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Posts posted by pod

  1. Kids, leave your personal issues off the net :). Sure, I have quite a bit of bandwidth to dish out, but I'd rather use that to download more porn (Miss September's quite hot. I think I may ask her out to dinner one night...but she can't compete with my true love Laetita Casta..) than see two friends calling each other names.

  2. Well, being said cat ... :)

    Cameras are by rule prohibited @ all major venues. But, they are tolerant if all's your brining in is like a little digital or a disposable film camera. The bouncers usually don't care if you grab a quick snap or two of your friends They get in a bind if you break out your Nikon F5 without prior clearance...:)

    Place that minds the least is crobar, the place that minds the most is Space. They hassle pros and people with little disposables alike. I've had clearance to shoot in there and have been almost thrown out quite a few times, not for anything "against the rules", but just because security didn't communicate effectively with each other...management would tell one guy I was legit, and then some other bruiser would come and bother me.

    If you're pro and need clearance, call ahead of time and arrange so. They usually cooperate if you have a valid reason ("I work for so and so.." or "I'm so and so, the photographer..") to shoot.

  3. New Years tickets for events usually don't hit the block until November at the earliest. Most places don't even have final plans yet. It's not like with Y2K where they had to have their shit together...it's a normal NYE, so they have a little slack...but if you keep looking here, myself and the rest of the Miami gang will post events as they come in...:)

  4. crobar for NYE for sure. Space is a good bet too...where to stay, stay somewhere cheap, it's not as if you'll be in the room too much...

  5. You can watch steel be made.

    I had a friend who lived there, and outside of the college bar scene there's jack shit. We're jaded, René...only Miami, London, NYC, and Ibiza satisfy us.

  6. I was there since about 11:30, so I called it a night at 8.

    Overall it was rather fun in my opinion. Space seemed a lot looser, and a lot tighter as well. Looser in the dresscode and such...good thing, I showed up in my Urei 1620 tshirt and a pair of jeans...

    Tighter in the fact that they searched your bags upon entry. I had a bottle of water curried away, but the guy took it from me...

    Most asinine thing about the night, you had to exit the party if you wanted to go into the club itself...so in a weird way, there was re-entry, but it took like an hour to get back in.

    Talent was what I expected. The locals were fantastic with Oakenfold being mediocre. Even worse, all us pros had to stash our cameras during his set since he didn't want his photo taken. Though I grabbed one of him and his girlfriend backstage. Luis Puig gave me a dirty look and I ran like hell. :) Thanks to Oakie, I now know what a trainwreck really sounds like.

    Best sets were RITM (all cool guys, not camera shy in the least), Ben Richards, and Edgar and Dave inside.

    overall, give the party an 8.

    Well, I'm gonna drop dead for a bit...

    (sorry about the shoddy writing, i'm so tired!)

  7. Remember kids, one time people thought Twilo, Liquid, Groovejet, and so forth would last forever.

    Space has talented DJs, but their customer service is lacking currently. Hell if what some on this board say is true, even certain well-known DJs are pissed at Space.

    I'm not wishing Space to close, I'm hoping that the new Fuel will succeed (for the right reasons), and convince Space to stop resting on it's laurels.

    Question for y'all, who would you like to see as either a resident or a guest at the Fuel?

  8. You don't regret the things you did, you regret the things you didn't do.

    I hope it succeeds, but I know I'll be standing outside the door opening night. And have a sniper on standby if Stephan is working the door again. If they make that mistake, Fuel is doomed.

  9. Cool :) I generally have liked what the Milons have done, it will inject some much needed class into Downtown. Fuel's original angle was to do that, but they couldn't pull it off. Witn names like Eric and Didier Milon at the helm, the new Fuel (or whatever it shall be named) cannot go wrong. If musical style is any indication we'll get some groovin filtered house and disco down the street from Space (Bob Sinclair? Julius Papp? )

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