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Posts posted by nessalove

  1. Tunnel was sick last night!! Renegade, you cracked me up with the "trust me no ya don't" line. The vibe kicked ass! The place was more packed than I've seen it in the last few months, and the crowd has gotten exponentially cuter. I was really impressed. I'm an EXIT baby, and these days, I think the sheer quality of the music, and the fun that I have, I think I'd even hit Tunnel before EXIT... but that's only if Renegade's there. cwm1.gif

    And seriously Ragman was excellent too, and Nero's coming back this coming Saturday, but I have to go back to school. cwm36.gif I'm desparate to see how it's going to be even better this week! Renegade keep tearing it up, and you better all keep me posted on how things go!

    cwm38.gif - Ness - cwm38.gif

  2. The issue with napster is infringement, and to some extent distribution is infringement. Although it's not technically napster that's doing the distributing, but rather only providing the forum for it, it would be impossible to prosectute all the individual distributers ie. us.

    I absolutely don't agree with what's happening with the case. In the situation of digital music in general, there's really a need for a paradigm shift in the way record companies look to produce their music. There has to be a better way to combine the record world with the digital world, because essentially even with the new napster fee, the mass trading is still going on, so it's not really creating a resolution to the problem, but putting it off. I can download over 100 songs in a day if I really try, and the measely 15 bucks they're making me pay could never cover the amount of royalties the artists would get if I was buying the music. Besides that there has really been no proof that Napster has decreased record spending. In fact I tend to believe the opposite because it really does create more exposure for artists, and gets their music out there.

    If you're really curious about some of the legalities surrounding the trial, I know you can watch excerpts from some of the preliminary trials on cnn.com, and it'll give you a better idea of how some of the decisions have been made. There have been comparisons of Napster to the original Sony Beta, and another issue was concerning non copyrighted material, and that napster should be allowed to stay free because of its capability to trade non-copyrighted material. But anyway, if you have more questions, I did a research project on the earlier napster case, so feel free to PM me. Hope I helped a little. smile.gif

    cwm38.gif - Ness - cwm38.gif

    [This message has been edited by nessalove (edited 02-13-2001).]

  3. Hate to break it to you babe, but you're WRONG. It's totally on it's way back. Everybody going is having fun. The music absolutely KICKS ASS. Don't be so skeptical. The party is all about the music and the people, and good people follow good music. Be there hon, or you're going to be left behind.

    cwm38.gif - Ness - cwm38.gif

  4. Ok guys, I finally made it back from Boston and I was there last night. Honestly, I thought the music was EXCELLENT. Both DJs kept me dancing all night. I had an absolutely amazing time, and true the crowd wasn't as great as it has been in the past, but the music made up for it. I absolutely haven't had that good a time clubbin in a while. Kudos to both Nero and Renegade. I love you guys, and I'll be back next week for more! And seriously, from an unbiased opinion, anyone who hasn't checked this out yet is really missing the action! I wish I lived in NYC!

    cwm38.gif -NESS- cwm38.gif

  5. Ok... be prepared because I'm going to give you all the key here. Romance is just a product of chemistry. It can be perfectly natural with those you're supposed to have it with and absolutely not with those you're forcing. Point is, romance can differ in every circumstance, and is much more dependant on your initial comfortability level than anything else. of course for those of you trying to get with any date you go on, the textbook chivalrous behavior is very beneficial and can't possibly work against you. Other textbook things, champagne, roses, and chocolate covered strawberries. Female's weaknesses are deffinitly chocolate, expensive alcohol, and cutsie shit. (ie teddy bears, etc.) I still however, stick to my solemn belief that romance with someone worthy needs no instruction, and you'll find your way through the chaos without ever asking anyone. That's the best way anyway. Good luck with whoever you're trying to love!



  6. All good ideas guys, but maybe a bit unrealistic!! I'd say get her drunk pawn her off on someone who you don't really like, and you know wants some booty. That'd probably work. But if you tell her straight out that you really just don't want to have anything to do with her any more, she'll probably be humiliated enough to move on on her own. cwm1.gif

  7. A book I just finished is Hopeful Monsters by Nicholas Mosely. It's an absolutely wonderful historical fiction book that takes place between WWI and WWI. Not only is it a wonderful story about two lovers in different parts of the world, but it's full of interesting concepts from philosophy, psychology, and science. You'll learn more from this book than most of the classes you took in college. Enjoy! It's deffinitly worth the time. cwm12.gif

  8. wow, you guys certainly know your stuff and have been super helpful. I think i've managed to solve some of the problem. One: I'm going to check out all the clubs you all mentioned, and Two: my friend's buying a car. PROBLEM SOLVED. cwm41.gif I'll be back in New York and meeting up with all you guys in no time flat.

    Bye the way, all this coincidental name crap is getting really confusing. It's like playing "I know, do you know" with two different sets of people! Weird.

    Thanks again, everybody! Keep in touch! cwm30.gifcwm30.gifcwm30.gifcwm30.gif

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