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Posts posted by liteflyr

  1. Originally posted by maximman

    Commence Ranting....

    I'm walking through a crowd of people, and two of em decide that they're going to have a conversation with each other, except that there are like 12 people in between them.... do they care? no, not at all... lets just SCREAM AT THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS TO EACH OTHER IN CHINESE ACROSS THE HALLWAY AND INTO THIS GUYS EAR.

    Oh, and not to discriminate... there's the huge topless guido guy who apparently doesn't realize that there are people in front of him and decides that he's just going to walk straight. He stomps on my foot, looks at me... and continues on his way... No sorry, not even an acknowledgement.

    One more. Do people not dance anymore? Has that art been lost? Everywhere I look, people are waving sticks and lights. Sticks connected to lights connected to another stick attached to a string. SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN, but feet keep still.

    WHEW... lets out a breath of air...

    End Rant.

    hm so jus like last time eh? :)

  2. Originally posted by teklord310

    By the way.... I don't have a problem with it or anything, but I can't understand why there are so many Asians at Exit. I guess it is jsut a popular hang out spot, but damn... enormous population. The crowd was pretty beat, fat dudes running around topless, juice heads giving us shit for getting in the way(Alphster got punched in the face for no reason), there were barely any decent looking girls going around. What was up with that? Good luck to those who are willing to venture out into Exit in the future, you won't see me there for a while.

    yes yes we all know the asian population is out of control at exit and not to get into the whole hating on asians thing, but jus something funny i happened to see: in this asian-american magazine that my family gets, they had a section on hot asian nightspots in the country, and for new york, exit 2 was listed as one of them. quite interesting i must say. "the lounge area opposite the stage is notorious for housing the club's asian contingency." :laugh:

    as for decent looking girls, sorry i couldn't make it last night tekkie :) went to tiesto at exit the last time and...not going back there again. anyways, i was actually up at rutgers at easton apts, guess we jus keep missin each other! :)

  3. hm i think the song you mean is blurry, and puddle of mudd is awesome :) saw em at irving plaza bout a month ago; they rock.

    if you're asking for other bands that sound like em: i recommend creed (and if for some reason you think that they suck, trust me their cd's are a lot better than the singles they put out), the calling (lead singer's hot), and tantric. o yea and linkin park rocks too, enjoy!

  4. hmm i don't think i'm that well read, but some authors i enjoy:

    zora neale hurston (their eyes were watching god)

    dostoevsky (surprisingly loved crime and punishment)

    c.s. lewis (all those chronicles of narnia books and screwtape letters)

    camus (l'estranger)

    frank peretti (this present darkness, piercing the darkness)

    and that guy who wrote song of solomon

    authors i do NOT enjoy:



    i'm sorry but i so did not enjoy reading pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility, jane eyre, bleh

    philosophers (do you call em authors?) i enjoy:

    plato and socrates




    st. augustine


    hm and that's all i can recall right now :)

  5. had a pretty chill day. one of my professors cancelled class cuz he was a romantic and then my singing group went around campus and sang serenades for people who ordered them for their valentine's. then i got a diamond ring charm from my guy, he goes to school in illinois, and a pink rose from my other guy friend. it was all very sweet :)

  6. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    . . . I guess my mind would have to be something from MC Eschers (spelling) collection . . you know, the guy who drew all those optical illusion paintings . . . invariably giving birth to those magic eye thingies . . .

    o yea, escher's stuff is pretty cool. generic but awesome to look at, i have relativity (the staircase one) in my dorm room and the waterfall at home, a couple of my favorites. did a whole project on that guy...

    dali's cool too, how odd that i'm obsessed with dali and escher right now too. i love dali's stuff, esp the swans reflecting elephants, that prolly describes my inner self.

  7. to all the chinese people celebrating the new year tomorrow: gong shi fah tsai! year of the horse :) hope everyone has a fun time celebrating. i'm going home to celebrate tomorrow and skipping classes :D my chinese school is going to tour the elementary schools in the area and doing an assembly so i'm dancing in those. that's always fun :) hope i get back in time to go down to chinatown and check out the lion dances. anyways, hope you all have a happy new year and plentiful hong baos :)

  8. Originally posted by cintron

    can't wait for the spring and some action at Lime Rock, man! :)

    that's the import xpression show in may right?

    if you're going to the flushing one and import eurasia in baltimore in april, lemme kno.

    i drive cute little 2002 elantra, not a powerful engine or anything but it gets me around at home. not too into working on my own car until i actually have the money to do all that. and when i do i'm getting my own acura rsx type-s.

  9. lol happykittn u crack me up:D

    anyways, as for the whole not liking asians bit, yes it's true there is that typical group of asian girls who like wear all black designer clothes and act a certain way, i admit i was one of those girls. and if there are guys out there who like that, both asian and nonasian, then to each his own.

    as for me, even though i really *despise* people like that, it doesn't make me act any different to them if they're a good friend to me. i don't limit myself to only dating or being friends with a certain group. i happen to find asian women very attractive but i also happen to know that we don't get along very well.

    and i think it's really important for people to know about their culture and heritage. it's something that i regret not starting on earlier in life. i only speak english too, but i actually wish that i knew more mandarin too. it's something that isn't a big deal if you've never even thought about it, but is something that's really important in the long run.

  10. been skiing since i was 6. wanna try snowboarding tho and not just cuz it looks cool, i actually wanna be good :) someone care to teach me? ski blades are fun too.

    definitely down for a trip to someplace good. this is the first year i haven't gone to killington for a week so i need to ski!

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