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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Don't you mean Visage? Or was it the bowling alley?
  2. You know, Mr. "I went to an 18+ club on my 21st birthday" ...it might be advisable that you sit down and behave yourself.....
  3. You know, I'm pretty sure "CONGRATULATIONS" is spelled with a "T"....
  4. lol if I had half a clue how to realign the screen, I'd tell you, but my dad did it for me and I haven't the faintest idea how <p.s. - jroo, you're a lazy butt! >
  5. Jealous much? You know how it is - those who can't have, hate! MSN... pfffft.... who the hell uses that? You freaking backwards English people Get with the program! P.S. - Competent computer users don't make quadruple posts!
  6. Knight Rider was the best show ever. I was pretty convinced when I grew up I would drive a kit car too (I think I might still be holding out on the hopes for a talking computerized car...)
  7. And you just LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! Vixenfoxxy<----
  8. Ewwwwwww! What does a cigarette beetle look like anyway?? (hm, maybe a topic for some research?)
  9. Yeah but there's always something less than impressive to me about a DJ booth that has to be moved aside and dismantled at the end of each night so that the stage can be used for fat hooches to dance on the other two nights
  10. That's a great website. Good to know they have someone putting in lots of effort to make a functional, user-friendly and content-laden display as a means of justifying what would otherwise be a total waste of bandwith.
  11. I was just waiting to see which tool would try twisting my words like that. Doesn't it just figure that you're the candidate? Besides, you'll notice that it's you ENGLISH PEOPLE that go around scorching your penises with appliances - makes me wonder about the real reason you've not been online lately...
  12. Well then I may very well be seeing you there - there's a plan in the works!!!
  13. But you're wide awake, because your pathetic ass spent last night staring at the big crack in the wall of your ghetto-ass house in douchecaster and talking to your pet goldfish 'cause no one else wants to talk to you!
  14. Good lord! What brand of laptop do you all use? Mine doesn't get anywhere *near* hot enough to do that!
  15. Yeah where was everyone? When I got there, they gave me the huge table by the window on the 3rd floor to accomodate everyone from CP (i guess that was on the house, lol, cause i originally only asked for a bed for 4 people) and then I only saw spinsaikel. If I saw anyone else I forget cause I was whacked last night... oops... <Cheap skizzates rock, reval >
  16. That's 'cause your screen settings are all messed up. Everything's nicely down the center for me
  17. Well starshaped, that reply had me positively peeing my pants with laughter! Damn, you are SO useless! *shakes head and stares at empty email box* U-S-E-L-E-S-S!!!!!
  18. The fact that he hasn't heard of Lazy Dog is positively disgraceful, and for this reason I highly suggest, Chle, that you go hunt down this loserface toolwagon and beat the ever living crap out of him until he learns what real music is about and ditches those awful UK hard house CD's he keeps locked up in his room... I wish I could offer you something offhand but I am not familiar with the scene over there (being just another new yorker) but I will ask my resident expert over here and maybe I can dig up someinfo for you
  19. I'm sorry, are you criticizing MY humor? That's a bold claim for someone who doesn't even TRY.... you've amused me a total of zero times in the past like, 2 weeks, so I'd have to say you're lucky I put in the effort. Now stfu and get to entertaining me, cause i'm wildly drunk and i'll likely want to kill myself in the morning when my mom wakes me up at 8 a.m. for breakfast and I'm all hung over. Make my day, doncaster... i'm counting on you!
  20. Yes, I put you down cause you might be there!
  21. I submitted a list to both of the guys in charge of the party requesting reduced admission & stamps for the third floor for everyone who had replied to my earlier thread. All those people are down by first names, and if I didn't know your last names, you'll just have "clubplanet" next to your name. So... you people should be taken care of for tonight. I've asked them to send me a confirmation on that before this evening so hopefully I will know for sure soon, but you should be good to go See you all there!
  22. Starshaped put up a thread about this, if you look a few titles down underneath this one. All the big events are there, along with their websites.
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