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Everything posted by jamaica

  1. jamaica

    Not Grandma Too!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  2. He's just jealous. Tha's the way he has always been. I don't talk to all my ex's just these two.
  3. jamaica

    Not Grandma Too!!!

    Last one sorry!!!
  4. jamaica

    Not Grandma Too!!!

    Wait there is more. This might offed somepeople
  5. jamaica

    Not Grandma Too!!!

    You never look at grandma the same again.
  6. :eek: This might offend sme eople
  7. This might offend some people
  8. How much of a discount are you talking about?
  9. I don’t think that I am going to get myself in trouble this weekend. Two of my ex’s called me on the same day. Both want to hang out this weekend. One of them is flying in from Cali for Labor Day. So I’m suppose to hang out with him (Cali) on Friday with his bestfriend (we have all know each other for 7 years). The other one is going to help me go shopping (he never liked to go shopping when we were together) with me on Saturday. I still have love (not in love with) for the one that is going to go with me shopping (we have a lot of history together). :unhappy:But the problem is that I have a very very crazy, jealous man. I figured that there is nothing wrong with hanging out with them. Only one of them knows that I have a man the other I haven’t told yet. But i'm gonna tell him. :hey:The question is should I tell him that I’m going to hang out with them (we tell each other EVERYTHING). Help Please
  10. Enjoying Your Own Beauty . . . In Time. Age 3: She looks at herself and sees a Queen. Age 8: She looks at herself and sees Cinderella. Age 15: She looks at herself and sees an Ugly Sister (Mom I can't> go to school looking like this!) Age 20: She looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly"- and attempts to fix it but decides she's going out anyway. Age 30: She looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" - but decides she doesn't have time to fix it so she's going out anyway. Age 40: She looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" - but says, "At least, I am "clean" and goes out anyway. Age 50: She looks at herself and sees "I am" and goes wherever she wants to go. Age 60: She looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can't even see themselves in the mirror anymore. Goes out and conquers the world. > Age 70: She looks at herself & sees wisdom, laughter and ability, goes out and enjoys life. Age 80: Doesn't bother to look. Just puts on a purple hat and goes out to have fun with the world. Maybe we should all grab that purple hat earlier?!!!!!!
  11. WHy isn't the glitter schoold reject responding to the e-mail about her. Is she scared now or something? Illiana come out and play you stupid BITCH!!!
  12. Sorry to sound cheesy but. Please folks lets love one another and give 100% to everything we do. No onw is promised tomorrow. I read that somewhere this morning, and i think that it so true.
  13. jamaica

    RIP Aaliyah

    I'm still shocked. I really can't belive it.
  14. 1. Eyes 2. Lips 3. Neck Ususally in that order.
  15. You haven't gotten the worst out of anybody. Bitch just you wait Howard Beach hasn't seen nothing yet. Trust me bitch your gonna run and hide when i come thru. :bigfinger:
  16. tOnythelover she wouldn't last a minute in the ghetto. But i could last a life time in her world. She ain't shit, and will never be shit, but the punk ass she is. HOLLA
  17. I’m sorry it took me so long to respond I HAVE A LIFE. I don’t spend my day on the chat-board trying to insult a group of people. No matter what you say or where you come from I will still always be BETTER then you. You say why because I HAVE CLASS. Coming from a “privileged background” doesn’t necessarily mean that you have class. By what you are saying I can tell that you are an arrogant, judgmental, ignorant little bitch, who just doesn’t know any better, and thinks that she is right just because you come from a “privileged background” (bullsh*t). My mother NEVER took any kind of drugs during her pregnancy or after her pregnancy. On the other hand your mother should have taking crack will she was pregnant maybe you would have turned out better then you are now. And as for looks you have NOTHING on me. :bigfinger: Bitch I don’t need makeup to look gorgeous, unlike you who wears makeup and still looks likes SHIT. I’ve seen your picture bitch. Get real, you should not be trying to insult someone on their looks. I have more ambitions them you can ever dream of, and will get farther in life them you can ever imagine, and I can do it all with out sucking my bosses dick, you stupid hoe. That’s the kind of chick you are, so you are not a treat to me in life. Yes, I will always be proud of where I came from, and what I have made I through. And not for nothing, I hope they do build that shi*t in Howard Beach. Cause you would never walk the streets. Because you a scared little bitch that shit behind her computer and talks way too much shit. Beat-down, you will be the one getting all the beat-downs with all the shit you talk. Go to any hood and talk that shit, see if YOU Would WALK out of there. That’s when you will learn the real meaning of beat-down. You beat me down, bitch wake the fuck up and stop dreaming. :bigfinger: Whore don't be mad because i have a life. If you try you can get one too. Bitch get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And stop taking so much SHIT.
  18. Moesha, oh I get it your trying to be funny. I saw that picture of you on the other board; a picture is worth a thousand words (What happened). I don’t have to try and KEEP IT REAL I just do me. I don’t feel out of place anywhere I go weither it be Madison Ave. or Flatbush Ave. It’s the people that are already there that are uncomfortable with me being there. Why shouldn’t I defend where I come from, everyone should defend where they came from. Now the only black women you could come up with was a t.v. character. Now who is the one that has no fucking clue. BITCH pick up a book, and read, educate yourself on other cultures. That’s why I like the ghetto, you get to live around other cultures.
  19. See that’s is where you are wrong. You might think that EVERYONE in the ghetto WALKS around ACTING HARD, AND IS LOUD. WRONG. ( I know that I don’t do that) I don’t know what ghetto you have been to, but I know that 98% GOT BITE. Go to, Bedstey, Brownsville, Ocean Hill, Far Roc, S. Jamaica, there you will see true do or die niggas. Yes you can make it, I made it. The people that I knew made it, everyone in my family made it. :bigfinger: Relative on Rikers, no wrong again. No one in my family is or ever was in jail. Baby daddy’s, no wrong again, I have no kids. :bigfinger: I’m that bitch you see in the ghetto in a two-piece suit, and heels, and you look at me like im outta place, no it’s you that is out of place.
  20. Don’t put that on my resume, if you’re trying say that I don’t work, I DO. I don’t see nothing wrong with growing up of living in the ghetto. I think that I have seen it all living in the ghetto. I might not live in the ghetto NOW, but my man does and it’s ALL-GOOD, I prefer his neighborhood to mine. And as for projects never lived in the projects but I know people who do. Have you ever been to a project, if you haven’t you really should, it just might do you some good. Yes I did go to school in the ghetto but that doesn’t mean s**t. Not only am I book smart, but I am also street smart. :bigfinger: You can stay in YOUR little “privileged society”, because you could never make it in mine. :bigfinger:
  21. Have you ever lived in the Ghetto, its no joke? I was born and raised in the Ghetto, but my mother was never on welfare. And what the F***k is a Ghetto need. And is that the picture of that kid that got released from prison after 17 years, after beating those black teenagers? Nice pic :bigfinger: You ain’t ready for “GHETTO” life, baby. HOLLA
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