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Posts posted by mik-e_smilez

  1. this party was 25 in advacne and 30 at teh door. Tsunami's next party is supposed to be in february, which just means more to do in an already ridiculoulsy busy february. i would have gone even if i heard the venue was crappy, cuz i was there for the music, but when the music is not up to par.... then every little thing goes with it. So far as i see it there are two large psytrance parties coming up. Synthetic Sadhus' Gaia party which is on Feb 2 and there is a party the saturday before Cox and DT which is in the bornx and will feautre medicine drum. Tsunami aren't ready to release any more inof except that their party is in february. ANd NOT at Octagon.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  2. Some really great lines

    You were looking in the mirror and you wished you had some pot?-butch

    heh. That was fuckin trippy heh eheh- Jodie

    What you mean walk the earth?

    You know like Kain from Kung Fu go from place to place, meet people get into adventures.-VInce And Jules

    Don't you hate that?

    Hate what?

    Uncomfortable silences.-Mia and VInce

    Pretty please with sugar on top clean the fucking car-The WOlf


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  3. There are a great number of people i should thank.

    Spoony d thank you for all you help with Hayley's party, and yes your decks will be back soon.

    noiseboy-thank you also for helping with a certain new zelanander's party, and just for being chill.

    Notforkids-thank you for being mad crazy cool, and for walking around with me as i participated in the sequel to Dude, WHere's My Car?

    MissKittie-for listening to my crackheaded ramblings at work.

    and for everyone else that i have not mentioned, thank you all for being so cool and fun. you all help to brighten my evenings.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  4. YO James!

    i didn't know it was your bday. Damn vampires never want you to know their birthdays only their undead birthdays.......grumble grumble

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  5. cwm23.gif

    So i was so totally psyched about this party. i was ready to go in a good mind state and everything. The party for me was such a total let down. The music was ok. about 45 mins non consecutively was it anything remarkable. i mean it was good, but nothing that really blew my mind. (too many psytracne parties??) The venue sucked. small, fucked up uneven and slippery floor, no refills on water, and the sound sucked. the visula were ok, but most psytracne parties have nice fluoro deocrations. i was expecting so much more so i felt let down. there is the up coming synthetic saddhus party to look forward to and a party in the bronx with Medicine Drum. SO some things are on the horizon.

    Oh and Shugabooga- your post of telling me to report on the party sounded like an editor at a newspaper. so i just let my mind run. kept me amused cwm11.gif


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  6. man i hear ya. i pump whatever i am in the mood for recently it has been a Live PVD set, but whatever it is i would have it loud in my headphones, and the damned girl who sits behind me in the next cube could barely hear, but would annoy me to turn it down. cwm23.gif

    i was so happy when she was away for a week, but screw them anyways i am leaving here today and going somewhere else. Just not sure where yet.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  7. cwm3.gif

    during the week about 4-7 on the weekend(friday and Saturday) 0. on sunday about 15 hrs. i have gone 5 days with no sleep. not at all advisable, and i have slept for 32hrs straight once. no they did not follow each other after the 5 day binge i slept for 23 hrs followed by 15 hrs the next night 13 hrs the next and then 12 hrs. i finally got on track. But if it wasn't for work and going out i would sleep about 15 hrs a day i think. cwm35.gif


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  8. Landslide is even sadder when covered by Tori Amos. Some other sad and depressing songs

    WInter-Tori Amos

    Something i Can Never Have-NIN

    Sometimes it Snows In April-Prince


    and many others i cannot think of right now.

    i could probably make a depressign tape and sell it to people who want assisted suicide and don't want to go to Michigan.



    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  9. i do not know of Tsunami one. But Tsunami being the record label and party promoters that feature PsyTrance and have artists like Hallucinogen signed. BTW the line up is

    Tim Schuldt (live)


    Opher India Drop

    Yare X

    plus some others. It should be a great time.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  10. "i'll get right on it chief", says our hero as he walks out of Perry (AKA Shugabogga)White's Office, when suddenly he hears a crash and sees that the E train has derailed releasing her cargo of double stacked green lanterns and hit the Axis Chemical LSD factory rupturing one of it's vat of liquid both into the street! What will Metropolis do?????? Looks like a job for Supercrackhead! And our hero open his shirt revealing the ever present logo cwm4.gif

    Look up in the Sky it's a bird, it's a plane, it's superman! no it is isn't.... it's Supercarackhead. oh shit better hide the kids......


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  11. Honestly tho, i would say fuck all the games. Be yourself. Be how you want to be. If it works out then great, if it doesn't then tell him to fuck off and move on. cwm11.gif

    Games are for kids. Just be real.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  12. we men love being chased especailly if you have a gun and are in a car. Men love car chases with guns.......oh wait this is probably what you meant is it.......oh well. But uhhhh like car chases are like um cool and stuff especailly with like um chicks uh huhuhuhuuhuhuuhuh

    yeah chicks in car chases rule! They Rule! cwm41.gif


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  13. Sorry to hear about that, i am in a similiar boat, the new job that i am leaving this job for on monday just cancelled on me, so now i am unemployed. Posting my resume around as we speak, hoping to have something for monday. No doubt tho if you are not happy with your job, start shopping around. It iwll all end up good cwm7.gif

    Hey Stacey what does your company do? as you can tell i am looking for a job. Can ya help me? Thanks


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  14. anyone who goes to Rutgers in New Brunsiwck shoud know that Titsworth Pl is on Busch Campus.

    And over at Douglas College (all female college) First co(u)ms HANDY St then Seamean Street.

    And peopel wonder why the STD rate at Rutgers is so high. cwm24.gif


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  15. Originally posted by blueangel:

    I think as we grow older and we become wiser . . . we start to create a definition of what beauty is. I know soooo many women who are just absolutely attracted to guys who are extrememly smart. They "believe" it's the most beautiful thing. These guys are your average physical guys . . . no Tom Cruise there. But those girls go absolutely wild for them. It's a personal thing.

    well i do agree with you there. When it comes to personaly choices, there is more to a beautiful person than physical beauty. i was just saying that physical beauty is a measureable thing.

    i have met many MANY manymanymanymany physically beautiful people who are not beauitufl, in fact many were downright ugly. A beautiful person to me, is someone who has good energy, who has a sense of humor, who is a nice open and caring person, someone who is intelligent, and therefore intriguing.

    Yes physical attractiveness does help, as in real life unless you are introduced to a person, most times you will not approach someone unless you find them attractive. But one should never think that a person who has a great deal of physical beauty is synonomous with a beautiful person.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  16. Originally posted by blueangel:

    And second, that's called greed not laziness. And greed is bad.

    "greed is good"- Michael Doulgals in Wall Street

    why is there this drive for success and easy living that is so often called greed? there are two schools of thought on greed. the first is that a person is not content within themselves and within their palce in the univers, so they try to compensate through acquisition. The "he who dies with the most toys wins" mentality.

    ANother train of thought is that greed is subjective. What one person may call greed is another person's way of trying to do a good job for their loved ones. Yes little Johnny could live without a PS2 and a 48 screen tv for his playroom, but perhaps you feel that by providing this you are being a good provider, so your loved ones have all their dreams. This of course is not good in the long run, but many people do not worry about it since they do not want their loved one to know pain. This type of "greed" can be in the person in question's mind altruistic. Not necessarily the right thing to do, but seems like the good thing to do.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  17. Originally posted by blueangel:

    Second, "Ugly" is what YOU think is ugly . .. just like beauty. So, the determination of "Beauty" and "Ugly" is a personal thing . . . there are no general identification unless you follow the description of fashion magazines.

    Well according to the Discovery Channel and their special about the science of beauty. Beuaty is a universal thing. It can be measured. It is a sign of proper health, and good genes. Symmetry is a main Charecteristic involved here with it. SInce the natrual drive to pass on genes is innate so is our sense of beauty as we look for wsomeone who is fertile strong and healty to mate with, to inusre that our genes will be passed on.

    Also in psychological tests if an infant is shown pictures the infants eyes stay upon the face of a beautiful face longer than the face of someone who is unaatractive. Proof again that the idea of beauty is innate.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  18. Originally posted by dbilas:

    Are human beings born evil by nature? Must we be taught to not be evil?

    Well people cannot and will not do purely evil things, just for evil's sake. They have to believe that whatever they are doing, while it may be worng, serves a greater good. Sometimes this greater good could be just to advance themselves. Sometimes they believe that the evil things they do will benefit mankind. How else can one legitimize the Holocaust. In Hitler's derranged little mind he believed that he was doing the right things. In every Holy War both sides believed that they were doing God's will. It is not that the people are evil, just misguided or in some cases lazy. The person at the office who takes credit for your great idea and gets the promotion knows that what he or she is doing is wrong, but is too lazy to go and think of a better idea or do the work to advance themselves, so they take a shortcut. Still does not make them inheriently evil. Just a lazy fucker.

    Now of course the above theory is totally blown out of the water if a person happens to be the actual spawn of the Dark Lord, but that really doesn't occur too often



    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  19. ok so i am at work bored at jacked on caffiene, so my mind is racing so i started to wonder. What is the deal with the stars after someone's name. What do they mean? how does one get more?


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  20. Originally taken from Blue Angel's post:

    [quote: Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:

    How else can one legitimize the Holocaust. In Hitler's derranged little mind he believed that he was doing the right things.

    Okay, first of all . . . Hitler was a pyschopathic person. I don't think he was trying to legitimize ANYTHING.]

    He had to legitimize what he was doing. That what his book Mein Komf (sp?) was about. He aslo had to legitimize to his people and soon to be followers/soldiers that this was the right cause. Which was thorugh the use of propaanda such as DW Griffith's "Triumph of the Will", and through the impassionated orations given by HItler himself. He believed that he was right. He was definetly wrong, deranged, socioppath, but in his mind he legitimzeed it, and it helped him to legitimaze those horros that were about to take place to his followers.

    (damn, i love conversations like this, but isn't this board for clubs. cwm1.gif


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  21. Originally taken from Blue Angel's post:

    [quote: Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:

    How else can one legitimize the Holocaust. In Hitler's derranged little mind he believed that he was doing the right things.

    Okay, first of all . . . Hitler was a pyschopathic person. I don't think he was trying to legitimize ANYTHING.]

    He had to legitimize what he was doing. That what his book Mein Komf (sp?) was about. He aslo had to legitimize to his people and soon to be followers/soldiers that this was the right cause. Which was thorugh the use of propaanda such as DW Griffith's "Triumph of the Will", and through the impassionated orations given by HItler himself. He believed that he was right. He was definetly wrong, deranged, socioppath, but in his mind he legitimzeed it, and it helped him to legitimaze those horros that were about to take place to his followers.

    (damn, i love conversations like this, but isn't this board for clubs. cwm1.gif


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  22. first just to answer some questions psed earlier. the white cat who rhymed all the time was wordsworth. i belive that the show where the guy turned into the car was pole position.

    fav saturday morning cartoons, spider man and his amazing friends, dungeous an dragons, muppet babies, xmen, bobby's world, droids( if anyone remembers them), The Littles ( you go Dinky!), rubik's cube, Scooby Doo and Scrappy too(proof i had must have been a drug addict as a kid), Captain N the gamemaster (another bad one i liked at the time), Hulk Hogan's Rock N Wrestling, Garfield and Friends(Us Acres was ok tho), Pac Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future and The Tick.

    During the week-Voltron,RObotech,GI Joe, Transformers, Healthcliff, HE Man, Thundercats, Gobots, Chip N Dale's Rescue Rangers, Ducktales, Batman, and Pokemon.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

    [This message has been edited by mik-e_smilez (edited 01-17-2001).]

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