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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. Perhaps if you had told me this when I asked you, I would still be going! Day late and a dollar short baby!
  2. Change in plans...Apparently no bunkas on saturday, we are goin to Joeys on friday.
  3. How the hell are ya....Havent seen you in a while.
  4. I WILL be holding you to that!!!
  5. I thought this much was clear, but Ill try to clarify. The reason for this thread and the defensiveness of some is because Jersey is constantly being bashed. Every week someone else puts up a thread about how Jersey sucks, it smells, the people suck, blah blah blah. I have yet to really read a good argument as to why they think all of these things. It always the same crap. So as I said before...get a new argument.
  6. I expect to see ALL of you guys at Twirl the following weekend!
  7. I'll be at Hunka Bunkas for a joint b-day celebration for my girlfriend and I. So if anyone wants to come and celebrate with us.... and tommy...the city will be the next weekend!!!
  8. See now THATS a debate!!!! Candy Apples vs. Orange Creamsicles!!!! ooooo decisions decisions!!!!
  9. Lets not even get started on Upstate NY...Thats like Deliverance country!!! And if you are Upstate and you go south...Do you say you are going to Downstate NY?????
  10. ::YAWN:: Get back to me when you have a real argument.
  11. Again, get yourself a new argument. You're from Rhode Island and your makin fun of Jersey?!?!?! That just totally boggles my mind. BTW...when was the last time you actually went swimming in Jersey?
  12. phatman excellent points. You CANNOT compare the two in regards to nightlife. Of course the clubs in Jersey mainly play the KTU/Louie DeVito/Would you like some wine with that cheese style music. ANd why is that? Thats what the crowd wants to hear. ANd there is nothign wrong with that. Just because John Smith and his friends from school think "I turn to you" and "Stranger In My Pants" is the best thing since sliced white bread, who are we to argue. If you dont go looking for real underground, how are you going to know it even exists. One could say the same thing about Exit (not vasquez). And thats a city club. ANyway, this argument was not about Jersey Clubs, it was about people saying Jersey Sucks.
  13. I think you have hit the nail on the head...The grass IS always greener. However, having been born elsewhere and grown up North Jersey (morris County) I have been subjected to the jersey jokes most of my life and have probably participated a in a few. But when I sit and think about where I live, is it really that bad? Does it really suck. No. Absolutely not. Why? Because I live in a quiet neighborhood with sidewalks. My nearest grocery story is 5 minutes away. Because I still have seasons. Because if I want to, I can drive to the beach or to the mountains. I can ski in the winter without having to drive 9 hours and I can swim in the summer without having to hop on a plane. I can enjoy the best nightlife in the best city in the world. Essentially, NJ offers the best of everything.
  14. Glowey...I was actually referring to djjonstephen's thread. I didnt see one started by you.
  15. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63873
  16. ...could you get a new argument please. Please do not post stupid inane comments about how the ENTIRE state of NJ sucks just because. And for the person who started the newest thread, I am really interested in knowing where you are originally from and how you ended up in NJ. Is there really nothing else to discuss except why "jersey sucks"?
  17. I think Ill go straighten that kid out now...fockers
  18. I guess you smoked at 4:20.....hehe PM darlin PM!!!!
  19. That wasnt me I swear!!!! Okay so I flashed Twirl...I have issues.... Javy...I dont have an email from you!?!?!?! Wassup?
  20. Really? To what email? I guess aol? Ill check.
  21. I know its hard to remember names in your old age.
  22. WTF!!! Where have you all been??? What you cant hang out with me no more?????
  23. Javy...Ive been around...just not in the same places as you babe!!!! I've been trying to get you guys to come out...but you are always doin something else!!! What ya upto this weekend?
  24. What do you want to do??? Are you planning some kind of SURPRISE party or somehting!?!?! hehe hon...why didnt you just ask me this?
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