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Posts posted by mik-e_smilez

  1. well i left i think somewhere around 9 am, but there are reports from others in attendance that my i was there till the end. In actuality it was not me but an android from the future sent back to take my place. So that is why it seemed like i never left, but i assure you ladies and gentlemen the rumors of my being there till the end are completely exaggerated.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  2. it was nice seeing everyone and getting to hang out somewhere where you don't have to scream to be heard. i'll see you guys next time. Thanx for seetting it up Jammy.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  3. THis is why i will be carried into Twilo on SUnday strapped to a table. cwm4.gif i can't wait!

    Sacred Science

    Date: Saturday, February 17, 2001

    Time: 11:00PM - 7:00AM EST (GMT-05:00)

    SPECTRA presents...

    Sacred Science

    February 17th, 2001

    live acts:

    MEDICINE DRUM (Return to the Source, CyberOctave) U.K- all 3


    TICON (DIGITAL structures, TIP World) Sweden- first time in the


    SHAPE SHIFTERS (Boom records, Krembo records) U.S- first

    >nyc performance


    SYNCHRO (TIP World, Liquid Audio Soundz) Netherlands

    HUGH SHARPE (Futuretech,Brooklyn Crib) NYC

    JAMIN (Hovek Olam) NYC

    landscapes and brand new work from:


    deco by:

    JAMIN- Hovek Olam- USA


    The Key Skating Rink

    220 E.138th St.& Grand Concourse

    Bronx, N.Y.C

    $25 in advance

    $30 at the door

    advance tickets:

    House of Trance 212-533-6700

    Sonic Groove 212-675-5284

    Satellite Boston 617-536-5482

    Growroom 413-549-9296


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  4. i saw the preview at Shadow of the Vampire. It is amazing. Really just breathing taking animation effects. Don't worry Spoonster, it is its own plot and has nothing to do with the plot of the vido game. Maybe some elements, but nothingthat you would have had to play the game to appreciat


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  5. The argument is a double edged sword. on one side you have the evil commericailization of a scene. A huge influx of clueless people who have little sense of the true values of a scene. They are they because Dawson went to a "rave" and they thought it was cool. So now you are surrounded by these "trendy" people and those of us who have been out there for a while feel threatened and say oh it's not the same. The vibe is all wrong. (e.g. Twilo last friday is the most recent example) Is this a bad thing?

    Not always. It is nice to get fresh minds inot a scene to bring parts of themselves to what will eventually become a stale scene without new blood. Of course with a large influx of new people there will be a large influence of clueless "assholes". One of two things will happen either they will realize it is not for them and go away, or they realize it is for them and stay. The fact that they stay may signal to some the death of a scene. Scenes never die truly. They fall out of the spotlight or adapt or morph into something else. Yes things are not like how they used to be. They can't be. That's the whole thing. Life is about forward motion. Otherwise you could end up like Disco Stu from the Simpsons.

    As far as for the selling out thing. On some levels it is selling out, but since many of us are now old enough to be the young hip designers/directors or dirrerent firms, we will bring what we like to them. So you get things like the commerical with the "Detroit Techno" slogan for some car company. You get films like Pi, The Virgin Suicides, Go, Groove, Human Traffic and Trainspotting that use and showcase this new music. Yes it does bother me to see a commerical on tv with and 800 number to buy a Progressive Trance albulm, but what like i said time moves on things change.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  6. The argument is a double edged sword. on one side you have the evil commericailization of a scene. A huge influx of clueless people who have little sense of the true values of a scene. They are they because Dawson went to a "rave" and they thought it was cool. So now you are surrounded by these "trendy" people and those of us who have been out there for a while feel threatened and say oh it's not the same. The vibe is all wrong. (e.g. Twilo last friday is the most recent example) Is this a bad thing?

    Not always. It is nice to get fresh minds inot a scene to bring parts of themselves to what will eventually become a stale scene without new blood. Of course with a large influx of new people there will be a large influence of clueless "assholes". One of two things will happen either they will realize it is not for them and go away, or they realize it is for them and stay. The fact that they stay may signal to some the death of a scene. Scenes never die truly. They fall out of the spotlight or adapt or morph into something else. Yes things are not like how they used to be. They can't be. That's the whole thing. Life is about forward motion. Otherwise you could end up like Disco Stu from the Simpsons.

    As far as for the selling out thing. On some levels it is selling out, but since many of us are now old enough to be the young hip designers/directors or dirrerent firms, we will bring what we like to them. So you get things like the commerical with the "Detroit Techno" slogan for some car company. You get films like Pi, The Virgin Suicides, Go, Groove, Human Traffic and Trainspotting that use and showcase this new music. Yes it does bother me to see a commerical on tv with and 800 number to buy a Progressive Trance albulm, but what like i said time moves on things change.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  7. i wonder what and if Twilo was still charging at 7 am to let kids in. i have two of my firends who got in somehow for free. i didn't get a straight story from them since they were tripping on aicd, but they piad no money to get in at 7am. But think about if you just came in at 630 or 730 and paid $35 bucks for two hours and left unfulfilled. hmmmm what else do peopel have to say?


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  8. no doubt the employees are ready to go home, and i feel for them, but i remember in the no too distant past PVD nights going till 10 or later. i am friends with a lot of the staff at twilo, and from what i hear Twilo unfortunatly does not take into account those things. i am too polite to ask what the differnet employees are getting paid, but they could maybe get a little more when they have later nights. With this in mind it is still not any reason on why they don't have a closer.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  9. ok yes to many of the things already said about PVD.

    1.Yes he was awesome. (although I liked his November set better)

    2. Yes it was VERY crowded, but c’mon were you really not expecting this?

    4.Yes the vibe was good, on the flipside the vibe has been much better at PVD in the past which is another can of worms altogether.

    But none of this is what I want to talk about. My main issue with the night was the end. In November Paul ended quite abruptly at 8:30 he supposedly was not in a great mood, and had another show Saturday night in Europe. This time again he ended abruptly at 8:30 he had a show in Canada later that night. At the point he stopped the club was as about as full as it would be at a peak time on a regular Twilo night (Sven Vath,, Deep Dish, etc.) plus the crowd was still up at a fevered pitch. But because Paul was finished we had to leave. Now from what I saw/experienced the majority of the crowd was not ready for this. As evident by the jabbering maniacs seen sort of trying to get their coats and hanging out outside of Twilo. Now as much as I believe when he is spining Paul is a god, he is in reality a mere human being who has limits, and a 6+hour set is difficult, so I am not asking Paul to play longer (although who wouldn’t like that) nor am I really asking him to change his set to bring the crowd down slowly. But can’t we have a closer come on after Paul. I feel that if someone came on and played a closing set it would be a nice way to send everyone out into the morning sun that awaits them outside. Just a thought. Anybody out there agree?


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  10. i have been recently suffering from horrible leg cramps on club nights cwm14.gif but i recently read that muscle cramps is a sure sign of dehydration. so i have recently cahnged my tune on drinking water. Reb bull doesn't count, as my good old buddy caffiene does nothing but serve to further dehydrate you. so after the red bull i figured i should use two bottles of water as a chaser. This is speaking for a club night. So remember kids say you prayers take your vitamins drink your water and you can be a Mik-a-maniac!


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  11. i emailed him and asked if he could somehow work "ohh la la" into his set, then "i would be the happiest boy in the world." He wrote back saying that he would keep it in mind.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  12. i have recently (ok so i got with the times....leave me the hell alone) downloaded realplayer and have learned to use it to get netradio.com. there is a pretty good tracne station there and a decent trip hop one too. i was wondering if anyone had any suggestion of other stations that played good trance psytrance or trip hop. Thanx.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  13. ohh la la from the import 45 rpm albulm. i love all the other metnitoned in this list, but this is my all time fav PVD track. very un PVD like too.


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

  14. OK, here's the situation ...

    You're at a party, it's 2AM, and you're getting down to the beat when


    You look around and the event is being flooded with cops ... coming

    through the doors, climbing through the windows, rappeling from the ceiling


    Now it could be that that pill you thought was Ecstasy that you got before

    the party from that guy on the corner in the giant Dr. Seuss hat was

    actually something a bit more powerful or it's more likely that the party

    you're at is getting BUSTED!!!

    Here's a few tips and some fun things you can do as a consolation before you

    just go to the afterparty that the idiot cops don't realize will inevitably

    spring up 'cause you CAN'T KEEP RAVERS DOWN!!!! YEAH!!! =)


    1) Don't panic. You're at a party and there's no law against that so relax.

    2) If you're drunk(naughty, naughty) pretend you're sleepy. It usually


    3) If you have to drive somewhere and you're drunk, DON'T!!! Stay in the

    car and tell the nice officer you're too sleepy to drive.

    Fun Things to do to Cops That Are Busting a Party

    1) Ask her/him if s/he's 'rolling'.

    2) Tell her/him how sexy s/he is ... ESPECIALLY if s/he is the same sex as

    you are.

    3)Ask them where the afterparty's at.

    4)Ask them if they can draw your outline on the sidewalk with that little

    chalk they have.

    5) Ask to see their gun ... wink.

    6) When the cops come bursting through the doors scream 'SURPRISE!!!' and

    wish them a happy birthday.

    7)Ask them to apprehend the green elves with the laser beam eyes.

    8) Tell them 'they' went that way(point any direction)

    9) Ask for directions to the nearest all night donut shop ... laugh at them

    when they tell you and say to your friends "I told you s/he'd know!!!"

    10) When they ask you to leave, pretend you don't see them, look around and

    ask, "Is that you God?"

    11) Give all the money in your wallet to a friend in full view of the cops

    and then tell them you know where to get some really good PLUR.

    12) Repeat everything that the cop says to you.

    13) Pretend you're a cop and tell the other kids to leave.

    14) Thank the cops for arriving when they did otherwise you were gonna call

    fire from heaven and bring these heathen, sinners to judgement yourself!

    15) Tell the cops you're undercover DEA, Division 6.

    16) Tell them you're James Bond.

    17) Tell them you're Marilyn Monroe.

    18) Welcome them to the Annual Policeman's Ball. Ask to take their coat.

    19) Ask them if they've seen you're anti-psychotic meds 'cause you're about

    to REALLY freak out!

    20) Ask them if they'd like to know where the REAL rave is at.

    21) Thank them for igoring the real problems in society.

    22) Ask them to leave 'cause their really killing 'the vibe'.

    23) Ask them if they'd like to see the tattoo of a cop that you got on your


    24) Ask them when the Village People's next release is.

    25) Smile directly at them ... fart.

    26) Tell them you'd like to report a crime ... Your friend just puked on

    your new Skechers.

    27) Make a complaint about the neighbors.

    28) Don't leave! Make them drag you out. They can't mace you unless

    they're threatened.

    29) If they use a bullhorn drop to your knees and scream, "OH GOD, IT'S THE


    30)Be friendly and cooperative. This really throws 'em. Keep in mind that

    cops are only assholes because they have to enforce laws that suck! Change

    the laws, change the cops. VOTE!!!


    'i wish U Heaven'

    "People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

    "and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

    aol IM=MikE420DKE

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