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Posts posted by liteflyr

  1. Originally posted by tribal

    can i ask you guys something. why do u need to go to church in order to 'talk to god'? cant you light up a candle, and do it at home or in a park? i could never understand the whole thing with churches and priests and all that beuracracy.

    i don't. it's just easier to lead that lifestyle when you have an atmosphere with other Christians.

    good for you realz, i'd go back except i'm very picky about my churches. always loved singing the songs tho...

  2. Originally posted by kingtek6k

    liteflyr Whats wrong with Rutgers? I'm an Electrical Engineering and Computer Enginering major at Rutgers, transfered from MIT. :cool:

    hehe nothing is wrong with rutgers. sorry i know i come off sounding like i really hate it but really i don't :) most of my friends go there actually, i just don't want to actually go there myself :D

  3. heh yea i have the mini edition of dreams for dummies; quite interesting but it says all the same things about flying. i get flying dreams a lot too, plus controlling dreams are also really fun. i want to start keeping a dream diary but yea i'm too lazy for that. the minibook is really helpful, has some interesting insight on sexual dreams too:tongue:

  4. hm well yea this thread has been doing many times over but i'm incredibly bored.

    first year @ nyu stern, had that stupid freshman syndrome first semester so i didn't do too well and trying to work harder now. it's going alright. hoping not to have to transfer to rutgers :tongue:

    and don't have a job but desperately searching, someone please give me a job! i need money to pay my 40k tuition ...

  5. well first of all i don't think you should pick a college based on how nice their dorms are but anyway.

    nyu has very nice dorms but of course they are way too pricey. everything is at least 10k next year so i'm pretty much fucked.

    as for nj, there's a whole bunch of rutgers people on the board. i like their easton ave apts on campus and the other off campus easton apts aren't too bad, you just gotta pay about 800$ monthly rent. the few ones i've seen at monmouth u are ok too.

    columbia/barnard has nice housing too, plus if you're at least somewhat competent you can be an ra and get free housing and a single when you're a sophomore. at least that's what my sister did.

    i would not recommend living at home and commuting unless you live really close to your school. and by close i mean less than an hour away. it's not worthy the time and trouble, plus dorming is all part of the college experience.

    good luck!

  6. Originally posted by djmoonshine

    quoth pics are thoroughly amusing... :laugh2:

    heh yes they are.

    finally tekkie! you decided to put the pics up:) i'm definitely saving the cute one of us: you're such a sweetie and your apartment rocks! real glad i made it to one of these things finally. will definitely be at the next one unless there are extenuating circumstances.

    quoth - a definite pleasure meeting you; you brighten my day :tongue:

    alphster - yea i'm still awaiting my praise-shirley thread

    rich/milamber (... i think?) - thanks for being one of the not-too-drunk ones there :)

    dave/maximman - heh sorry i showed up late but thanks for offering to stay with me, i'll see you around james and vicki's place.

    all in all, i surprisingly had a blast even tho it was a mini-meetup. i'll see you all on the 4th, until then :D

  7. Originally posted by ibclubbin

    and liteflyr, im not an asshole....i just like to let my agression out on this horrible excuse for a message board....but if you dig assholes, ill be one for you ;) either way...come and play thursday night:D



    i would love to come out thurs night ... and go to exit :) but unfortunately can't.

    tekkie - your apartments are farther down on easton than the easton north ones right? ... ok yes easton north i get it now; i hate driving around rutgers. does it matter which exit off 18 i take? cuz i'm prolly jus comin down from my friends' place at easton north anyway. alrighty ... guess i am coming then ... wow i just decided that now :) hold me accountable hon.

  8. both post-game options sound fun but i don't think i'm gonna be attending. i'm still deciding whether or not to actually go to syf cuz some stuff just came up. would love to hear bg spin and meet this guy; i like guys who seem like assholes; but we'll see. if anything i'll be at rutgers anyway and just stop by for a bit :D

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