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Everything posted by dolcemimi

  1. Wow- all I asked was 1 simple question and I get 182 replies !! That's WILD !! It's like 6 pgs long !! To Joeydollaz - you're right. Girls do it too but all I said was - girls don't give each other pounds and high-fives over it. Men act like they won the Super Bowl if they get a hot girl. To Apothos- thesis You didn't have to apologize. HELLO EVERYONE! My name is Dolcemimi !!
  2. To the 110 people that answered my post- THANKS I always bring up topics that should be discussed on talk shows, but I rather do that here because I can get different views and opinions. TO Some guy who called me an IMPOSTER - First, I really don't get where you people come up with calling another an "imposter". I have no idea what you mean by that. I've been called a bitch, cunt, sweetheart and many things but I do not know what an IMPOSTER is. Sorry. Not gonna waste my time explaining to you who I am and my whole life. This is a forum and I think we should use it to talk about deep social issues becasue I'm a deep person who likes deep discussion. Or else- it's just a waste of cyberspace we can use this constructively. 109 people replied me..wow ! I see there are 2 sides to it. But what I was trying to get at was .. Why men objectify beautiful women as possesion or a non-living thing. I'm really experiencing this now- becasue I now have someone who's pretending to be my friend so he can get down my pants. Some guy said : I don't have a (hot girl, a car, and a big house) like girls are a commodity ??? The main point was : BEAUTIFUL GIRLS ARE NOT CARS, GRADES NOR TROPHIES. I feel sorry for any fool that puts women in the same category as a car, house and boat !!
  3. YES. THIS IS FOR REAL. He just called me to ask me if I was watching the porno tapes. I don't know what his problem is. DOEs this sound fucked up or what ?
  4. I have this guy friend. Just friends for about 1 yr. For X-mas : He gave me 2 porno tapes + dildo. (he said it was a joke) Before that- he told me he dreamt about having sex with me. NOW he calls me all time- askin me Did you watch the porno tapes? Did you use the dildo ? How many times did you cum today ?? This guys is really gettin on my nerves. If I confront him he's gonna say- "Relax, I'm just kidding". I think he's some sicko sex addict. When he asks me if I used his dildos - he sounds violent. He talks like an asshole on the phone now .. WTF is up with this guy ? Do guy friends ask all sords of personal Qs to their firends that are girls ? I really don't like him now.
  5. Oh No need to apologize apotho-whatever ! No need to tip toe around a gal because now I know that's how men REALLY think !
  6. THat is very true- a lot of women flock to rich guys to be trophies. You know why I'm bashing this topic so much ? I'm a product of that trophy wife/ powerful man duo . And it's one disgusting , pathetic relationship. It seems nobody believes in love any more. As everyone gets older and starts making $$$- they follow into that same pattern. Be personally- I can never be any man's trophy because I don't think any man can afford me. Now I feel like losing out because I'm not playing the rich man's trophy role like society tells me to.
  7. I thought about that analogy. It makes sense. Men gain power by having an expensive car and an expensive girl. But the thing is - Have you noticed that most guys w/ the cars - are the ones who don't get the women in the first place ? And most hot guys don't need to drive a Benz to get girls because girls go up to them for free. I've been on dates w/ guys w/ BMWs and Land Cruisers to a beat up Toyota- and guess what ? The expensive car guys are the more desperate ones it seems. Oh and here's a funny one - American blonds = Chevy, Ford, Buick. I'm Italian so that makes me a = Diablo, Ferrari So then exotic girls = imported cars. Last thought on GRADES. Some guy gave us women grades. GRADE A / GRADE B. These are USDA standards for prime beef. Why do men have to classify us women like we're not even human beings ? like we're some dumb cattle or something ? Maybe some girls like the attention, but I don't. Very degrading.
  8. No. I'm Italian. you respect a drug dealer ? What ghetto are you from ? There's a reason why people who make $$$ illegitimate ways go to prison. It's your mentality - "Money is Money" - that stirs up violence and crime. So if some kid goes and robs someone - I guess his behavior is commendable and respectable ...right ? Because money is money Selling drugs, organized crime = ILLEAGLE! NOT RESPECTABLE !
  9. PREDUJICE exists for the ugly,poor, uncool and the unglamorous. It's not just the race, religion, sex thing. [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-08-2001).]
  10. No not referring to YOU GUYS in general when I say small club scene. NOT referring to you at all. I'm not bitter. I get incredibly sad at times. But I do think the club scene is rather small. Everyone knows everybody. It's always the same faces, same djs, same parties, same guys, same girls Even if you goto a different city like Miami, it's the same peeps. It's a small world.
  11. Hey ! As long as you know that GIRLS and CARS are not the same thing - you're fine with me ! Another thing ...You say you're respected if you have material possesions... NOT TRUE. Ex) Once upon a time there was a crack dealer who drove a BMW and had new clothes and had thick pile of $$$ -does that mean he's respectable ? NOT . He's still a low life street dealer. There's different types of $$$. 1) There's the bust - your -ass , get your hands dirty low class dollar bills. 2)Then there's the - M1, M2 ,M3 ...purefine LIQUID. [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-08-2001).] [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-08-2001).]
  12. I'll say it. I was a loser in H.S. I never had any friends. I was friends w/ all the other losers. The worst part was - I lived across street from the most popular cheeerleader in class ..and EVERY weekend she would have her parties for the cool kids and all I did was hide in my room and watch ... Funny thing is ...It never ends. Even in this small club scene - It's just like high school ALL OVER again. always about- Who's the prettiest, richest, coolest .. One big pathetic popularity contest.
  13. Taj Mahal Ceasers I only sit at the Bacarrat table...baby.
  14. LOL ! LOL ! That's classic ! I think I love you !!! LOL ! OMG ! THat's soo funny !! That was beautiful !! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ! [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-08-2001).]
  15. OMG !! THERE IT IS !!! YOU JUST COMPARED A GIRLS'S BEAUTY TO CARS !!!!! - That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about !!! Men think girls are cars !!! Men - Did you ever feel like a piece of meat ? If so do you like it ?? It's degrading .
  16. YEah girls do it too. But we don't give each others props and high fives over it ! Girls keep their thoughts to themselves..it seems. But guys -will run over and give each other high fives ! ! NO Matter how hot a guy was- if I don't like him - I'll never show him off in front of my friends ! BUt men - seem to bring along as many pretty things as they can so they can "SHOW OFF". DID ANYONE See CHUCK ZITO @ World on NYE w/ his hot stripper/pets on a leash ? - ( perfect example ) Girls don't purposely show off theirhot boyfriends because other girls will notice anyways. MEN have to put on a goddamn parade .
  17. Why do guys give each other "props" if they are seen with pretty girls ? GUYS- if you have a beautiful girl as a trophy do you get more respected among men ? So then would you put up with a beautiful bitch you didn't like just so that you can look good in front of your male buddies ? I've seen guys do this to show off in front of other men. Although it may sound flattering- it's degrading. It's like having a dog on a leash so all your boys can gawk at your "pet". Not Knocking anything- just something I've noticed from hanging out with fuckin pigs.
  18. NO WAY ! ARE YOU KINDDING ? I'd rather be alone than be with someone I don't even like !! I went out w/ a guy for a year just because I didn't want to be single - THAT was the BIGGEST MISTAKE I've EVER MADE !!!! I can do fine by myself ! I
  19. [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-07-2001).]
  20. If you can move - it means you "feel it" and got rhythm. Good dancer = does not necessarily mean good in bed. I've been with guys who are clumbsy on the dance floor but can turn it out in bed. I've been with some of the fiercest dancers in NYC.. and - they move TOTALLY different when they are in bed .. Sometimes it's true , Sometimes it's not. So I don't know about that one. It's just another misleading stereotype .
  21. I never dated a "nice guy". All the men in my life are assholes and womanizers and losers. And I'm a nice sweet chic. (sometimes) I'm not used to a guy treating me nicely. Nice guys are kinda boring to me. I like Mr. Danger/Excitement types. Then I get seriously hurt...then I go out and do it again and again ... I don't know- it's almost a challenge. It's exciting at first but then you drop them once you realize how stupid the whole thing is. I never dated a nice guy so I wouldn't know. ASSHOLE = excitement NICE GUY = Boring. As to .. SLUT = sexual excitement NICE GIRL = boring
  22. As you go out to many different places- you'll meet MANY people and have many chances to hook up. But don't you think it's hard for real feelings develop if you meet people fast, and have sex real fast. Don't true love take time ? I have djs and promoter friends who meet lots of pretty ladies at clubs. They change girlfriends faster then they change underwear. LOL! Sure meeting lots of hotties is every guy's dream but- how do you know if you have genuine feelings for them ? And I think- being in the superfast lifestyle of NYC club scene where pretty faces come go @136bpm , it's pretty hard to tell which relationships are genuine. I mean- if you break up with youf bf/gf - all you have to do is go to a club that night and get another "Instant replacement". I've had guys who tried to pick me up because they just broke up with their GF's just right before they came out the club... .. I think it's hard to have a faithful realtionship in the club scene- TOOOO MANY temptation. How do you know that it's true love w/ all the distraction of loud thumping music, drugs and tons of half-naked hotties ? ..I dated men in the industry who took me to all the clubs and introduced me to tons of people, AND I had men who wanted to keep out of club spotlight. Are there 2 types of girlfriends ? The ones you party with and show off and the ones you keep at home and in secret ? Who knows ...I've met a lot of strange men in this bizarre clubworld. " People Are Strange" [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-06-2001).]
  23. YES- MUSIC HAS GONE DOWN HILL. I wanna know why Sade was never nominated . The people that vote for the Grammys - NARAS- Nationa Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences - are usually other producers, enginneers and industry peeps. In order to be a voting memeber- you have to have some credibility in the industry. Bascially they have a board of industry heads who are not familiar w/ every genre of music- they listen to all the nominees and vote- who ever sounds good enough to be a winner. LOL !! For REMIXER of the YEAR - First- It's under the Production cateogry and it's field 85 !!!!! It's along with the "not so recognized category". Compared to Rock/ Pop /R&B/ hip Hop - Which are the top 5 categories - REmixers come in at 85th category ! That tells you what the rest of the music business thinks about "guys who make dance music". ANYWAYS - Goto WWW. GRAMMY.COM.
  24. . [This message has been edited by dolcemimi (edited 01-07-2001).]
  25. How do you know it's me w/ the problem and not him ? He made me feel like real shit !
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