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Everything posted by emiliep

  1. obviously you haven't done your homework because if you knew ANYTHING about the replies you're referring to and MORE IMPORTANTLY the people who made them, you would realize that you're the one that sounds like the biggest ASS. why don't you lighten up....
  2. gravity, i think you take this board WAY too seriously if you have such animosity towards the people who choose to voice ANYTHING!
  3. i was just reading majesticmelodi's signature and it reminded me of a phrase i always heard but never knew what it meant...mo jo?
  4. i wanted to get some saki with it but i don't think my boss would've appreciated that. what's the concensus...hot or cold? i like it HOT!
  5. dale this is all your fault...i wanna be CLUB GODDESS!!! only 80932034820 more to go!
  6. well, if you look back at my question i pretty much asked a general one towards the clubs out in long island. i wasn't speaking of neptunes specifically which i know is a day place and is assumed to close early. the one time i hung out in long island, the club closed around 4 or 5. to me, this is early. i just wanted to know if the clubs in long island generally close this early.
  7. ...and the only one who can't speak english? DUH!
  8. i'm i the only one that's not following?
  9. i'm with you on this one lillizzy. my brother has a 73 camaro and it looks niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.
  10. ooh me me me... the male grasshopper can only engage in sexual activities if the female bites his head off first.. a pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes (OMG!!!) dolphin's are the only other species besides humans that have sex for pleasure
  11. don't the places out there close really early?
  12. you better watch out dale! i've been working out...STRONG LIKE BULL!!!!
  13. well this is exactly the reason why i bring my antibacterial hand lotion (tangerine spice) from bath and body works. not only does it clean but it's a GREAT lubricant for massages!!!!!!!!!!
  14. ya know what else is pretty gross. throughout the night, people are constantly brushing up against you or kissing you hello or whatever the case might be, and by the end of the night you have hundreds of different sweat smears on you! EWWWW!!!
  15. we are sooooooooooo there daleeeee!!!!! we just need to find our 'leaning' wall!
  16. ya know, i never actually realized how scary scooby doo could be for little kids until i watched it with my neices. the two of them were practically sitting on top of me throughout the whole show. SO CUTE! but to them, scooby is known as booby! not a very articulate pair...yet.
  17. the bathroom up there is so nice. i wish it just wasnt so far away from level 1 dance floor! it takes FOREVER!
  18. yeah. if you step into the jacuzzi room and turn towards your right, you'll see them. they lead into the bathroom.
  19. aw scotty, you just made me all warm inside!
  20. i bet it would feel really good to relax in but the thought of other unknowns floating all around me skeeves me out!
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