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Posts posted by jennEfer

  1. Originally posted by girly

    Hey u r right i take that comment back. It wasn't nice. And i know everyone is physically different. I'm to skinny, but my main point is that these girls are gross by putting this stuff up on this messageboard like they are some porno queen.

    I know I wouldn't do it, but I guess whatever floats thier boat. If they want to show off the fact that they get drunk and do lesbian type things, then that is thier decision.

  2. Originally posted by girly

    No offense but those girls need to lose a couple pounds before you start posting their pics on Cp.. Otherwise great pics:D

    Just because a girl doesn't weigh 110 lbs or less doesn't mean she has to loose weight. Some girls are just more voluptuous than others, and I really think that society's obsession with the emaciated woman is disgusting. I would rather there be more Marylin Monroe's than Kate Moss'.

  3. Originally posted by djjonstephen

    I don't disrespect anybody's opinions ever.......but son, if you think Draper's crowd at Exit is the "phattest vibe" you "get at a club" then for Christ's sake, stay there. If you think his track selection is "phat" then by all means enjoy yourself. But god oh god don't say you "love fucking house music" because you absolutely have no clue and it is a complete insult to people like myself.

    Could not have said it better myself.

  4. Originally posted by djfabioc

    When say mega, i mean big ! Exit is bigger then Twilo was.

    And why waste of time and money?

    Twilo may not have been bigger in size, but it was definately bigger in reputation.... and thats all that counts for me.

    And they better be toying with 5 - 7 hours if they want a quality PVD set... and if they expect me to pay $40.

  5. Originally posted by xhead247x

    I dont judge by what they spin on. I judge by how it sounds, and to me drapers music selction is phat. And this past week, he mixed mad classics in like 20 min sand that was pretty sick.

    That quote just sums up your knowlege of music right there. I put clubbers into two categories... there are the scene people, and the music people, and you are definately not part of the latter. You may not be a newcomer to the club scene, but you are ignorant to the fact that there are phenomenal DJs out there, with a much better track selection then draper, minus the excessive use of sound effects, and the skills to avoid train wrecks.

  6. Originally posted by xhead247x

    Dont dany tenaglia and jonathan peters spin cds too? And you wanted to know what other djs i heard? I heard jonathan peters, johnny viscious, shawn ink, boris, scott project, dj tiesto, christopher lawrence, luv and lodi to name a few. And honestly i dont care what the fuck they spin with as long as it sounds good to me. I am at a club to have fun, not to judge the djs. If them music sounds good then i am happy. Just try to enjoy the music ,and i never said draper was extremely talented. I think hes good and he drops sick beats and pleases the crowd which to me is the most important because without the crowd there is no need for the dj. Just a thought.

    First off, I am not a Jonathan Peter's fan, and have never heard him spin. Second, yes, DT does use CDs BUT he mainly uses vinyl. Good DJs are able to incorporate several different forms of media into thier sets. Howells, for instance, will have 3 tables, 2 cd decks, and a computer at hand. If you do not go to clubs to judge the DJs then there was no point to you posting in the first place, because that means you do not care about the music enough to TRULY listen to and judge a DJ. Just a thought. :D

  7. First off... my story... I was an exit head to start out with... loved the space, the shiny people, and the mainstream crap. Then my whole world changed when I stepped into Twilo and heard real music. Draper is good for beginners, but eventually every TRUE music fan will move on.

    Second... what other DJ's have you heard other than draper?

    Third... Sven Vath was just recently at Vinyl, definately check out Danny Tennaglia, Carl Cox, Danny Howells... to name a few if you want to hear hard, fast beats without the Draper cheese elements.

    Fourth: DJs that only use CDs (aka: Draper) have no real talent. It is extremely easy to match beats with cd's due to the fact you can pause them at an exact time and start them easily, unlike vinyl where you have to match beats while the record is moving.

    ::sigh:: One day you will learn.

  8. Originally posted by teklord310

    Wow! You won't see anything like that in the US. The first pic looks photoshoped, the others are just funny as hell. BTW i've seen some awesome women drivers around. My wife will either be a good driver or be trained so we can both share a car and run autocrosses on weekends. Damn i'm addicted now.

    Jenn is a good driver, its ok to be a little paranoid after a van side swipes you. Speaking of Jenn's driving.. pick my ass up soon so we can drop the top and go pick up chicks!!

    When it gets alittle warmer we will... and when I am not swamped with work. God I hate the end of the semester. Oh, and I don't pick up chics, but you can if you want.

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