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Everything posted by jerrycxtacy

  1. lol george your horrible!! lol anyways, bon!!! i need a favor.. can u give me quick directiosn to hunka bunka coming from the parkway south.. i havent been there in mad long but i gotta give directions to someone cause there meeting me there, but i dont know the exact exit and how many streets u need to go down b4 u make the left where HB is.. isnt there a 711 or something on that corner??? let me know!
  2. WHAT A NIGHT! I had a great time!!.. special thanks to george, nice meeting you, thanks for the drinks! Richie ... All i gotta say is if u gotta go you gotta go!! lol Zee.. Nice meeting cutie but Let go of my friends god damn it!! by the way, i dunno if anyone noticed but zee spun a 5 minute set last night!! lol hahaha.. Stardo, nice meeting you also hun!.. shit, i forgot who else i met.. Stiffler, i need some help here!! anyways, it was great meeting everyone .. it was a great night!
  3. me and mary will be in the dj booth at about 1ish if anyone wants ti join me.. mary jane that is!!
  4. missy, dont lie, you enjoyed it because i was there! i was enjoying myself in teh dj booth.. they let me play with the smoke machine and the sirens.. whaaaaaaaaaa!! lol
  5. ok cool.. im just asking cause i want my comp, i dont wanna be assed out.. and since its 18 for girls.. george better make it Jerry C + 7
  6. i think i saw u but im not sure, i was in the dj booth practically all night, i was wearing a gray shirt with red sleaves.. maybe u saw me??
  7. nah, im going to hunka bunka, need to speak wit bon..
  8. if the comps work till 11 only, whats a safe time to get there??? im guessing around 10:30ish??? is there even a line at that time or will we all be ok???? i hate to be the early bird, but fuck it!
  9. i went there last saturday, place is ok.. dancers are hot!!! when i first got there they started playing hip hop, then at liek 12:30 it was all house, mostly commercial.. the crowd was a mix, there was alot of good looking ladies there!!
  10. yeah mojority was under ago too... im not a big fan of thursdays much, but nicky sure did a good job, too bad i had to leave early..
  11. hell fucking yeah!! after awhile i was like, dude.. wtf. shut up!! anyways george, i planned on saying whats up last night, but u seemed occupied.. brian, were u by georges bar all night??
  12. im deffinatly down with red heads!!
  13. nicky did a great job at metro last night!! but im still not getting the 2 minute momma's gonna knock u out set he rocked.. all in all, he did a sick job!
  14. id wake ur ass up now, but its maaaaad early!!!
  15. lol no doubt, im there!!! george, i went to metro last night (thursday) i ment to say what sup but u seemed busy for awhile, i was mainly in teh dj booth all nick with nicky.. see u tonight!
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