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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Not to rain on anyone's parade or anything, but I'm a little skeptical of this event. I heard reviews from Gatecrasher where he was recently spinning and word has it he was awful, that his mixing was crap and he played cheese tracks. Is this guy really all that he's cracked up to be?
  2. Hahahaha Trashelle .... that's cute I actuallydon't think she's that hot. I think Brynn is way nicer looking. Although honestly, I haven't watchedthe show at all and I really couldn't give two craps less. Dee, here's my thought on this - it doesn't matter what show the guy has been on or whatever - disrespect is disrespect. If your friend will tolerate it, that's her own issue, but if she has any self respect and confidence she'll tell him to fuck off and find someone who will treat her better.
  3. bwahahhahahah road apples - your ruse has been uncovered <---Heather Healy hahahahha <and yes, I do shave and wear deodorant....>
  4. Yeah guinea chicks rockkkkkk lol
  5. Atomic Crapples you are a disgraaaaaace
  6. Saab, Audi - same thing - yuppie mobiles
  7. Pot? This is kettle. You're black.
  8. I guess that would have to be because one of MY weird fans already has visited my posts on the DC and NY boards... so it's my only means for retaliation to get you elsewhere
  9. Gatecrasher is Gatecrasher - you said it, not me. maybe he has standards. either that or he already has a punching bag....
  10. And... this is what my alfa romeos think of you:
  11. Inferior product?! I'm going to go beat my head on the wall now that you've thorougly irritated me... You're dumb as a brick, smackrat! Good thing you have other redeeming qualities... although I forget what they are....
  12. Would that be.... because people like you are too poor to afford them? Or would be because - baaaaaaaa - people are sheep? *coughBMWsyndromecough*
  13. i was thinking for a minute you were selling that new acura for $600 - I was like
  14. BMW's are so played out. Everyone has them. On my block, the cars alternate every other house - each house has either a BMW or a Porsche Boxster, so those Z4's will be in every second driveway soon enough Same with those Audi Yupster mobiles that Nils has got. Alfas are CREATIVE - no one has em over here! So nyaaaaaaah!
  15. Car criticisms coming from someone who drives a microscopic compact car with the steering wheel on the wrong side I'd tell you to go buy a clue but knowing the length of your attention span you'd probably forget what it was you were after before you even got near the clue store....
  16. Post it a few more times, supasupadupahewaaaaaaa
  17. you poor little smackrat... i guess in your general poverty you've never seen a house like mine and mistook it for a hotel? Go on now, off with you! Shouldn't you be off at doncaster warehouse playing with your lightsticks and vicks?
  18. No no no! you've got it all wrong! It's the Aly Needs a Jaguar Fund, and that's because there's no parental funding/bribery with regards to Jaguars. Daddy says that English cars are shitty and the new Jags are just glorified fords, so he won't get me one. HOWEVER The parents have made a bribe deal, that if I graduate magna cum laude or better, that they'll get me an Alfa Romeo (see above picture) so NYAH NYAH NYAH Hater <and for the rest of you, let me remind you that all donations to the Aly Needs a Jaguar Fund are going in their entirety to the assistance of underprivileged college students. Your generosity will bring a smile to the face of a nice, hardworking but poor young lady somewhere near you! PM me for donation instructions>
  19. You're wank. It's a perfect match. Stick around
  20. I didn't kill him!!! What do you mean he's dead? :cry: Don't say things like that! he's safely chained up in my basement and - I mean - I have NO idea what happened!
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