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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. Poorly equipped, I agree... However did you see that ass.... Lordy, Lordy!!!
  2. He raps about some of the same stuff spoken about on this board. Wealthy idiot!!!
  3. Who is he featuring on this track?
  4. Pre Roll Funny... Last spring I was coming from a happy hour downtown... My good friend Shuga met me at Grand Central... I walked up to her way screwed up from drinking and looked her and said, are we rolling tonight. She looked very innocent, reached into her pocket, and pulled two rolls... I almost fell on the ground laughing...
  5. Try drinking a coke. It helps you burp some and than once you rid yourself of the excess gas, everything is o.k. Also try sucking on some tums.... I used to get sick everytime I rolled, now I use these two techniques and I am o.k. Always remember that Less Is More!
  6. Sniffing reguarly is a sure sign that you are snorting to much.. Be careful coke is addictive, I have a good friend who just had her nose reconstructed...
  7. Truth serum and memory stimulator. I remember things that I have not thought about in 4ever and share them whomever is sitting next to me. I come from a colorful family, so some of the stories are hysterical funny!
  8. Save... Save... Save for a rainy day!
  9. i love my toes sucked on and the inner part of my thighs licked. it must be because i am speculating about what is coming next. rolling me over on my tummy and working your way down. damn i need to go home.
  10. I love a hairy chest, however prefer a hairless back....
  11. ladies my shower head has about 50 settings. i got the thing at home depot. i get in there till i run out of hot water and in the summer time, watch out.... it can be an all day adventure. you are welcome for the tip.. oh, one more thing my vibrator is water proof and the shower head vibrator combo is awesome....
  12. Disgusting.... Nobody wants to sit on the sidelines and watch the action... I like the one on one thing... You can get just as freaky, if not more, without the audience.
  13. Hi Shuga.... O.K. here goes.... I have a grave fear of catching something I cannot cure, so therefore all of my lovers use condoms up to a certain point. Once it becomes a serious relationship, we take tests and than off with the condom. I have had them break and I have had them slip off (never up inside of me for any length of time)... Did you know that there are now edible condoms on the market???? IMO a condom is not 100% safe and does not always protect you, however in todays world, why take the risk, especially for a one nighter.
  14. Nope very normal. I am in love with my shower head.
  15. it is all caused by the loss of sleep and the fact that your sleep patterns are all screwed up.
  16. I agree with the hunting thing. My uncle hunts all the time. This year right before deer season opens, he finds out he has cancer. He is on some serious medicine. It fucks with his vision, hearing, etc... So what does he do??? Goes hunting all the damn time. I am like thank God you live were there are no people.... Shooting an unarmed animal is awful. I think all guns should be banned and who cares what the Constitution says about The Right To Bear Arms... If you can kill it with your bare hands, than you can take it home and hang it on your wall!!!
  17. I take Metro North from Yonkers and than hop on the 4 or 5 express... Not a bad commute.
  18. I could go on and on with this one... better welfare reform legislation, better hate crime laws, how about the punishment fitting the crime and it is consistent across the board. We have people in our Federal Prisons in jail for pot in the 60's however we allow murders to walk the streets with a slap on the wrist. laws that severly punish women who smoke crack while pregnant... let me get off of my soap box.
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