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Everything posted by trancerxn112

  1. see thats what im talking about... having sex with a girl while shes still dressed... theres something so sexxxy about it
  2. ... lol Gabo u male whore... u look so innocent in person... strap-ons huh thats to good...
  3. heels can be fun but they scream pro, no offense... you bring in a pair of kicks and the vibe i get is innocent college coed wants some action really fast... so fast there isnt enough time to undress...
  4. one thing is for certain... actually two... but here goes one (1) you need to get off Mike's dick because he scams on squirrel the likes youve never seen, hes an awesome dj with his own unique sound which is rare considering all the draper, tenaglia, and peters wannabes... and two (2) you need to get a new routine becuase the wise-ass exit lover is not gonna cut it... if thats ur real personality i feel sorry for you... stop being an internet tough guy and say some of the shit u talk about to the people you actually say that shit about... im talking to their face not Aol Instant Messenger okay n00b!
  5. uh god... if my gf wore that first id ravage her then tell her how slutty it is and probably ravage her again.
  6. its really nice to know im not alone!
  7. Let me start off by saying that this is not an official document by any means but more of a work in progress and id appreciate all input weither it be positive, negative, question, comment or correction... also i appologize for it being so long... i really think its worth your time to read though. The Art of Cunnilingus: First, comes the mental aspect... you must convince your woman that the idea of going down on her would turn you on and that you want to pleasure her. If it doesnt or you dont... fake-it... nothing is more of a turn off then an unwilling partner... Second, prime the pumps... kiss her neck, her stomach, her inner thighs, back or hips... the parts that turn her one... before you start you want her to be wet if not soaked... Third, prepair your targer... kiss and lick her outer lips this is an under-rated area and some women are very sensitive in the region... lick her entire slit with the flat of ur stomach but avoid the clit... Fourth, get hands-on... many guys forget to use their hands... you want to touch her, caress and rub her... show her that ur into it... and again if your not... pretend... Fifth, things are about to get hot... make direct contact with her clit using the flat of your tongue... if you have successfully accomplished all the previous steps this will send an electrifying signal all over her body... in case you dont know where to look the clit is located on the top of the inner lips under a piece of skin... Sixth, the tongue tornado... using the flat of your tongue trace counter-clockwise and clockwise (slow) circles over her clit... Seventh, oh my god... god is the idea here... using the tip of your tongue make a cross like shape... top to bottom, left to right and repeat it several times... also take this time to ask her if shes enjoying herself and tell her how much this excites you... Eighth, the figure 8... this can be tough... imagine her clit is the number 8... trace it concentrate on maintaining your form this will be a mix between steps 6 and 7... Ninth, If she hasnt cum yet thats okay... this move combined with any of the other steps will send many of them over the edge... I happily dub it... "cum hither" insert 2 finger into her gently make sure they are well lubricated with her own juices or lick them generously... when both fingers are inside her make the sign like you are telling her to come to you... try to hit the section 3-4 inchs inside on the top of the vagina... Tenth, if she hasnt cum ask her what you could do to make her cum... you are not a psychic and many times girls are a little reluctant to tell you what they want... if you set up active communications you can seriously strengthen your sexual experiences as well as your non-sexual relationship Bon Appetite!
  8. I may be wierd but ive always wanted to have sex with a girl who still had on her shirt, sneakers and socks but was naked below the hips other then that... im strange i get turned on more by when girls do things while they are in their clothes then when they are naked... anyone else have unusual but realistic fantasys?
  9. i wouldnt know i just told u all i did... i must rest my brain now it overheated
  10. there like nair on your hair... sorry
  11. i actually thought the same way until my economics teacher told me why they do this... when people make a lot of money in order to put themselves in a lower tax bracet they make charitable donations for a tax write off... most people donate to their schools to fund clubs and new projects... its in the best interest of the school as well as the person donating the money because they both benefit.. unless if u think ur money would do better somewhere else... hope that shed some light on the topic.
  12. i dont remember the name but it was a german dude counting... eine svine poolitszy tri ve gweniver fume six centa kixz sibuna duna... lol it was wicked
  13. My favorite is this Sushi place its between 23rd and 24th on 3rd ave the food is amazing and its not to expensive and its a nice environment
  14. no i think im full assed hold on let me check...
  15. anyone remark how the word dictionary is in a dictionary... i mean if u dont know what a dictionary is how could u use one to look up the word... food for thought!
  16. i dont do anythign half assed... if i do anything i pour everything into it, but i respect ur opinion... now its dinner time
  17. should we all make a song about it... how bout a poem... perhaps an Ode to how we all hate Draper... Lets start with his programming... shaky at best he cant match beats to save his job (oh yea didnt they fire him... 2 times?)... he caters to a crowd who love commercial beats... i hear he uses vinyls now? big change over from him extensive MP3 collection
  18. your response is highly fallacious. You choose to attack the weakest of my arguments instead of acknowledging the others... if u wanna choose a position and defend it at least do it right... in reply to what u said... im sure Tiesto and PVD are going to be packed as hell... we are talking about Made Events here... they really dont give a rats ass what people want... every person they see dancing is a money sign not a human being so in retrospect there really is no answer because its not Roxy... its Made.
  19. yep... the other "less intelligent" variations of him were stains in his momma's underwear ... btw im pro-choice i value life but i also value a womens right to choose so anyone who was offended by the abortion comment i appologize
  20. no ur absolutely right exit brought in some big names... Jules who was sopposed to be accompanied by Armin Van Buuren but when asked about it said "i was never scheduled to perform at exit." Then you have Cosmic Gate who came on at 4:00 and played till 6:00 all well and good if u dont mind paying 40$ to hear a 2 hour set. Tiesto... 7000 people with a closed off section for Realz (master exit promoter) and no air conditioning... ive always wanted to know what it felt like to stand in a room with 6999 people sweating bullets from standing closer together then sardines in a can . Should i keep going?
  21. boooooooooooooong! (no not the drug paraphanilia ((Spelling)) go back under the stairs pot-heads!)
  22. u know whats depressing... that America is so against abortion... ur stupidity is grounds to legalize abortion and to pour millions of dollars in to birth control campaigns...
  23. thats pretty much true now cause his job DEPENDS on it... Draper maybe a decent DJ but u cant rank him up there with Cox, Buuren, Picotto, Bond, Project... u know, the big boys so by trashing clubs like Arc, Roxy and SF ur pretty much saying that the big boys suck and draper is number one... so as far as i see it u can pretty much go back to sucking on exits dick because unless they bring in some REAL talent u wont see me giving even a glance at exit... sound fair? okay then now would it be possible if u can crawl into the hole u came out of... make a REAL name and post like us other clubbers or if ur to scared to step out of the shadows out of fear of Mike Bugout... (hes crazy) i understand dont mention these threads
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