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Posts posted by peache5030

  1. Originally posted by foxyroxy20

    I go sober all the time, never done any type a drug in my life, dotn even take stackers or drink red bull. All I need is hard beats and am fine, but as soon as i hear trance I tend to fall asleep lol...I definately need the hard house/hardcore, etc....that will keep me up and moving till closing...;)

    Cause you are my girl!!!!! LOL..

    me on the other hand..well i like my stuff...LMAO..but sober Ive done as well....cant stay dancing hard as long..but still have fun...

  2. Originally posted by mugwump

    I remember being in LL at a Disco 2000 night with Keoki spinning..

    My friend FORCED me to go (I was still MR. INDUSTRIAL guy and hesitated to listen to anything else)

    After about an hour my foot started to tap..

    My body started to move..

    and then my freinds gf kisses me and slips a pill with her tounge in my mouth..

    I just went along with it..

    and she says to me "Just drink lots of water and dance!"

    I was game so I washed the pill down my throat and agreed..

    Half an hour later I had my first roll...

    But the music had infected me way before I blew up.. (I had begun to hop around trying

    to imitate the kids with the Glowsticks..)

    the girls where sooo fucking cute with the big pants color bracelets, stuffed toys and bleached hair.

    I fell in love with five different girls that night and kissed three complete strangers and fealt sensations and emotions far beyond anything I'd ever fealt..

    A complete sense of UNITY and an overwhelming desire to get to know EVERYONE!

    I danced all fucking night until my friend pulled me out of the place when the lights went on!

    Outside the sun was up so we walked to a cafe and cuddled and drank OJ..

    After that night I told myself that this was something that I could get use to doing alot!

    It's been almost ten years since that night..

    I dont wear fat pants any more and the only piercings I have left are my streatched lobes (that I'm too chicken shit to take out) I'm 28 now and an older wiser clubber!

    but the Passion..

    The love..


    and RESPECT.

    are still inside me!

    They have infected me with a virus that I canot find the cure for..

    nor do I want to!

    The most beautifull open people belong to our world on the dance floors...

    There isnt any place like it in the entire world...

    and no other music moves me like Dance music...





    Will you marry me????? :D

  3. I was 16 and i went to Limelight....i was such a dork..i was with some girlfriends who were 18+ but when the guy looked at my ID..and asked me how old I was..i told him 16...lol...

    nevertheless...got in...and was quite amazed...have LOVED a good club ever since...

  4. I LOVE to be in a committed realtionship...just each other...BUT when the conversation of marraige and kids come up I seem to freak out and start doing stupid shit....

    So in some sense of the word I am scared of the permanent committment..not the temporary one...

  5. one night i must of been chewing and grinding and eating my lips sooo bad because i woke up with a fat lip on one side....it looked like someone punched me in my mouth....

    not good...i laid on the couch half the morning with ice pressed against my mouth...which wasnt very good for me because when i come down I am always freezing....then to explain to my boyfriend at the time how that happened...

    whoa- what a night actually!!!


  6. one night i must of been chewing and grinding and eating my lips sooo bad because i woke up with a fat lip on one side....it looked like someone punched me in my mouth....

    not good...i laid on the couch half the morning with ice pressed against my mouth...which wasnt very good for me because when i come down I am always freezing....then to explain to my boyfriend at the time how that happened...

    whoa- what a night actually!!!

  7. Anyone who knows me knows I dont have a problem putting shit up my nose..but after reading your post the first thing I thought was this is sooo beneficial for you and dont even wonder what those things are like...you are better off without even trying them once.....

    believe me i know...i kinda regret those first bumps..lines..etc....

  8. Originally posted by bionic

    K is snorted.

    It comes in a liquid form common referred to as liqs. Its cooked into a powder in a few ways.

    1) Get a pot of boiling water. put a plate on stop, pour the liquid onto the plate and when it dries viola - powder.

    2) Turn the oven to pour it into a pyrex plate and let it evaporate.

    3) Microwave it on a plate fo about 2 min.

    When you get it in a club, its already in a jar. Which is why you always hear asking if you have any jars...

    It's a white powder. Sometimes its very fine almost like salt. Somtimes is a little clumpier. - It looks like coke.

    It can also been cooked with other ingredients i.e. oatmeal or vanilla extract. This provides a better 'taste'. Sometimes you get a nasty taste in the back of your throat.

    A k hole is hard to describe. You'll know it when you're in one LOL..

    Its when you taken enough of the stuff to what I call tranquilize yourself. You definately halucinate. The shape of the club, your surroundings, take on differnet forms. You really can't function physically. You can't walk, Talking is entirely too much work and even if you tried talking, You may think you're speaking clearly, but you're not.

    You may have seen at clubs people being walked around by other people. Sometimes just holding hands or shirt tails or hanging onto the back of shoulders. K does that to you. You become dissoriented and your motor skills get all fucked up.

    So after all this, why do it?

    K brings you to the next level of feelin good. Its a great feeling and can be really fun. You just need to know how much to take. Unlike G you can't over dose, to the point of harming yourself. Do it with somebody who's done it before so you feel more comfortable and so they can keep an eye on you.

    Have fun and be safe!!

    ohhhhh- you are turning me with all this K knowledge....:D :D

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