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Posts posted by jennEfer

  1. Originally posted by phatman

    ...what were you wearing when they woke you up?....

    sorry...i am a pervert after all...;)

    i consider thieves the lowest of the low...to take what belongs to someone else is just plain loathsome...sorry to hear that - and that it could be someone you know / inside the house...

    I was going to sleep in my underwear and a sports bra last night... but i settled for pajama pants... thank god

    I really don't know if it is or isn't someone in the house... most likely not... but it does suck that now we have robbers to worry about.

  2. At 3am two cops busted into my room with thier bright flashlights boasting that they were "Rutgers Police"

    They had gotten a call from a neighbor that someone was snooping around our house looking to break in.

    When they got here our basement door was wide open and there was no robber in sight... but they came in our house to check it out.

    They searched room by room and woke everyone up to check id's and shit.

    Nothing was stolen last night... but 2 laptops and a couple cell phones have been stolen from our house in the past month... now we at least know its not someone in the house.

  3. Originally posted by kandyraver

    pffffft another snausage fest with watered down keg beer, the only reason I went to the one party like 2 weeks ago was because of the free trees

    Actually... we had a party a couple weeks ago... the ratio was pretty evened out... there are alot of girls that live in this house and alot of girls show up to our parties.

  4. Originally posted by phatman

    ok...since you care...this year was different but interesting...

    got up 8am and went to the gym for two hours

    came home for breakfast and then found out i had to run to work to help some girl out who's dad was dying in Bosnia

    went to work for a few and got this girl a ticket to go see her dad

    went back home for five minutes before getting a call from a girlfriend of mine

    went to her house and drove up to White Meadow Rockaway NJ - nice Lake community...House Party...

    sat in the pool and drank this Brazilian drink (sugar water with rum and lime..yum)...catered food from soup to nuts...incredible brazilian bbq..guy went around with the meat on a stick and a knife and served to boot...drank some more...puffed a bit....listened to some brazilian music mixed in with Old Hard Rock...strange crew...good people...very different...

    left the party around 9pm...went to her house..ordered chinese...and watched The Majestic with Jim Carrey...actually liked the movie...

    got to bed by 1am... (had to work today)...

    WHITE GHETTO LAKE IN ROCKAWAY!!! Oh shit, my best friend lives there... i live the next town over... used to be there all the fucking time.

  5. Originally posted by highmay

    groovy steve - lol

    jenEfer - only your comments on my HAN SOLO thread are relevent...so once again: STFU™

    and uh brat4life?? Star Wars encompasses about 8 parts...only the first 6 were done as movies...if you only watched one part, then youll never understand the entire movie...

    ::waves white flag::

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