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Everything posted by bmw4jay

  1. Platinum...some afterpartry I suppose....
  2. Just let me know....PM me....I'll definitely ride with ya...
  3. How would you reallly even know?? YOu have never even been to the Pajama Party...It's statements like this that contradict yourself, thinking you know more than you actually do...See ya there...
  4. Crazy stories....Check my thread in the JERSEY section...same topic.....http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=80571.......New York, what a town!
  5. The new "Nitelife:08 Mixed by Joey Negro"...Pretty chill, kinda funky. Check it
  6. Your're right..It's not coming up...Hmmm...Sorry Danny:laugh:
  7. THE OFFICIAL DANNY TENAGLIA SITE.... Anyone on this??.....
  8. No thanks...No need for Draper anywhere within 2 blocks of SF, even on Fridays...Send em to WORLD...
  9. JP DAnny Howells DT And Michael Cala every Thursday@Angel.....very chill
  10. true...throw it on the "02/02" Mix
  11. I might check out Platinum with some friends...figure it should be interesting..maybe I'll see ya there
  12. Look for me hikin the roller-coaster rail...I hit that thing a couple times and everyone flips out...Next I'm gonna try and hit it switch boardslide 360 out....
  13. I heard the same thing...I don't think that much earlier though....Probably won't find out till Sunday rolls around and JP just stops spinnin:rolleyes:..
  14. I got searched after the driveby!!..Wher'd you vanish off to?...Nelson was upset...Vinyl??...Always this week..
  15. 4 a.m. conversations of course....and they have a hard time resisting dancing with me!
  16. My friend wasn't gonna sell anything to her...She was walking around with a roll of nickels...going up to everyone...andoffering "favors" for a pill...gross....My friend said something likee damn you look young, and shes like "Im 14."....wackos...
  17. .........Talk about unattractive!
  18. I think he means " etc. " .......Someone should inform him of the numerous libraries and free tutors within the state......Word, yo, Im out yo, one werd ect ect ect
  19. Yeh...I know him...cool kid...From Vernon. Hes always been sick at riding. I rode with him a couple times...He shoulda took 1st...HEs got his own company...http://www.grenadegloves.com Check it
  20. I wanna know what the craziest thing you ever saw at a club was...By crazy, I mean raw, scary, gross, funny; whatever it was that you will never forget...Heres mine: At SF over the summer, this fat white kid wearin tan dockers and a button down was mangled. He came up to me and said "Your friend is downstairs". I ignore him at first, but then he taps me again "Your boy Don Mattingly is downstairs waitin for you"..Annoyed at this point I point to my group of friends (about 8 of us) and say" All my friends are right here". This dummy still stood around us and started lightin a cigarette..or so I thought. It was actually a $20 bill...I was like "Argh...get the fuck away from us man"..He says..."My bad, I usually smoke 100's."....Then lights up a $100 bill...:eek:Needless to say the flame was big and drew a crowd...which was about 3 bigger guys who didn't agree that this guy should be smokin money..so they took his money and gave him some Newports... Just funny...this was like 15 minutes or so of entertainment for my crew and I...good stuff....unforgettable...this and the 14 year old girl who tried to buy a pill with a roll of nickels!
  21. ITs definitely possible...I've met lots of great people at clubs/bars...including the opposite sex...
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