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Posts posted by pod

  1. That's what I thought. George probably woulda canned her if he heard her talking like that. Is there some sort of door-bitch assembly line I don't know about? Probably right next door to where they manufacture boy bands, and a block away from wherever candyravers come from.

  2. Same here, never seen a fight at a respectable establishment down here. Not to say they don't happen (look at the ruckus on memorial day), but they're very infrequent.

  3. nothing really in boca...

    miami's not as far as you think. If you're the type of driver I think you are (originating from NJ), I think you can make south beach/downtown in like 45 minutes...well worth it.

  4. Andrew just made a valid point. The reason why we bitch is because we grew used to a certain level of service at various other venues around miami, including Space. We're complaining because a few months ago, we were all pro-space to the extreme...

  5. D7: You can be my financial consultant :) Basically, I was saying 20 to 30 keeping the rent in mind :)

    Aeroplano: We'd have to close at 5 am on the beach...now who wants that? :)

    Just out of morbid curiosity, anyone know what the policy on having police around is?

  6. SPACEDUDE!!!! :)

    I thought you were a ploy. Well sir, let me remove my foot from my mouth.

    Anyway, I think the gist of it is the door personnel nowadays that people have a beef with. Security has been showing some slight improvement...and the main issue is the type of people that one may encounter in your venue. Now I know there's nothing you really can do about it, but it's just something that needs to be aired...

    But I do thank you for coming back to our little cluster of bytes.


  7. he's wearing a muscle shirt and that just wouldn't fly with the doorman

    I saw this happen yesterday. The doorgirl said "Sorry, but we don't allow people to wear 'gay tshirts' here." to a guy right behind me.

    I could have slapped her for that comment...not that I advocate violence against girls, but in my mind she at least deserved a quick 'that was uncalled for, door-bitch!'.

    As for jonny's comment that maybe we're the source of the problem, that's highly unlikely...like tony said, if one of us was bitching, maybe, but several of us are, and lots of people outside of the clubplanet community are, too. More than likely, jonny's just been lucky, or he's in bed with someone at Space....even people I know who can just walk up to the door, ask for <name deleted>, bitch about the place.

    I had a bit of hope when "Spacedude" was on the board, but that seemed to be a ploy. Security still sucks, even to the point of harassing off-duty clubworkers and DJs (yesterday I saw them giving Cedric and Stefan along with Seth the photographer shit for standing behind the DJ booth @ the patio..) on a regular basis.

    I'm almost scared to go to Mekka, since there's going to be some issues with the kids overdoing things, and security is probably going to overreact. The door hasn't changed a bit, still a bunch of bullshit with our Eurotrash friend...geez they fire the BHB and put in a known fuckwit in her place. I can only wish they could read this, but Stephan probably gets perplexed with the power switch on a computer, much less dialing in (DSL, cable, or a T3 would probably melt his brain) to the internet...

    They probably don't think we're to be taken seriously, that all's we do is hide behind our flatscreens and bitch...but I seriously think that the chickens are gonna come home to roost on the Space issue....they'll accidentally fuck over a person who wields power on the club scene, and it'll be Shawn Lewis (who?) time for Space.

    It's honestly strange though. I've met the top management and ownership of Space, and they're all stand up guys, it's their subordinates that are out of hand!

  8. Totally. Space strove to get away from the fashion show of the beach. They've succeeded, only too well.

    Sure, the beach had it's faults, but if you exuded a certain mentality or attitude at the door of say crobar, shadow or level, you were denied entry or given a hard time of it at least...

  9. A rich Japanese investment banker wants to open a Miami nightclub. Searching through the internet, he scours enough info to pick you, dear reader, as the person he wants to build this new venue. Describe what you'd do...be as vague or as detailed as you want to. Use an existing location, or build a new one!

    OK, here's my idea:

    Location: Downtown Miami, Vacant lot just off of 395 East, 12th St and Second Ave. Close enough to Space to put the hurt on them, far enough to exist on it's own.

    Building: Nondescrpt concrete block, 40,000 square feet over 3 soundproofed floors with a rooftop terrace.

    Name: I don't know I suck at names .. marketing takes care of it.

    Technical Details: 2 of the 3 indoor areas furnished with an EAW Avalon series sound system, (DC-15s, DCS-2s, supertweeter arrays), powered by industry standard Crown Macrotechs, roughly 40,000 watts per room. 3rd indoor area furnished with a Nexo Alpha array (I'm impressed by Nexos, I'll give them a chance) with the same power requirements. Rooftop terrace sound consists of EAW KF 300e (VLA config), with SB-528s for the low end. All rooms equipped with 3 SL-1200 MK4 turntables, Urei 1620 mixer (pending availability), and Pioneer CDJ-100 CD players. DAT decks available if DJ wants to record set.

    Lighting in the 3 indoor areas would feature Highend Technobeams, Studio Colors, Colorspots, Trackspots, and Dataflashers in an array that would take too long to explain here. All run by the new HogPC controller. Supplemental PAR cans hung in strategic locations to enhance ambient mood. All rooms feature a true multicolor laser by Coherent Systems. In addition, the first floor main room will have the Molefay "truck lights" mounted by the DJ. Outdoor lighting will be a scaled down array similar to the indoor areas, but with hardier Powerline series lights due to the environment..

    Visual effects will consist of video displays a la the remix parties, but with an added twist of making the video screens move, sure I'm ripping off Kremlin, but it's a cool idea :). Oh and the video projectors will be the extra-bright Barco type. All walls will have some sort of lighting, like the stage at Level, or the walls at the late not so great Fuel.

    Nitrogen fog and haze all over! Truck horns, noismakers randomly scattered about...

    Decor, first floor will be themed with a deep blue and yellow paint-scheme, with the ambient lighting matching such. Small VIP areas on each side, with similar seating in the front and back for normal patrons. Swaths of curtains and cloth will give a very relaxing feel to the place.

    Second floor: Industry Industry Industry! Metal finish all over the place, this will evoke memories of the movie Metropolis. Little LEDs scattered on the walls make it seem like you're inside some giant piece of machinery. Small VIP area near the back. Ambient lighting orange and red

    Third floor: avant garde. Think Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, and Keith Haring all get together. Local artists more than welcome to exhibit their works. No VIP in this room. Ambient lighting a subdued purplish white.

    Outdoor rooftop: Lots of plants and shade by a hardtop tarp, open space and seating for all, no VIP here. The decor is minimal, since there's really no walls to hang anything :). Ambient lighting, torches, then daylight :).

    Music 1st floor, try to keep it trance in all it's variations. PvD, Tiësto, Mauro Picotto will want to be here.

    2nd floor: Bangin' house, think Oscar, Luis Diaz, etc...

    3rd floor: Phrankadelic can live here, and any artists off the beaten path.

    Rooftop: Chill disco house, with some more energy in the morning, Ivano's taken, so Robbie Rivera shows up.

    Age: 21+ 90 percent of the time, arrange some special nights for the kids if possible.

    Security: What ever the minimum required by law is, no more.

    Door people: Clone Kris, Clone Doron from crobar, and bring Angel out of retirement.

    Dress Code: Copy Shadow Lounge's, dress code significantly relaxed after 5 AM.

    People Code: No thug like behavior, if you're infringing on someone else's right to have fun, you're out.

    Cover charge $20 unless it's a special event, then no more than 30, ever.

    Drink prices: 5.00 domestic, 6.00 import, no more than 8 for mixed drinks. Bottle prices consistent with South Beach pricing.

    Guest lists: Sign up for it on website, first x amount of people get in comp before midnight. Write a CGI script that shuts down after specified amount for the day. Reduced on special event days. VIP cards for sale at inside shop where you can get nifty tshirts, cds, vinyl, all that stuff..VIP cards concept shamelessly duplicated from Shadow Lounge.

    Website: pics, message board, video, audio, religiously updated :)

    there :)

  10. I'm going to Mekka, and I'll stop in to support edgar and oscar, but I may just be doing the same thing you all are doing.

    Honestly, imagine if someone gave the lot of us some investment capital to open an establishment...ok hold that thought...

  11. That's why space doesn't have a messageboard. It'd be 3 threads of positivity (Edgar rocks, Oscar #1, and <insert guest DJ here> kicks ass!) and then 20 threads of "Lynch Stephan", "Beat the Black Haired Bitch", "Fuck You Sgt. Kowalski", "Why do you let thugs in?" and "You're drinks are watered down and too fucking expensive".

    They do let too many thugs in though. This one got in front of me this morning, he was having his bachelor party there, and there was 10 in his entourage, and I was just a party of one, meeting georgie, mimid, sobeton and so forth inside, so I just plainly said,

    "Hey, I was here first," and he looked at me like he was gonna bust a cap in my azz and I just gave him my "I've dealt with worse than you" look and just walked in...more and more, I've noticed quite the ghetto trash population down here, and they all wanna go to space and get fucked up...

  12. I saw Oscar last night, not spinning, just hanging out pretty much with Edgar.

    Honestly, Space has gone down hill. It's only saving grace is Edgar, Oscar, and Ivano Bellini, and if I want to hear him, I can go to crobar.

    I used to be one for staying out till like noon, but lately, Space gets to me and I just take off around 8 AM or so. The staff is neutral most of the time, I neither notice them or despise them, but some of the lowlifes that show up kinda piss me off. I especially hate these big south beach roid monkeys that think they own the place and just push people out of the way to get around.

    Plus, they let it get too crowded. I'm surprised the police allow it, since I bet ya a quarter that it routinely exceeds it's licensed capacity.

  13. Just got in from the kickass GK party :). I woulda stayed the whole time, but duty calls and I have to shoot at 11 am today.

    Thanks go out to SL for helping us po' folk out at the door, and even coming in to see our antics. Drew was hauling ass on the 1200s, and ADB wasn't too shabby. Gotta give Drew credit for managing those LWRs and spinning at the same time.

    Good all the old gang and meeting our Troll, Mimid, dieg0, angeleyes23, and finally Attomic :).

    My cover has been blown too, Shadowlounge has put 2 and 2 together and knows what pod looks like. Ah well, screw that obscurity shit, it's not as if anyone's out to kill me (except for extacee al <---inside joke)! No more skulking around behind my online persona! Now I just have to find a presentable photo to tack on of myself...

    Well, it's almost four, I can squeeze out 6 hrs of sleep, nite all :)

  14. Hmm, I like NYC, but I sorta grew into clubbing in miami so I'm biased. Photo friendly, NYC is not, Miami is so from my POV it's Miami.

    Soldado, you obviously havent seen Level or Space's sound systems. Level may not bring in the best acts, but it is a technological marvel. Power does not always equate quality, those NYC clubs think they can stack a bunch of K2s to the roof and it's cool...Level's got a killer install of EAW Avalon series enclosures, all powered by a mix of QSC Powerlights and Crown Macrotechs...for lighting it's Martin Mac 250s, 300s, 500s, and 600NTs, along with some Martin Roboscan 918 Pros, and the requisite LWR Dataflashers. Don't get me started on the laser systems. In the capable hands of Todd the LT, it's a damn sight to behold, nevermind when David Padilla drags in his video techs to beef up an already superb visual experience :)

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