got a VIP card. But is this true??? ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  16. I know Pete too and to tell you the truth, you will look like the loser here not me when you go bitching to him like a grammer school kid who just got their lunch money stolen. Can't you find something better to do? Gee, I was having fun with this whole meetup thing until you had to throw in your 3rd grade drama. I must be hitting a soft spot with you because you just don't want to give up! I win... ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  17. HOLY SHIT!!! I think I am going to die from laughing so hard..... ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  18. Good call JaV, I'll call you tonight with the info for tommorow.... Later bro. ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  19. My name is Jason, so now the question will be, are you JASON? You are over exaggerating this whole thing, this meetup is not like we are traveling great distances to meet an AOL lover or something. And when you see what I look like, you might be surprised. You on the other hand are probably hideous. I'll know who you are when you stare me in the eyes. You'll stick out like a sore thumb, and you will be the one embarrased. That look is as close as you'll get to even being a friend of mine. I don't like people that cause drama for no apparent reason. Is this how you make friends normally? You bitch at them first about how corny something is? Can't you all just get lost now? ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  20. Sheltered, not in any way. I just like the fact it takes me 5 minutes to get home from the club. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of better places to go in the city Friday's. Float, Chaos, and Saci are all awesome too on Friday's. I never once said that New York clubs suck, and I never intended any drama, however you both seem to like it. These posts are for the people going to Metro tommorow. Are you going? Or were you planning on going? NO?!?! THEN ITS EASY TO AVOID CLICKING THE ICON. Move on... Much love to all who I am meeting tommorow, we are going to have a blast. Ciao! ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  21. WOW you must like watching old re-runs of The Brady Bunch too then. Metro is off the hook on Fridays compared to what it used to be. Happy people = good vibe, you would stick out like a sore thumb. I think someone needs to make a "Jersey Drama" section now too. ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  22. LOL!!!! ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  23. Relax negative people, I literally happened to be friends with half the people in the place. I am not some loser with a pink tu tu. I have been going to Metro for the last two years every month. I just think it would be nice if COOL people showed up and introduced themselves from this board. Don't be annoying K? Besides, I already know Jav and Emmitt, and the only other person that seems nice and interesting that I really want to meet is SUNGODDESS. <wink> <wink> ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
  24. I just think Greek Stud is under 21 with no ID. END OF DISCUSSION. HEAR ME ROAR!!! ------------------ AOL: Italiamale1977
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