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Everything posted by dolcemimi

  1. He hit me back - only becasue I slapped him really hard first. I think I embarassed him in front of the other girl. Yeah - this stupid story may be unbelievable . Infact i can't even believe-this actually happened and he did this to me. DOESn'T MATTER IF YOu People BELIEVE IT OR NOT.
  2. even though he's selfish asshole - he's a hard man to hate. He's gorgeous,rich and funny and used to be nice & sweet to me. Then he got in the club business and he got into drugs- G. He's a hard man to dump.
  3. Look - I'm a nice girl. I don't do drugs and I don't sleep around. Yeah- my man has problems. Should I even feel bad for hittin him ? He deserved it. But I feel so bad because I think I hurt him. Should I call and aplogize ? But he hit me back too..
  4. Last Sun - I went over to see my man friend. He had another girl there and he said it's my fault cause I showed up late and that in order me to hang out with him- I had to take G and get down 3 ways with her. He threatened me- If I don't do - he'll no longer be my friend. So I did it. I regret it. It was the stupidest and chessiest thing I ever did. I got jealous when he was fuckin the other girl. So when I was on top of him I slapped him twice and he hit me back twice. So it looked like we're havin rough sex .. But after we all finished- he withdrew and was very quiet. Then he told me I had to go. Did I hurt him by hittin him? I was very mad at him doing that. I know - I made that decision but he shouldn't even have asked me. I feel bad for slapping him front another girl - but I'm angry at him
  5. my girls is seeing a a well known DJ - He clearly told her - "I don't want you in the club" - Infact he discourages her from going to clubs and partying. Infact - he keeps her out of his "clublife" He said it's becaue "She's a pain in the ass" ( Which is just BS) Does he not want her in his club because - he's afraid he won't be able to concentrate when she's around ? Or he's just being an egomainac ? To any DJs - do get embarassed or annoyed if your girl is around you when you're spinning ?
  6. I finally asked my fuck buddy of seven years - "How come you never loved me ?" ( romantically) He replied w/ a -"We've been friends for how long?" Does it sound like I have any chance ? LOL:confused:
  7. 1. WHy do all men dream about 2 women ? 2. ALso - did it make the love for your GF stronger or did she get jealous or what ? 3. If a guy is fuckin 2 girls - how can u tell which girls he likes better ?
  8. How come if a guy has sexual relations a much younger girl 1. They only treat it as a sexual "fun" thing and not take it seriously 2. They joke about it front of their boys .. If a guy fucks a much younger girl and the sex is good - Does a guy feel ashamed that he's with a young chic and feel like a loser ? Ex. Tony Soprano and his 20 something year old GF Irene or Bill CLinton and Monica
  9. I was taping the news coverage last 3 days - There was one scene where debris were falling off from the top of WTC before it collapsesd - There was like a piece of steel or something - then as it came close I realized that wasn't part of a building - it was some guy who jumped from the 90 + floor ! I also taped some lady in a red suit jumping from 100 + floor ! People jumping off the tower has got to be the scariest and the sickest thing we'll ever witness !
  10. Heres my top 3 for the finals : Pete Sampras Marat Safin ( defending champ) ANDY RODDICK !!!!!! I want to see Andy Roddick win though !! I think his serves kick ass !!!!! I never seen anything that fast !! I also got the hotts for Marat Safin ! If him and Pete make it to the finals it'll be payback time becuz Pete lost last year to him ! I want to see RODDICK WIN !!!!!
  11. I was a dancer on the show The GRIND hosted by Eric Nies. MTV FUCKIN SUCKS OLD MAN'S BALLS !! 1. The dancers had to get there at 6 in tha morning and wait til 9. ERic Nies showed up at 2 p.m. and was just foolin around. 2. If you're a dancer on the show you got $25 for 2 full days of work. The only payoff is that you get to be on T.V !!! 3. MUSIC IS CORNY AS HELL. There were few white kids and the rest were nasty nasty Puerto Rican bitches and ganster wannabes from the South Bronx. ( They wanted to make it look more hip hop) OMG!! I can't beilieve how nasty those girls were in the dressing room - it was cat fighting the whole time ! And if you are tired and don't look like you're having fun -the producers yell at you to look "happy" and "energetic" THey tape about 8 shows in 1 day and it reruns over the entire season ! THAT WAS THE GRIND ! I watch Carmen Electra's Hypermix and people seem nicer because it's not taped in NYC !! MTV THE GRIND in NYC - was all nasty boriquas All the girls were fame seeking hos and didn't even know how to dance. ANYWAYS - GOOD LUCK !!
  12. Rebecca Gayheart a.k.a. the beautiful Noxema girl recently hit and killed a 6 yr. old boy .. They said she was speeding. Is she gonna get a slap on the wrist and 90 days of community service because she's a beautiful actress?? Or ....is she gonna go to trial and goto jail like EVERYBODY ELSE when they get charged with involuntary manslaughter ??
  13. Can karoke machines also function as DVD players ,since both are laser discs ? can a karoke machine play DVDs ???
  14. Since I'm 100 % drug free - I have no clue about trendy drugs. My freind offered me G (clear liquid in a jar) - 1. what does it do ? what is the high feel like ? 2. How dangerous is it ? Is is on the same level as crack or heroin ??? ( I know all drugs are bad but ..) 3. Is it addictive ? Does itruin people's lives ? I'd appreciate any info. THANXxxxx
  15. GUYS - does the sight of blood during sex gross you out ??? Some guys don't really seem to mind. .. I've never met a guy who stopped fucking or started screaming and freaking out becuse of it ... They use the shower
  16. I don't know I guess I'm not the relationship type of gal. I haven't had a relationship for 6 years .. To different people - love is different things . TO me love is = knock out drag down sex .. Infact the more I know a guy - the less I'm attracted to him - I'm sure they're guys that feel the same way.
  17. 1) A knock out drag down fuck my brains out -eat my ass- cum all over my face-high intensity sex - With some a litte emotional caring and no commitment + responsibilites ? OR 2 ) FULL 24/7 tied down to one person like a slave and do everything together and talk,share and care about everything with warm, tender moments of making love with soft caresses ? ME personally -I think the person you love should also be the one who rocks your world . I think a way a person fucks you is how they feel about you.. SEX - is a way of communicating. I don't know about anyone else -but Sexual compatibility is very important to me ... SO choice #1 - I think hott passionate animal sex = love.
  18. Did I mention ...I always get into fights @ parties and clubs with taller + bigger girls than me. I mean in a situation like that- it would help me to be big. When in clubs I see BIG beefy juice heads showing off their phsique - I feellike I gotta step up and represent and show off my muscles ... - I feel like I have to compete w/ men for size WErid huh ? When I see big beefy bouncers - I feel like I gotta step up to them and look big ....
  19. Oh yeah about my attitude - My head/ego/attitude is 1000 times bigger than my actual body !! Plus I got a big loud mouth !!
  20. See ...this is the way i see it .. I think men like short/petite/cute girls for toying around and throwing them around in bed and etc. But when it comes to getting down seriously - they want tall +big model like girls because they are statuesque and they can be trphies and tall girls make the guys look better also.. And the taller / bigger you are - you can show off more and etc.. cause there's more to see.. I think men look at small women like poodles and toy dogs.
  21. I gained 10 lbs since my last complaint and I'm still fuckin small !!!! 5'2 @ 110 !!! I jog almost every morning, lift weights and drink whole milk and eat filet mignons like cupcakes !!!!!!! FUCK !!! When I walk down the streets of nyc I feel like an ant !! When I see bigger girls than me I 'm always sizing up against them !! Hmmm ..I'm afraid I running out of options here .. maybe i should consider steroids.. I want to be big - because I just think tall + big girls look better and have better presence outside .. This is gettin fuckin frustrating ! Damn !!!! I HATE BEING SMALL SOO MUCH !!!! It didn't bother me when I was young but ..now it does because all the tall +big girls tower over me in clubs !! I need badger milk !!!!! :horns:
  22. What do you do when you misss someone but you're too embarassed to call them .becasue you have too much of an ego..? I actually miss the jerk who dumped me a long time ago...our relationship is werid..We're dysfunctional friends.. I know he misses me because he told me during sex ...lol I dunno ...Why do I miss him if he's such a jerk ? most people would say forget about it ! I dunno ...why my heart keeps telling me theses things.
  23. If it's meant to be - does it mean I'm gonna bump into him out of the blue sometime in the future ? WE already went thru the casual " Hi I've been thinkinabout you" phone calls.... WE already told each other " I miss you" - I acutually thought we're getting rekindled but he DISSED me again ... WE constantly miss each toerh but he keeps dissin . OK ...enough with the soap opera All I can say is - I already done everything erveryone suggests. Yet - I keep missin him -I must be mental !!!
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