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Everything posted by D.Schwartz

  1. choptrop join date mar 2004: POSTS 437 headpusher join date mar 2005: Posts 796 bro ur a fucking loser, u posted twice as much in 1 month as chop did in a year, u dont leave ur fucking computer...... stop talking shit...... ur a fucking computer geek.
  2. ur not a dj ur not a producer ur a lifeless piece of shit who just tries to sweat industry people..... ur a fucking bottom feeder who glows of trying to prove to people that u know ur shit because ur mad insecure about ur worthless life. spare me ur posts please and try to do something with ur life besides trying to aristocratic on a music forum
  3. listen im very flattered that u took time out of ur busy scheduele to photoshop my face, really i am i, i know ur my biggest fan know... but this is what it takes in ur brain to reply to me? u hopeless fucking loser... get a life. and stop repeating shit, get some new material. please ur shit is wasting trash.
  4. nah i actually fell off my chair anyways...... why are u replying on such a stupid board where the moderator isnt taking anythign seriously? i mean if nothing seems to be to ur liking here and u dont like the way this board is run, then WTF do u continue to post? i'll tell u why... CAUSE ARE LIFELESS...enjoy.
  5. wow u actually listed the tracks that i asked u for and u remembered ALL of them just to prove ur point so that u dont look stupid lol.. seriously go see a shrink before posting anymore... the kid made a remark saying tha ti know more about music than u and u got all defensive and said that i ask u for music... i didnt even say anythign to u, it was the kid who was backing me up and u immediatly got all defensive....
  6. u got some serious issues boy
  7. bwhahahahaha. funny i dont really see him post anymore
  8. crazy,,, upto 20 yrs, they'll prolly get 10 since their in the force
  9. anyway back to the music sal basile - i cant stop
  10. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh
  11. o please u been on my case, dont play reverse psych ova here
  12. yo, ur giving too much credit for ur average user....most people dont know either names lead alone one..... and those who do know, know that Skylark is comprised of two people which is nic and buick... so its not a big deal, but just for u i'll fix it... and do u know how many times people mislabel shit, and what do u guys do, insteadly of kindly offering proper terminology u start going off like u know everything... Stop taking the fact that im a mod so seriously.... its not like im getting paid for this shit.
  13. logical? whats your point.. accept the fact that in the future, I will sometimes put down tracks that arent necessarily new, this is a result of me simply not being capable of executing research that will conduct proper musical results all the time...there is nothing i can do about it, sometimes i just dont have the time, if this board isnt upto par for your liking, then dont post.. i understand ur trying to be civil about this and so am I, but how many times can i explain the same fregging viewpoint...I'm not pissed or angry, furthermore... if u were around a lil earlier, ud know that this music forum was complete disaster, all the mods were mia and i was the only one keepin this shit somewhat in tact... I'd love to have another mod on board who knows his shit... I'm not trying to come off as some MUSIC GOD, and as far as setting examples? for whom, I think this forum is going pretty good, i dont expect to be as musically inclined as VIP, they all used to post on here and they left.. so now I'm left here to do whatever I can, and this is WHATEVER I can do... u want more.. HELP OUT.. instead of criticizing me.
  14. i didnt mislabel his name, i wrote ft instead of pres, that is totally diff than writing the wrong name..... learn how to use analogies.
  15. OMG ur really friends with NIC . OH WOW can i get a autograph u fucking lame retard
  16. dumbo i never said it was released in april, i just posted it under tracks im feelin in april.... this is really getting silly, u wanna prove that u know ur shit, congradulations i really dont give a flying fuck..... do me a fav and stop annoying me....
  17. for the most part april tracks are relatively new.. some of them may not have came out in april but in general people usually post new tracks, as do i..... If something was mislabeled or out of date... then so be it.... u guys are judging this like its a god damn exam or something,,, be easy....
  18. defensive, lol u think after all these years on this and other boards i take shit seriously, u gotta be kiddin me... please man....i called people clowns cause its a joke and u guys were really clowning around... I think ur the one takin this to heart... c'mon do i gotta take u back to cluplanet 101
  19. for the millionth time, im repeating this shit. THIS AINT VIP... APRIL JAMS means whatever the fuck ur feeling in APRIL.. it dont have to be fresh out the kitchen for it to be on this thread.... u get me?
  20. take this board seriously? this aint work... i do what i can to keep this shit going... u gotta be kidding me, instead of me writing pres, i wrote features and ur gonna be on my ass about it.... yo seriously wake the fuck up and see where the problem really is.... You wanna do something about the problem with this board, why dont u instead of constantly shitting on my posts, step up and ask dave to become a mod and help out.. I think thats a lot more credible than being on my case... between all the shit that i gotta do during the day, it really leaves little time for me to sit there and research tracks, I'd love to do it, believe me i just dont have time.....
  21. yeah i know. and that is how its labeled... stop jockin my posts
  22. full intention - la musique - dj flex mix skylark PRES buick project - dorigon Sander K - repeat to specify
  23. whatever girl - activator - deep dish mix
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