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Everything posted by sheendawg

  1. And I must say, you are doing an exquisite job of hyping it up day in, day out. Before I even had an inkling of an idea to come to Miami, I would read your rants and think, "I can't WAIT to get down there and see what the fuck he is talking about all the fuckin time!!!" Good luck with whatever you're planning, though.
  2. LMAO Give him some pussy Lola, maybe that will take his mind off of Space. I pray to the Space gods all the time, nahmean?!?! "Oh merciful Lords of Space, send me Stefan so I can sit on thine face."
  3. fix the motherfucking board, please?!?!?! I can hardly log on without receiving an error message. I need to be able to trade insults in a timely manner. Thanks.
  4. Saleen is OBSESSED with Space! I worry about you, Boo!
  5. I love him! He fell off and picked himself back up, he's cool AND he's cute.
  6. What in the blue fuck are you talking about NOW?!?!
  7. You know it!! Let's wait til the niggers leave, then it will be safe! Our beach will be safe again! Gooooooo, whitey!!!
  8. ahahahaha......Sistagurl, you know how they talk in the country!! I read a book and that's the game the kids used to play when the parents weren't around. Grown Folks!! They would either hump each other or the girls would chase the boys with skillets, mimicing their parents' behavior. Mary Monroe is the author, you should check her stuff out. FUCKING HYSTERICAL!!!!
  9. ^5 to LOLA!!! LMAO @ Funketeer.......I doubt those were GANGS on your lawn.
  10. Newsflash: People who drop a bundle on airfare, hotels, parties, etc. aren't down there to SHOOT PEOPLE, they're there to have a good time. Oh yeah, let me pack my gat, security will be a breeze!! If there's anyone shooting, it's your bama-ass Miami local brethren, so ya NEED to handle that.
  11. That's a good idea! Hey Lola and Sobeton! Can't we all just get along?
  12. Did your friend say why or what happened?
  13. Lovers' quarrel? Did y'all used to do "the grown folks"?
  14. Aw, poor poor Miami! Throngs of unruly niggers come and take over the beach!! Dead those body count and rape comments, please, just because you don't like a form of music doesn't mean you incriminate the all of its listeners and patrons of clubs that accomodate them.
  15. Face it - there's gonna be hip hop wherever their is a crowd willing to go and pay to hear it. And an AFTERHOURS at that?! I say, just let them do their thing, as long as Space isn't dealing with the problems that The Beach may anticipate having, it stays open!
  16. You're probably pretty useful too....... But seriously, I can relate! I can't get my body back on schedule after being in Miami for so long! I wake up at 5 pm every other day!
  17. I looked again and realized that that was Z-NO.....
  18. LMAO! Great thread, it needs to be part of an online clubber's manual!
  19. Whoa, that's quite a picture, Pod!! I know it's fuckin bananas down there then. I'ma check out those articles.........
  20. ahahahahahaha......CLEVER. Biz is cool peoples, don't burn him at the stake just yet....LOL
  21. Y'all are off da WE-HEEL!!!
  22. So you liked Patrick Oliver too? Cool. I still haven't heard him in a club, but can't stop listening to his mixes that he gave me. I can't wait to get down there to see him.
  23. I would apologize with a serenade......I would be sangin!!!! "Sorry......is all that I can say......." LMAO THAT'S where I saw the boys (well, Ali) will be back in town, in VIPnerd's sig!!
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