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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. Happy New Year honey!!! We HAVE to hang out soon, maybe after the new year. I miss my RITCHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw...what are you doing for NYE?
  2. Hi all...just jumpin over the NY boards to ask a quick question.... Is it illegal to scalp tickets in Philly? I know someone who may want to get rid of some tickets to Sundays Eagles/Giants game, but he's not sure if he should be worried about gettin arrested before hand!!! Anyone know the deal? Thanks in advance!
  3. You guys have had a problem with Paris? I have only seen her give a few people problems and its usually cause they are wearing jeans or something. Ive never had a problem with any door people, except at Centro when my friend (are ya readin this) was a little tipsy and they wouldnt let her in. But after some sweet talk, he let us in eventually.
  4. The ability to do the running man or the roger rabbit.
  5. Some people just NEED to do something to their eyebrows. There are supposed to be 2, not 1!!!! Example:
  6. Thats all fine and good but where the F*** are ya gonna go when it closes? Personally, I like the idea that I can just go crash in a hotel room and get some sleep before I have to go home.
  7. I got a sticky post...neener neener neener!!!
  8. So if you are gonna stay in the hotel that night, if you leave metro at any point, can you get back in? Is there an entrance through the hotel?
  9. Not sure if this was posted already but oh well.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! and if its really not your birthday then...save this for next time.
  10. Congrats doll!!! Thats so great!!! Much happiness to the both of you!!! *cant wait to see the ring!!!!
  11. Saleen sat on him. Poor Javy...they sent in a search party, but it doesnt look good!!! NOT MY JAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I saw it, read it and almost peed myself laughing. CHOSENONE was in rare form and those kids were getting their knickers in a twist. TOO FUNNY!!!
  13. This reminds me of my friend in Cancun. Some big muscle head dude came up to him and asked if my friend would shit on his chest. NO LIE I SWEAR TO GOD!!!
  14. I couldnt agree with you more on that statement. Last summer was the first and unfortunately probably the last time I heard, felt, saw the Denny experience. I will never forget Sunday of Labor Day weekend and the unfuckinbelievable vibe in that place. Even though you could barely move, everyone was having hte time of their lives. Me included!!!
  15. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! I have been trying to find this out for so long!!! Someone gave my friend one of those and I was trying to get info!!! So they are no good???
  16. Looks like there is NO need for me to get a house...Ill just freeload off all of you guys!!!!!!
  17. Your such an idiot. Didnt anyone ever tell you theres a time and a place for everything. sin-sational-most of the tape is the newsguy commentating on the events of Sept. 11th. In parts though, you can hear the cops in teh helicopter exclaming at what was going on below.
  18. That doesnt sound good....Tell mamma whats wrong!!! *not my ritchie!!!!*
  19. I havent been there in a while. Didnt go last weekend cause I was sick. Whats new babe...where ya been hiding?
  20. They replaced the heartbeat with Florescent colors??? Great...do I need my Madonna bracelets to get in the door?
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