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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. ...however my crackhead days are over....
  2. I love her music... So soulful!!!! Glad she won a grammy...
  3. water while cracked out in between sips of a cold alcoholic drink.... after returning to the homestead, i prefer two tylenol pm and some sleepy time tea..... knocks me right out!
  4. coming home from work and my cats meeting me at the door... good friends family a cold beer on a hot summer's night fire flys at dusk jet skiing a long, hot kiss making an A in school driving with the sunroof open, windows down, jamming to a good song krispy kreme donuts:eek:
  5. i loved the smutt novels for 5.95 at the drug store. give me a good danielle steele book, some tissue, and a large bottle of wine and i will get totally engrossed, have a good cry and than have a headache in the morning....
  6. it took me a second to understand, however than i laughed so hard the guy next door sssshhhhhed me.... ROALMFAO.....
  7. i put in two things, however i am not sure i agreed with what was computed??? could there be a margin of error?
  8. nope i do not want the waxing, YOOOOUUUUUCCCHHH!!!!!! not much going on here but school and work..... i hope all is well and i love the new sig. miss ya hon....
  9. what a great gift and nope can't top it..... however feel free to share.. u can take the facial and i will take the massage.
  10. A friend of mine just phoned and we decided to go ice skating tonight.... I cannot ice skate worth a shit, but it does sound like fun. The rink we chose is outdoors and everything.
  11. Thanks! I worked hard and I am very happrl girlie... :D
  12. yep, i am alive and well.... just got my grades back from last semester... I GOT A 3.66.... MISS YA!
  13. and his monday morning song of the week....
  14. my building is the WFC, directly across the street. we are missing parts or our building, however we are working on trying to make it useable again. i work down in that building 3 -4 times per week and everytime i pass a window, i look at the sight with horror. than i also look across and see the platform and millions of flashing light bulbs. everyone deals with tragedy in different ways and some people have a need to see things like this. this was a national tragedy, not just something that happened to new york and we are all dealing with our grief in a different way. do i agree with the platforms and the tickets, no.... however each of us has a different perspective and different need. for some looking at the sight brings closure and healing.
  15. the first time i met mugz... we are chilling at PS1... pretty fucked up and enjoying the scene. there was a faint smell of weed in the air, drinking that dark beer, listening to some awesome tunes and enjoying the summer months. Another person: hi, this is maudy. maudy: are you on the boards? stacychase: yeah i am stacychase maudy: i am mugz i than almost jumped in your lap and gave you the biggest hugz ever! i look over your shoulder and there is shuga jumping up and down going thats mugz, thats mugz!!!! i have some great memories of those PS1 days and some really cool pics. thanks for sharing! stay true and always take care of you!!!! bear hugs and big smooches..... -steph
  16. we have attacked Iraq reguarly for years. this is nothing new.
  17. Shannon- Jumped on here for the first time in a while to see that you are hurt... ;( Sorry to hear that you got injured, get well so we can do brunch in the next couple of weeks. Take care of you.... -steph
  18. Good grief! This place is in the ground level of one of our office buildings. Went there once for happy hour. Was not impressed.... I wonder if they are still going to have the guy outisde wearing the space costume advertising.....
  19. i was 12 years old, we lived in florida and it was summer time. we went together all summer long. we used to sit in his apartment, in the recliner and make out for hours. we broke up at the end of the summer, my heart was broken! i thought that i would never get over him. little did i know that i would kiss a lot of frogs as i got older and my heart would be broken a few times........
  20. :eek: :eek: NAKED?????? hmmmmm..... careful of your thingeeeeee, you certainly don't want it caught by the needle on the turn table.
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