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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by manumission

  1. Comfortably Numb/The Trial/High Hopes/What God Wants../Time/Eclipse.... all by Pink Floyd ... except one by Roger Waters. ------------------
  2. yea as I said .. just my opinion. ------------------
  3. any thoughts on the progressive trance but???? I actually found myself agreeing with that .. though doubt tht many ppl here would ------------------
  4. oh u`r welcome ... I found it real funny myself .. a lot of it is pretty true though. ------------------
  5. I agree with the eyes ... the oral doesnt agree with me though. for some reason, I always looked at it as too much of a power trip, somewhat demeaning for the woman .. u know, the penis envy thing? I wdnt have my girl do that to me... simply out of respect. Just my opinion. ------------------
  6. this is interesting, even funny You snicker when you hear someone say "PLUR". You finally realized that phat pants are heavy and unpractical. You refrain from dancing unless the circle is of rather large dimensions. When you do dance, you "battle". You learn to spin, and therefore have graduated to the "superior rave status". You find out just how crooked promoters really are. You hate massives. You blame candy kids for everything retarded in the scene. You say "the scene" a lot. You find out how much better european electronic music really is. You find out that glow sticks were cool TEN years ago in the UK. You have pretended to be rolling at a party just to get a quick laugh out of your friends. When you ARE on E, you do your best to act normal. You realize how cool Drum n' Bass is. You realize how lame progressive trance is. You find out that American DJ's are completely overrated. You have close friends who don't give a fuck about raving. You think that maybe YOU don't really give a fuck either. The smell of Vicks makes you physically sick. You can't help but laugh when someone tries to give you a "glow stick show". You learn to break. If you want to actually "roll," you have to eat about four pills at once. You can get those four pills for the same price that everyone else pays for one. You drink beer at after parties. You quit collecting fliers. You have unsubscribed from your rave mailing list, because "none of those fucking little kids understand a thing about raving, dammit!" You can't remember the last time you went to a party and didn't think it sucked. You can't remember much in general. You realize that ravers aren't nearly as genuine as the hippies were. You wouldn't mind if that kid with the whistle accidentally swallowed it and died. You are actually called by your real name. You realize that the general public shoudln't be blamed for hating raves. You think ECKO is the sickest gear money can buy. You talk shit as much as possible. You value things in terms of vinyl, (ex: "that's an eight record pair of pants.") You DESPISE Happy Hardcore. You DESPISE candy. You have seen a thirteen year old "raver" on ecstasy and felt like leaving the party because of it. You know what a 303 is. You no longer feel the need to advertise your "rave-ness" to the world. You realize shell toes are shitty shoes. You can't count how many pairs you have owned. You know that post-rave sex is aweful. You've punked kids who tried to get in a circle that was outta their league. You can determine where a raver is from just by the way they dance. You know that LA ravers can't dance worth a shit. You find out that underground parties still happen quite frequently, despite what 98% of the raving populous thinks. You party sober and now understand how stupid you looked when you didn't. You know who PRODUCED your favorite tracks, not just which DJ bought it and put it on a mix CD. You read URB. You have day-dreams that involve the Telletubies and a large rusty chainsaw. Your parents gave up on you becoming normal a long, long time ago. You know why GHB and special K are for fucking idiots. You understand electro and minimal techno now. You hate rave ho's. You could out-dance any boy band, any day, while smoking a cigarette. You begin to notice how often big DJ's blow mixes. You think sweaty guys who run around the party shirtless should get thrown out. You act like a punk-ass bitch to security, police, and any other authority. You purposely wear way too much clothing to parties, because you know that dancing in a turtleneck sweater looks fucking ill. You say "ill" a lot. You have replaced Caffiene, JNCO, and Adidas with Technic, Vestax, and JBL. You know that raving is all about the music, but RAVERS are not. You find the jungle room much more appealing now. You can actually dance to jungle. You hate Feelgood and Coolworld. You laugh out loud when you walk into Jamba Juice and they're playing dance music. You see guys from your high school football team at a party. You know raving is mainstream as fuck. The bigger the flier, the less you want to go to the party. You can re-tell the story of how raving came to America quite accurately. You hate Anthem tracks. Your sleeping, and eating habits are completely fucked up. You sit around with friends and tell old "rave disaster" stories. You are amazed that you are somehow still alive. ------------------
  7. Also, never been to, or heard of, a rave for which you have to pay, with the exception of festivals like Burning Man... But those are full-blown, many-day festivals. I would distrust any rave that actually CHARGES money. Just a side note. ------------------
  8. Here`s something I found In general practice, a "rave" usually refers to a party, usually all night long, open to the general public, where loud "techno" music is mostly played. The number of people at the event is unimportant; it can range from 50 people to 25,000 people. The cost of attendance is also unimportant - there have been good raves and bad raves at both ends of the cost spectrum (though in practice, the higher the price, the more commercial the event, and the lower the quality). At a rave, the DJ is a shaman, a priest, a channeller of energy - they control the psychic voyages of the dancers through his choice in hard-to-find music and their skill in manipulating that music, sometimes working with just a set of beats and samples, into a tapestry of mindbending music. A large part of the concept of raves is built upon sensory overload - a barrage of audio and very often visual stimuli are brought together to elevate people into an altered state of physical or psychological existence. The actual concept of raves is not new - it is as old as time itself. As the base level, raves are very comparable to American Indian religious ceremonies, i.e. pow-wows, and also to the concept of the Shaman in Eskimo and Siberian society - where music is the key towards pulling oneself into a unique emotional and psychological state, a state in which one experiences washes of sensations and visions, not delusions, but visions. The hypnotizing effect of techno music coupled with the seemless transitions and thematic progressions of rave DJ's as the night progresses can be QUITE intoxicating, resulting in what could be closely compared to a religious experience. Music in general has always been able to sweep people off their feet, but what distinguishes raves are the concept of the shared experience; a feeling of unity often arises, and people are open and friendly to one another. There is a loss of that "attitude" that is omnipresent in normal clubs and even in life in general. People are celebrated for who they are, not what they aren't. ------------------
  9. this is bound to happen as the scene gets increasingly commercialised and prejudiced fucks like King start going to places like Twilo and thinking they`re "cool" .. anyway, this entire topic is waaayy to ridiculous. ------------------
  10. hmm not too sure .. maybe its this one .. check it out .. though the above ones could be right too .. I know this one has some matrix xtuff in it. Growling Mad Scientists - 1200 MGs. ------------------
  11. yes there`s plenty ... off the rave scene... I cant believe my eyes that I actually see some ppl that like X-dream here.... I thought this was just a forum devoted to progressive and that kinda stuff .... anyway, for whoever asked .. u guys heard of the devotional ministry of trance? ------------------
  12. has to be Goa this december.... got there on the 28th, left on the 3rd, not for a moment was I not fucked up. We used to get up in the evenings and light up, then continue to do so throughout the night, with watever else, and then sleep in the morning again... amaaaazzzziiiiinnngggg!!!!! ------------------
  13. yea i was waiting in line for like a good 2 hrs yesterday .. and throughout ranting to my friend about how PVD may be good, but he`s not thaaat good! Hell, I wouldnt wait this long even for S and D. Goa has just put me on a different planet .. anyway, once we were in, I was there like for probably half an hour in total, didn`t even bother to check my coat or watever in!! It was waaaay too crowded .. it sucked .. IMHO. ------------------
  14. yea .. pvd last night was crap!! there was no place to move .. I always thought u go to hear guys like PvD play so you can dance .. this is not what I had in mind ... It wasn`t this bad last time. ------------------
  15. does it have a man and a woman conversing somewhere in the middle of the song? of so, try Infected Mushroom - Gravity waves (I think that`s the name of the song) ------------------
  16. hmm wat does her having to be indian or not indian have anything to do with anything? the point is, ppl shldn`t be bashing others on the basis of race anyway. ------------------
  17. yea man ... thats the fucking problem .. most of it is too discrete .. the sad thing is tht when u have a lot of it u feel it goes waste when u cant find that one elusive track!! i suppose it is a waste of time looking for it .. i know!! but it was worth one last try .. if u`r interested in trading any goa, let me know... also any other genres! ------------------
  18. I heard it in 1999 in Goa, and have heard it a couple of times since then at raves in India, but never get the name of the song. Its got this guy chanting really slowly ... saying something something Gachhaami... and it has this slow-ish drum in the background. Really haunting track. Anyone know the name? Its obviously squarely in the psy(goa)-trance genre and I dont think many ppl here are hot on that ... but please help me if u do know anyone. ------------------
  19. With or without You - U2 One - U2 Pretty much everything by Floyd I am ready for Love - counting crows ------------------
  20. man ... come on!!! someone ------------------
  21. Im surprised with the no. of ppl here that said Gladiator that didnt also say braveheart... I actually thought Gladiator was quite ridiculous, just kind off straight off copied Braveheart. And the worst was The Patriot. My favs. are: Fight Club Humanesque (real old movie of the 50`s or something) The Usual Suspects Braveheart The Matrix Lord of the Rings (so what if its not out) Monaco The Godfather Life is Beautiful The worst movies would have to be: Unbreakable (first and foremost) Speed 2 (at least it wasnt trying to be good) Very Bad Things Air Force One The Phantom Menace U-571 The Skulls and hmm well .. there are more bad movies than good ones The worst scene would have to be Bill Pullman`s inspiring speech in Independence Day!! ------------------
  22. I heard it in 1999 in Goa, and have heard it a couple of times since then at raves in India, but never get the name of the song. Its got this guy chanting really slowly ... saying something something Gachhaami... and it has this slow-ish drum in the background. Really haunting track. Anyone know the name? Its obviously squarely in the psy(goa)-trance genre and I dont think many ppl here are hot on that ... but please help me if u do know anyone. ------------------
  23. anyone??? ------------------
  24. POT !!!!!! does anyone get convinced he`s a genius when he`s stoned? Cuz I come up with the craziest theories covering everything from Unified Field Theories to the reason diet coke bottles are transparent... yea I know, Ive got a lot of time on my hands! ------------------
  25. So, is it available in NYC? or do we just have to do with big, bulky packets filled with plants? ------------------
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