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Everything posted by scottyskribz57

  1. HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS, THIS COULD BE A LONG ONE..... I have recently been studying energy fields around all living things, and the fact that even our thought patterns can alter another persons actions or thoughts as well, this comes to the conclusion that when two forms of energy come together in conflict, the result can be one of two things... You can walk away feeling better, stronger, more confident, or you can feel weaker, lesser, not as worthy, and this can be all be explained through our energy... Since time began every single struggle from the last bagle at Dunkin Donuts, to World Wars has come down to One wanting power over another's energy, for reasons being that we will feel better about ourselves by obsorbing or stealing someone's energy..... As corny as it may sound, I just finished watching to movie "Pay it Forward," basically a movie about when someone does you a favor, instead of paying them back you do a favor for three different people, And I cam to the conclusion that this idea is not so far fetched, if every person that recieved a favor from someone, if they were to return to the favor to three different people, then the level of enegy that already surrounds us would be that much greater. We would douse ourselves in our own energy, and no longer need to struggle for energy...... People now are struggling for everyone else's energy instead of concentration on their own, Just an idea I thought I might let some of you grasp... -Scotty-
  2. HAHAHAHA!!!! Yo do you believe I am worth $2,243,136.00, I shit you not my friends.... -Scotty-
  3. I want to meet all of the new headz, MEETUP IN FRONT OF THE STAGE AT 3AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Scotty-
  4. Yo I deffinatley want to meet up with ALL of you, I'll be chilling down in front of the stage most of the night, say meet ya there at 3ish???? -Scotty-
  5. Just a little thing I thought people would like to think about, I am a firm believer that the crash on queens happened for a reason, and this is why, I read a book a while back, and it talked about looking out for sings that are always there but people often dismiss them... After the crash, the number 587(the number of the flight) was played in the jersey lotto, coincidentally it came out, and becuase so many people played that number, it was only distributed out in 16 DOLLAR SUMS!!!!! After I head about this, I turned on the television, and the first thing I saw on the screen was a little add, and all it said was "Something big is coming..." and then it disappeared.... I don't know exactly what all of this means, and I could be working myself up for nothing, but it's been on my mind all day, just thought I would share.... -Scotty-
  6. I missed this one last year, I hope I can make it this year..... -Scotty-
  7. Thats a stupid question, next please, HAHAHA Just kidding No but seriously, I'd probably fill the new "Twilo" with manure, just becuase they are very very bad people for using the name..... -Scotty-
  8. Yeah there's a certain Kitty who I just can't seem to get enough of
  9. oh and Mike, you need to start picking up your cell phone when it rings, thats how it works, when the phone starts making sounds, press the talk button, and believe it or not, there will be someone on the other end to talk to, it doesn't just make noises to bug you out, HAHAHA LMAO!!!! :laugh: :laugh: -Scotty-
  10. Why don't you blow me, haha, yeah I agree, they are going to probably drop a kick ass set, but the crowd is going to be ridiculous, which is why I chose not to see them sometimes at Twilo becuase of all the fucken hype they got, Hawtin should be good, Mike come freggin home already...... Should we possibly set up a Turkey Day Meetup at the wonderful Limelight????? -Scotty-
  11. Is there anyone else going, or is everyone going to see S&D?? Just curious, cause it seems like most people are going to Cipriani's or however you spell it, but since I lost my fake ID a few weeks ago at Jade Terrace(I won't get into that now) it doesn't look like I can go to see them, so it's off to see Richie.... Wow that was a whole lot of not-needed typing, hahaha So is anyone else going???? -Scotty-
  12. Mugz Man, you come up with the worst excuses ever, HAHAHA:laugh: :laugh: , Nah just playin, yo I'm deffinately going to try to hit this up, even though i lost my id on saturday, but i'm hopin, we'll see...... -Scotty-
  13. After i tried to defend this girl, she turns around and bitches me out telling me i was dissing her like everyone else, so if thats what she said i did i might as well do it right??? -Scotty-
  14. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! Figure it out already the only people that like you on here are people that you were already friends with outside the board, that you brought here!!!HAHAHA Even some of the people that tried to defend you don't give a shit anymore, the more you post on here the more you are going to get bashed until your immature little ego can't take the fact that she was unaccepted by virtual people, HAHAHA, that's the funniest thing I have ever heard, YOU CAN'T EVEN MAKE FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE YOU HAVE NEVER MET!!!!!! HAHA ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  15. scottyskribz57


    I thought you were my pussy to play with....??? -Scotty-hehe
  16. Ok, this is sooooo funny, Marcela I agree with you 100%, and I thought that I tried to make it clear in this post that I was impartial to either side becuase i am friends with D, but I also think that she posts stupid things sometimes, but apparently SHE didn't understand the point that I was trying to make, so now she says we are no longer friend, oh no :cry:, :sarcasmatit'sfinest: WHAT EVER!!!! This is exactly what I was talking about to begin with, COMPLETE BULLSHIT Now with that said and done, let's get back to the real world and see what people have planned for tonight....hehe -Scotty-
  17. I'm probably going to end up doing nothing, I'm low on the cash flow, and i'm still a little tired from Halloween with DT, looks like a good night to do absolutley nothing, get a movie, , and chill.... -Scotty-
  18. I want to reitterate myself and make it clear that I am not on any sides here, I couldn't agree with you more Marcella, but take it to the drama board, this is why we have one, my god, The New York forum is for events going on in New York, the Sex Forum is for pervs, hehe, and the Drama forum is for stupid petty bullshit that no one really cares about, i'm done on this topic, what's everyone doing tonight?? -Scotty-
  19. Ok, I shouldn't really be saying anything, first off cause I am friends with Dee, and second I myself have posted way more stupid shit than she has, but fucken come on now, can you say fucken ridiculous, ALL of you, not just D, have absolutley nothing better to do than to feed her ego, I mean seriously, I always thought the message board was a place to find out whats going on during the weekend, not to bash someone that you don't like.... TAKE IT TO HE DRAMA BOARD, THAT"S WHY IT'S THERE!!!!! my 2 cents..... -Scotty- ::damnscottysgonnahearaboutitnow::
  20. No one missed you, we forgot who you were, hahaha, just kidding bro, it was deffinatley good seeing you again, seeing you, and listening to Danny brought back memories from Twilo, although not even close to the same thing, it was still cool..... -Scotty-
  21. Bro, do you remember the guy that you were standing outside on line with, with the fangs, and the raver gear, that was me, I thought i heard you say something about clubplanet, but i wasnt sure, that was me haha -Scotty-
  22. 4 girls, damn fill me in, i'm clueless...... -Scotty-
  23. price means absolutley nothing, i'm talking comfort factor here, and my bed is the best, there is no argument here, i dont care what anyone says, its the best... -Scotty-
  24. Hands down, for no reason, except that it just is........ -Scotty-
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