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Everything posted by malanee

  1. 1. GQ , dkny type look? 2. Acrombie and fintch look... ruff neck 3. Gap preppy 4. Nutty brad pit fight club mixed retro style 5. Homey wigger look 6. Dirty i dont care look 7. Nsynce almost girls clothes look Either 1 or 4 - actually, I like men who dress European. Do you know what I'm talking about? Sort of preppy w/ an edge. Home? Nekkid!
  2. Like you don't wear those red wings you earned with pride!
  3. Y'all are going to have even more competition - I'm having a reportedly very good techno DJ over Friday as well. I haven't talked to Brian about spinning though - so he's out! ;-) What time will you be over Kuro?
  4. Who is actually working! *gasp* "i was reading dc one that magizine and i saw vic and vixen in it, it was a picture taken from the dj's both at buzz , the pic was of the crowd, you can see vic clear as day, and it looks like vixen , its in the dc one magizine with that girl from the saprano's on the cover." Looks like we have some famous CPers! Or should I say infamous???
  5. Correct! If I could ever stop spending money on partying - maybe I could afford some!
  6. malanee


    I have that happen to me when I get over-tired or when I take Valerian Root. I really scared me the first time and I had very evil bad visions of something dark and nasty in the room with me. The last time I had it though, because I knew what it was - it was just a little wierd feeling and I was mildly irritated because I was TRYING to sleep! *lol*
  7. *2 snaps in a circle* WORK IT GIRL!
  8. Okay - did you two idiots not notice that this post was abou ME!!!! No changing the subject! "The Princess Has Spoken"
  9. I spin - but no fancy stuff yet!
  10. I just thought you all should know so you will be extra nice to me tomorrow!
  11. Hey Elly! I'm a Criminologist. A LIBERAL Criminologist! I also bought some turntables back in Oct/Nov and I'm trying to become a famous DJ! Oh, and Vic wears animal print thongs - so watch out! We usually have a meet up in the hallway in front of the bathrooms in the main room at 1am - but you can also find us bouncing up front near the DJ. I'm having a pre-party at my house too, if you're interested - pm me!
  12. You may not want to open on your work computer - although it IS just stuffed animals: http://www.wolfy00.com/w/hellokitty/bm01/playapicnic.shtml
  13. That's what I was thinking too! I bet it is pretty nice!
  14. malanee

    Have you

    No THERE'S a healthy obsession! *drool*
  15. malanee

    Have you

    Take it from someone who is older and wiser (shaddup peanut gallery) - finding the right person is 10% compatibility and 90% timing. There will be other girls and you will probably get your heart broken a few more times before it is all said and done. So, remove yourself from the situation if you have to - because your pining for this girl is unhealthy and probably has something to do with always wanting the thing you can't have. Grieve, get over it and move on. ((hugs))
  16. A1Wave has taken stalking to a whole new level! She emailed him to be sure he'd be here on the 16th so she could fly down and see him! *psycho music in background*
  17. Thanks for reminding me that I have to save my money for the man sluts....I mean shopping!
  18. malanee

    Have you

    Vic - your multiple personalities are posting on the boards again! :-)
  19. D:Fuse is here the 16th! That's according to a personal email from him!
  20. Crap! I wanna go! Why am I not rich? Why don't my weekends last for 4 days? Why can't I stay sober?
  21. malanee

    Have you

    Hey - I went through a rough time too! Don't I get a free drink????
  22. malanee

    Have you

    I know what you are going through - I had to completely ditch a group of people last Feb. because things went very sour w/ a guy in the group. He continued to treat me horribly, I still had feelings for him - it wasn't a healthy situation for either of us - so I got out. It wasn't easy. It takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut someone like that loose. But you have to. ((hugs))
  23. Does anyone know about the Marseilles (17th and Collins) or the Cavalier (13th and Ocean Drive)? We're trying to decide which hotel to get! Thanks! Malanee!
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