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Everything posted by dolcemimi

  1. Guys- what kind of qualities do you find hott in a female ? a girls who's courageous, brave independent ? funny ? sweet ? down -to earth ? bitchy and catty ? or real quiet and smooth ?
  2. He screamed " You WANT THE REAL REASON - You're tooo YOUNG !!!!!" - He said that's the real reason. Then he told me "Go find a boy your own age and go get married" WTF ??? ?? A boy my own age ???? My age was NEVER a problem during sex.
  3. My lover just replaced me with an older 34 yr.old woman !! I'm 26 and he's 32 . He told me " I DON'T LIKE YOU THAT WAY" Because I'm too young for him !! ...gee.. that wasn't a problem when we were having sex ! We're 7 yrs. apart. Me- 26 ,Him - 32 Am I too young for him ?
  4. OK . But what if your lover doesn't take you NO WHERE, doesn't introduce you to NONE of his friends, and doesn't INCLUDE you into his life except his bedroom ..? IIs that because he REALLY digs you or he's ashamed of the relationship ?
  5. hey you told me tp PM you. I'd rather talk on the board but...CHECK UR PM
  6. really like you for you ...not because you're good looking or because you got money. I think most girls can tell if a guy is just using them for sex...it pretty straight forward and obvious but guys - how do you know if a girl is with you for you and not your money and status ? I ask this because girls are very good at "tricking" men into spending money on them ..and I'm surprised how men can be such suckers. me personally - I have never gotten anything from a man- I see all my friends use their men to go shopping and etc.. SO - how do you know if a girl likes you for you ?
  7. i worked as A&R asst. @ TommyBOy and Universal - they had rappers. I wanna go over to either Maverick or Arista and probably do either dance dept. or pop .. I wanna get down with Maverick. I think they got edge !
  8. Britney, Christina , Jessica and all other teeny bopping blond singers.. N'SYNC, BSB, 98 degress, LFO and all other boy bands.. made by Lou Pearlmann ? WHEN WILL THIS TEENY BOPPING PHASE END ? Oh - Who is sick of Carson Daly, Tara Reid + ALL the other TEENAGE actors .. Julia Stiles ??? ...Save the Last Dance ? WTF ?? YOU KNOW - the media hires these people because they think they will appeal to American teenagers -but the truth is - I think it's fuckin LAME and It's time REcord/ Movie companies start putting out REAL ARTISTS with REal creativity and ..def. a lot more style. WHAT do you think will happen in pop music in 2001 ? Will this teeny bopping thing go away ?? The only thing I like on MTV , the radio is ...NELLY !!! Shimmy Shimmy CoCo Puff !!
  9. I'm quitting next week. I'm gonna follow my dreams and chase my way to happiness by becoming a big time A&R !!! I mean BIG ! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW ! [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-03-2001).]
  10. I work for this sucky internet start-up. O.K. - who here hates their job ? AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGH !!!!!!!!
  11. Excuse me Mr. High Standards. Believe it or not- there's tons of unattractive desperate men- who can't get as much pussy as you. And they hit on us women at bars and clubs. Trying to grab every opportunity they can ! EVERY girl at least once in her life has gotten hit by one these animals. And It seems these men don't have any standards.. Yuck ! (another gross reaction) [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-02-2001).]
  12. Do any of you (esp. men ) have a hard time turning down sex ? It seems some guys just don't care as long as a girl has a hole to stick it into. I think females are more selective about sex partners ...but it seemes a lot of men don't care- as long as she's a female. Biologically- men are supposed to have sex with many as they can - or whatever ... .. So if some random unattractive girl came up to you made an offer ...would you just hump away ?
  13. My lover babbles during sex- He says MUSHY things he normally would not say when he's not having sex. Things like - how hot I am or that he fantasizes about me, to how much he missed me. THEN after sex- he doesn't talk that sweet to me any more. SO MEN - do you tell the truth when you are having sex or are you just under the influence of the vagina ?
  14. my original Q. - WOuld you date someone who is handicapped ? I think most of you thought - would you be friends , hang out with someone who was handicapped . And yeah I think most of us would not have a problem with that. But what I meant was - Would you have a romantic/sexual relationship with someone who is handicapped ? That's what I meant . I meant dating as in having sex and and having romantic relationship. Not just hanging out [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 12-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 12-30-2000).]
  15. 1) Eddie Baez was the original Sound Factory resident til JP came in. It was Eddie on Saturday nites then JP on Friday nites. Then he lost that -ever since then he's been drifting - How does a former SF resident go to places like Hunka Bunka ? Yuck ! Who knows - maybe he's not happy in NYC clubs ..
  16. HOW DO YOU KNOW I'm SHALLOW ? Just becuz I have mixed reactions- it does not make me shallow. I NEVER met a person like that before so I don't know what to think. SO ALL OF YOU PLEASE STOP CALLING ME SHALLOW.
  17. Yeah- I that's how I "FEEL" - I don't know the right answer- if I did- I wouldn't be asking bunch of strangers on the internet.
  18. - So far I've gotten an award, a bitchslap threat, and a whole bunch of other juvenile putdowns ...But the point is ... I'M MISUNDERSTOOD I AM NOT SHALLOW ! At St. Patrick's X-mas Service last year- I threw my whole wallet into the donations basket -that's $60 + fake id's !! ANYWAYS - there's TONS OF MORE SHALLOW WOMEN than me out there- and I think they're shallow ! My life does not revolve around looks or physical beauty(sometimes) or material things nor social status !! Beautiful people are beautiful INSIDE FIRST ! I've met some REALLY SHALLOW MEN in nightclubs. Believe me, I'm not shallow when compared to these people ...
  19. Thank You ! Here is my acceptance speech ! It's only natural for all of you to judge me because I'm new and I ask a question that might seem "shallow". But it's just a question . Just because I have a grossed out reaction to something I never seen before - that does not make me a bad person. OK - SO I'm the BIG BAD WOLF here- right ? If I diss him it's because of his handicap. If I date him it's because of his handicap. CAN'T WIN HERE ? RIGHT ? The reason I ask- is becuse I'm curious. SO STOP JUDGING ME. WEll . if I offended anyone I aplogize. But for you to label me shallow or a "bad person" without knowing makes you just as igonorant and predujice as me. Like I said - I HAVE NEVER MET a person like that before - SO it's only natural to have mixed reactions. HAPPY <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">NEW YEAR </a> ! Oh and I'd like to Thank God for this nomination !! You're too kind !
  20. I might sound flakey- but if you were in the same shoes you'd have mixed feelings too. We've been thought that predujice based on skin color is wrong but predujice based on physical handicap ( obesity, missing limbs, vertically challenged and etc.) aren't really dealt with. Sometimes you just don't know how to deal with people . [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 12-28-2000).]
  21. Black,Asian gay are not same thing as handicaps. Handicap is a medical term. Then might as well as put in white and hispanic and Jews in there too. All the girls are calling me a narrow minded- shallow whatever .. All the guys are saying - that the guys is some sord of handicap playboy who uses sympathy to get laid.. ... 2 totally different point of views ...how interesting ..
  22. FIRST- Hold all your negative comments against me. I never met a handicap so I don't know how to deal with one. I bet some of you even never met a handicap. Why don't you get hit on by a handicap and see how you feel ? ANYWAYS - He mentioned it only once and when I told him"it's not your fault"- he said " awww...you're so nice" - that's when he made the moves on me. He thought I liked him because I felt sorry for him. I got played by a handicap . [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 12-28-2000).]
  23. OMG ! You think that handicapped guy is using his handicap to pick up girls ? He was pretty cocky for a handicap ! I'm soo grossed out !! He tried to make out with me ! He was trying to touch me and kiss me..and YUCK !!! I've been having nightmares about that handicap guy !!! I feel like I'm gonna PUKE !!
  24. I'm a real compassionate person. Most stuck up girls that hang out at Lotus won't even talk to him. I feel bad for him. He seemed lonely. He says women diss him all the time. But his handicap also grosses me out ! I empathize and I'm grossed out at the same time !
  25. Would you date someone who was handicpped ? I was at Lotus one night. And I was talking to this guy the whole night and at the middle of the conversation, he tells he lost his right hand in a motorcycle accident. He tells me he thinks I'm nice because I talked to him and he gives me his number. Then he kissed me on the cheek .. Would you date someone out of pity ? [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 12-28-2000).]
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