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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by carabee

  1. I love Irish boys!!!! Ask my girl...T. I am always goin for the fair skinned, Beautiful Irish boys...or those who resemble. Also dig a guy w/ confidence...not too much, but enough to know you are in good hands. Has to be at least 5/8,9. and of course, the ones that don't say "Oh, I thought you were paying." Money aint an issue w/me, but a gal does like to be treated once in a while.


  2. I have been out of order for the past month so my pernacious self had been trying to get healthy..(ya right). On Saturday, T and I decided on a movie, but a lounge conveniently got in our way. I, still w/ the sniffles downed more than my share of Whiskey's and cokes. Woke up Sunday....and I was cured!! Who knew that a solid nite of soco's and cokes was the cure for a common cold. Thinkin of writing a dissertation on this....hee hee. I am back in service.


  3. PLASTIC RULES!!!!....ya, thats what I was sayin a couple years ago in College. I have two cards maxed out on late night trips to Dennies and stupid shit like that. Not to mention a wedding dress and 6 brides maid dresses on another......that were never used. (thats another long story). Now, I am too much in denial that I only pay the min, which only pays the interest.....but, Hell, as long as they are not knocking my door down, I'm happy! Charge away, Hey!

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