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Everything posted by jerrycxtacy

  1. missy, dont lie to everyone... u know u fantasize about midgets all the time.. infact, i found thsi picture of you and your ex boyfriend.... i always knew u were a freak!!!!
  2. erica seems to be the favored girl in this thread, i think we should all have a huge bucaki all over her grill face.. lol sorry babe... lol
  3. bon, andrew told me to come saturday.. so im there !!!! we need to talk business kid.... peace
  4. ILL TELL U WHAT I HATE!!!! i fucking hate it when u make a brand new cd, with the hottest beats, and when ur done.. its skips... I hate that!!! fuckinnn weeeeak! and no mark, you cant have a copy... lol
  6. erica, your a whole 10 mins away from me pm me.. lol.. we'll get up!!!!!
  7. i understand babe... i wish i could just find the right girl for me.. im just tooo god damn picky!!!! for some reason, i have to have an italian girl... i just have too!!!! so atleast my parents wouldnt mind..
  8. speak for yourself cutie.. hey, im single & just trying to get my thing on.. do u blame me??
  9. maybe u guys should grow up, and notice that mike is a person too.. maaaaaannnnn psshahahahaha ....riiiiightttt hey mike, take a sip of some hat-or-ade, and maybe u can be as cool as us
  10. holly shit!! girl, where have u and your attitude been all my life!!!.. i think... i think.... i think i love you!!!
  11. nothing much hun, i guess i missed out on u 2 weeks ago at my birthday party @ cherri.. u were there right???? i have to go to shooters soon with mark so i can watch u dance for me.. j/k... so i can watch u make me a dope ass drink!! how bout that! and then maaaaybe afterwards if im satisfied with your standards, ill throw u my number.. but ONNNLY if im satisfied!!!
  12. hey im not taken!!!! i mean i may have a cumad (coo-mod) here and there, but other than that, im pretty much livin a single life..
  13. im very single... so whatsup baby!!! lol ps: mark, we know ur just looking for another gay lover.. no need to beat around the bush.. lol j/k bro
  14. hey george i have a question.... one of my good friends that works for the the town said that some people, he didnt mension names, wanted shut down METRO. Thats why they took away the alcohole license, or something like that. I dont understand why they would wanna do so...????? anyways, he also said that since metro has been having problems with there drink license that not only does metro have to stop serving at 1, but so does the other bars or whatnot in rochelle park. soooo he said, that all the bars in teh area are trying to close Mtero down!!!.. Im still not getting this.......... .. I hope the new afterhours doesnt lead us too a closed down metro. I say we make a petition...
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