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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Vixen = Aly If you're going shopping for fun stuff let me know, I wanna come with I just lined myself up a job as a Spirit of Ibiza Dancer in New York yayyyyy!!!!! so I need outfits too
  2. If you're going to get literally "dance clothing" as in stuff for performance, and not just regular club clothes, you're going to have to go for one of two choices. Dance and Ballet Catalogs - wait, don't run away yet. That sounds scary, and while it's true that most of it is either gay looking or for girls, there are some good finds in them sometimes. I can give you places to get catalogs from if you are not afraid of the whole team-dance "my mom is gonna think i'm gay if she sees this catalog" thing Sex shops - This should be easier for you to deal with as a guy. I get almost all my dance clothing from here. Select carefully cause a lot of stripper clothing is actually stripper clothing, and some of it is just dancer clothing (hey wasn't someone here gonna get me red shiny vinyl booty shorts at some point? start shopping! hahahah) but they always have unconventional stuff. Hope that helps
  3. HAHAHHAHAHAA your DJ friend is Jose Rodriguez, king of 1223 does have a good night though - when Ty spins - good music that night at least (but I think that only happens once a month and certainly not on a tuesday)
  4. :laugh: ooooomg I just laughed so hard my stitches almost broke!
  5. omg Edgar V in a thong bwahahhahaa Thanks babe!!! Much appreciated
  6. Need some info for a write-up: Where is Edgar V's current residency? Anyone know what his past ones were? If someone can give me that info it would be *much* appreciated!! Thanks!!!!!
  7. omg i can't imagine using that on a regular basis :puke2: uggghhhh that would be total torture
  8. It's my personal policy to do everything with passion. Anything else is wasting your time. btw, last night's response was pretty harsh. I think you got the leftovers of my finance-work frustration. my bad.
  9. :laugh: OK so let me get this straight - you use the internet because you're an introverted wierdo that can't be himself in real life and so obviously has zero self-esteem, but we should get lives? Well hey, at least I'm going to bed snickering!! :laugh:
  10. vixenfoxxy

    if you owned...

    The Booty Barn. It's a male strip club, in the shape of a giant golden butt like the one sir mix-a-lot sits on in the "baby got back" video. Thanks always to Kaity and Steph for collaboration on Booty Barn 1997
  11. Safe yes, but "nausea" hooooooly shit what an understatement!!! I puked my guts up the whole next morning, literally crawled to my car for swimteam practice then crawled past the pool, out to the boat and into bed instead because I was GREEN... it was gross. Most miserable day of my life. I had to take it a second time, incidentally, but this time I realized the trick. You eat. A lot. Eat more than ever would have wanted to put in your mouth, and the more nauseous you feel, the more you eat. Seems counterintuitive but it works - makes the sickness go away and keeps the pills down. I even made it through crew practice the next day... so if you gotta do it, prepare to gorge
  12. Forse perche' lui e' un DOUCHEBAG IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE? Obviously, he needs a second screenname to hide behind when he posts shit so he doesn't get railed for it, he has no balls and he won't reveal himself and blow his own cover. I don't think he has the rocks to do it.
  13. Keep some kind of book or something with all your assignments and due dates scheduled in it. If I don't do that I inevitably end up in class shitting bricks as everyone else hands in their finished 10 page papers. Other than that, just do your work during that day, and that way you know you have time to be out at night. I go to Georgetown and I worked as a promoter for almost 2 years, and I almost always had time to go to my parties 4 of 7 nights per week.
  14. Whoa for real? I live at 46 and Ithought I was in the boonies!!! Dammit why didn't I go to school in NY and just stay there!! I wanna see this!
  15. assgoblin? oh wait... that doesn't start with m...
  16. Actually, Exit has noticed its own shortcomings lately and the new set of promoters have been doing an awesome job turning it around thus far. They've fired cheesewhiz draper and the new Friday party is bringing in real talent now (and I'm not a promoter so if any one of you freaks on me about it I'll hit you. quit whining). They've already had Tiesto, Max Graham and Dave Ralph in there and Christopher Lawrence and Edgar V are starting off a huge list of true talent to come in. The crowd is beginning to diversify as well. The plan is to bring the talent and let that speak for itself and bring in the musically-oriented crowd. Granted this will take time and patience but I see it starting to work already. Have a little optimism on this one. I don't know about Saturday though I'm sure Vasquez can't be anything less than great, but certainly Fridays are going the right way.
  17. which night you going to 12? When's your game? Maybe I can come see
  18. Sorry but you'd be hard pressed to get me back for Acosta again. I can stand in front of the mirror and do my own cornholio impressions with my hands in the air without having to watch mr. rolypolytrancedj do it while boring me with utter silence when he should be spinning. Bring Armin back, I missed him
  19. Tell me what they look like!!! I am stuck in DC and I cannot experience it for myself for another two weeks.
  20. Well now that you're all kinds of far away in Hoboken... (being from Long Island, I don't even know where that is!!!), I know I can't come visit your clubs. BUT... I plan on having a little birthday party in NYC (belated, because the one I was originally planning this weekend had to be postponed for surgical reasons) when I get back to NY in two weeks. I'll keep you posted, and you best plan to stop by Or I'll beat your ass till you're screaming "gamo ti panayia sou!" like a lil bitch and cryin for your mom well not really but I'd love to see you there
  21. :laugh: Yet another classic response from Kosta!!! *applauds* I thought you're supposed to be nice to your countrymen and all that???
  22. Yeah pretty much. And don't forget your Koran... not that it's a problem for you 'cause you're a guy but they totally hunt the females there
  23. :laugh: OMG that's soooo true!! I never thought of limos in a freudian light but you're totally correct! Now this one... yeeehaw, I think I roped me a tacky-ol tasteless steed!!! thanks... i'll stick with that sweeeeeeetass lil jaguar limo
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