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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by pipdaddy

  1. anyone that went to work today is a sucker... haha. work is for rookies
  2. i would have the bitch killed and keep the other 500,000 for myself and run away with you tizzah
  3. nostrils were red and draining...LOL
  4. haha....justin just won an award for dissing her...lol damn britney looks gooooood :drool: :drool:
  5. all ya gotta do is look at what he put for his title "lightweight champion" and that explains it all
  6. thanx for the update sam fucking champion
  7. it was siiick. its not even snowing:rolleyes:
  8. yea bring the snow. i hope we get 15+ inches. bout time i get to use 4x4 lo full time
  9. ehh. i dunno. someone ripped it off a vinyl a couple weeks ago apparently and sent it out. its labelled as armani & ghost - airport and its been getting played at metro. thats the copy i have anyway...4:37
  10. you you and you to the right, YOU to the left...make way this side and that side...your side may not be the right side can you move? these are role models good old school song..."the door" various mixes out there
  11. filiming a documentary? that sounds bizarre..
  12. get over it. move on. shit happens. wanna hang out?
  13. gotta love the automated HR emails about how to prepare and who to contact in case of a disaster...RIIIIGHT. as if there is a bio attack in the subway im really going to worry about contacting my HR rep to discuss alternate means of transportation:rolleyes:
  14. the only time i get a little weirded out is when im coming in or going home and i go thru grandcentral and there are dogs and guys with submachine guns...seriously. i think those bad boys can unleash like 500 rounds per second...actually the big guns make me feel safe..its the dogs i dont like.
  15. go to hell tara. go straight to hell, do not pass go and do not collect $200
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