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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. What you dont like the Heartbeats all over the walls?!
  2. Go play with the traffic or something. Asshole.
  3. Seriously, some women are more affected by this than others and the medical world is finally coming forward with more info. If you lady friend is really really bad before and during her period, she may want to see a doctor. If its just you being insensitive to the fact that she feels like crap, then try and keepo track of her cycle. Know when its comin and avoid silly drama. Be a little more understanding or just run like hell.
  4. Well the original post was a general statement. I'm not a bitch when I have my period, I am a bitch every day!!!!
  5. Guys have an excuse...They are stupid.
  6. YOu try bleeding like a stuffed pig and feeling like crap for days....EVERY STINKIN MONTH!!! Get over it...this is an age old argument that will never be resolved.
  7. *Note to self....stop showing your panties until they at least buy you dinner.
  8. Now c'mon...Im sure she is a real sweetheart who just had a little too much alcyhol!!! BTW.....thanks for the fashion tips!!! (remember more about the night as the day goes on!!!)
  9. Geez can you believe that!!! She musta been really hot!!! She should probably be getting dinner or something!?!?!?!?!
  10. Hey leave me outta this!!! Just tell me what this game is all about and how do I win!!!
  11. I just tried to send you a PM!!! But your mailbox is full, so I couldnt. I just got that PM you sent me about Twirl, I am so sorry!!! But I guess you found it ok!!! It was great seein ya again last night....sorry if i keep tellin that story about you fallin off the bar...but its so funny!!! Anyway, we gotta hang out soon, thanks for the invite tonight, sorry I couldnt go (not on a school night!!!). But I have you # and you have mine....So next time we will carpool!!!!
  12. What in the holy hell are you all going on about???? What is this game and how come I wasnt included!?!?!?!?!?! *not feeling the love*
  13. I think my ass is bruised!!! Good seein ya again darlin...I had alot of fun last night. Tasty and Spygirl...you rock!!!! Can't wait to see the evidence...i mean pictures!!! SPYGIRL...we should try and head into the city together next time, since we both have to go back to jersey!!!
  14. I know this thread pisses most of us off, so we feel the need to respond. DONT DO IT....NOTHING YOU SAY IS GOING TO MAKE THIS TROLL CHANGE HIS MIND AND ACT ALL NICEY NICE. HE IS DOING IT TO GET A RISE OUT OF YOU. STOP RESPONDING!!!!!!
  15. Willot--thanks for setting things straight for this idiot. And whoever started this thread, why don't you tell us who you really are. I find it hard to believe that someones first post would be so inflamatory. NO one put clubplanet down. NO ONE said anything bad about clubplanet. It was merely mentioned that someone from the CP board sent the email. It was never said that the entire CP board sent the email. Get a clue and come out from behind your imposter name.
  16. Yes I do!!! Gotta love that show!!! FU....get it?!?!?! LOL! Anyway back to the subject at hand....
  17. Happy Birthday Sista!!! (thats me eatin cake!!!) See ya tomorrow night girl!
  18. Alright boyz....simma down now!!! Petey Ill take care of your grandpa ass when I see ya!!! And Jamie....Ill see YOU on saturday!?!?!?!
  20. BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh god...I fell for that last night...I feel so violated! LMFAO!!!!
  21. ...to avoid any future drama, I think it would be best if before responding to a thread, you read what has already been written.
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