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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. I hate to be a bitch here, but I will anyway. You guys are all complaining about cops pulling you over when you nearly doubled the speed limit. 92 in a 55? 90 in a 50? I mean cmon people. Ill be the first to admit I speed. And if I get caught its gonna suck, but I have no one to blame but myself. Regardless of if its 2am or 2pm, you are still a danger to yourself and others going that fast.
  2. How is this a good time? And how old are you? TEKLORD--you might wanna check that points transfering thing. I believe they changed it.
  3. Funny, I had a class with a cop once who told me that wasnt true. And my brother-in-law is a cop and he says it isnt true. Regardless, it sucks Joeg, that you got all those tickets and fines, and I hate to point out the obvious, but you did indeed break the law. Not to say that most of us dont speed, but you got caught. Those are the breaks. It sucks, but maybe next time you are in a 35mph zone you wont do 57. As for the other issues the second cop had with your car, it may not affect anyone else on the road, but the items are illegal. Only a certain % of tint is allowed, license plate covers, etc etc. Sorry for your bad string of "luck", but next time...slow it down babe.
  4. Actually my darling if you want to get technical....Express is a women's clothing store. Express for Men is the men's store which used to be called structure.
  5. Im sorry I gotta ask...Is this shit for real???? If so...Dude...Blowflyii, it aint funny. You sound like a fuckin weirdo. Do you have some kind of chemical imbalance or something? Leave the poor girl alone. Tilly...My best advise to you is to ignore him. If he is actually harassing you, save all the posts, emails, IM's, PM's, voice mails whatever you got and speak to the police, a lawyer, whatever. This aint kosher.
  6. Honey if that were the case then we people wouldnt be dying from AIDS still. We wouldnt have staggering numbers of unwed pregnant mothers. I cant assume that just because all the people on this board are having sex that means they know all they need to know. If by my experiences or knowledge I can open at least ONE persons eyes to whats going on, then Im happy. If you are totally educated about the facts and are ALWAYS careful then good for you. But just remember, the only sure fire way to NOT get pregnant or NOT contract a disease is abstinence. Sorry to sound like a bad after school special.
  7. I have been thinking the same thing. I dont understand why. As a 26 year old single mother, who has seen her share of heartache and very close calls, it might be possible that I have something to share. Some more knowledge or experience that will help you. There is absolutely no need to get defensive or annoyed. I appreciate the words that have been said about me by the people who know me. It means alot. Remember, HIV/AIDS didnt go away. There is no cure. You are guaranteed to die from it. Doesnt that scare you? More and more people are contracting this every single day. That shows there are people who either dont know or dont care.
  8. ...is moving to Vegas!!!! She said she will be around tonight to say her good byes! She'll be at Apples, then Roxy, then Vinyl. So go find her and say hello or bye or whatever!!! I will miss her!!!! She's my sister afterall!!!!
  9. Nothing specific really. Just little comments hear and there. And belladiva, why shouldnt I be concerned?
  10. Please understand that I am not knocking any of you for your age or inexperience. I used to post on this board quite often, some of you may remember. When I did post, every now and then I would throw up some factual information to educate. Now, I occasionally read the board, see whats going on. In the last few weeks, I have become increasingly more concerned for all of you. I see entirely too many posts or threads with misconceptions, untruths or plain ignorance. If you are having sex with ANYONE, you need to know the facts. Dont ASSUME anything. This is you life we are talking about. Do not play around with birth control, this is SOMEONE elses life we are talking about. Do not think it wont happen to you, because sooner or later your luck will run out. Sex can a wonderful and glorious thing. Dont abuse it. Be Safe.
  11. OK, just so you know, Herpes Simplex is NOT an STD. And Glowgirl....Not all STD's are with you for life. A large percentage of them are curable. HIV/AIDS, Herpes and Genital Warts are the only ones that are no curable, I believe. You all need to education yourselves. Ignorance is bliss, unfortunately, not in this case.
  12. Is this a joke? Dude...then dont fuckin come here.
  13. Did something really happen...or is it all a scam...for our attention? Someone fill us in!
  14. FYI kiddies....you can get STD's even if you use protection. Some STD's there is no protection against... Careful now!
  15. I guess that depends....does your girl smell like your breath in the morning?
  16. Geez...I do feel old. 26 The average age on this board seems to be getting younger and younger.
  17. which one? vision or visions? Not to take away from you dear, but did you know there are two?
  18. Seriouslyy, its Salteens birthday? Ok well....Happy Birthday I guess. You apply for your senior citizens discount yet?
  19. Hon I dont get upset or mad or things posted on a message board. It is however quite annoying when two people are obviously not talking about the same thing! Oh well, live and learn right. *mypantiesareneverinabunch!
  20. Perhaps you should go back and read my original post, you know the one you quoted and came to the conclusion that I was an idiot. Here let me help you... This is what i said... "How do you know who gravity is talkin about? " Feeling better yet? And Moonshine...I never called her an idiot. I dont believe I called anyone anything. And I dont believe she was calling people dumb in general, im pretty sure it was directed at me.
  21. You might wanna check yourself before you start the name calling there hon. Pardon my stupidity, but I dont see where gravity quoted you. But then I guess I am just really dumb.
  22. Dont get your panties in a bunch over this dear. If you dont like the thread, why did you follow it over here to drama? Dont be so goddamn sensitive. How do you know who gravity is talkin about? You dont. You dont have a clue what he is talking about either which totally proves his point.
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